//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && (window.location.protocol == "file:" && (window.location.pathname.split('/').pop() == "Run.html" || window.location.pathname.split('/').pop() == "nexacro.html"))) { nexacro.DeviceI.prototype.setup = function () { this._userCreatedObj = { }; this.curDevice = 0; this.isphone = 0; this._is_hybrid = true; this._protocolparameters = { }; var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toString(); if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { this.curDevice = 1; } if (this.curDevice == 1) { if (!this.bridge && this.isHybrid()) { this.bridge = document.createElement("IFRAME"); this.bridge.setAttribute("height", "0px"); this.bridge.setAttribute("width", "0px"); this.bridge.setAttribute("frameborder", "0"); this.bridge.style.display = "none"; document.documentElement.appendChild(this.bridge); this.msgqueue = new Array(); this.msgqueue.length = 0; setInterval("nexacro.Device.execiOS()", 20); } } }; nexacro.DeviceI.prototype.execiOS = function (method) { if (this.msgqueue.length > 0 && this.curDevice == 1) { this.msgqueue.reverse(); this.bridge.src = "nexacro://?" + encodeURI(this.msgqueue.pop()); this.msgqueue.reverse(); } }; nexacro.DeviceI.prototype.exec = function (method) { if (this.isHybrid() == false) { return; } this.msgqueue.push(method); }; nexacro._convertRealPath = function (strAlias) { if (nexacro.Device.isHybrid() == undefined || !nexacro.Device.isHybrid()) { return strAlias; } if (strAlias === undefined || strAlias === null) { return ""; } var rootPathCheck = strAlias.substring(0, 9); var iosFilePath = ""; if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosFilePath = strAlias.substring(9, strAlias.length); return nexacro.System.userapppath + iosFilePath; } else { return strAlias; } }; nexacro._closeWindowHandle = function (_win_handle) { if (nexacro._getMainWindowHandle() == _win_handle) { nexacro._destroyManagerFrame(_win_handle); nexacro.Device.exit(); _win_handle.open('', '_self'); } _win_handle.close(); }; nexacro._isHybrid = function () { return nexacro.Device.isHybrid(); }; nexacro._convertDatasetSSVToBIN = function (ssvdata) { return ssvdata; }; nexacro._convertDatasetBINToSSV = function (bindata) { return bindata; }; nexacro._convertStreamSSVToBIN = function (ssvdata) { return ssvdata; }; nexacro._convertStreamBINToSSV = function (bindata) { return bindata; }; nexacro._setProtocolVar = function (name, key, val) { var protocol = nexacro.Device._protocolparameters[name]; if (protocol == undefined) { nexacro.Device._protocolparameters[name] = { }; protocol = nexacro.Device._protocolparameters[name]; } protocol[key] = val; return true; }; nexacro._execBrowser = function (strUrl) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); if (strUrl == null || strUrl == undefined) { return false; } var params = '{"url":"' + strUrl + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Browser", "method":"execBrowser", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; nexacro._initDeviceAPI(); }