//Event Info 생성 if(!nexacro.ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo) { nexacro.ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onchange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.index; this.files; }; var _pEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo); nexacro.ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pEventInfo; _pEventInfo._type_name = "ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo"; delete _pEventInfo; nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo = function (obj, id) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onsuccess"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.datasets; //RUNTIME Only this.type; this.errorcode; this.errormsg; this.url; }; var _pExtFileLoadEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event); nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo.prototype = _pExtFileLoadEventInfo; _pExtFileLoadEventInfo._type = "ExtFileLoadEventInfo"; _pExtFileLoadEventInfo._type_name = "ExtFileLoadEventInfo"; delete _pExtFileLoadEventInfo; nexacro.ExtFileErrorEventInfo = function (obj, id) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onerror"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.errorcode; this.errormsg; this.errorobj; this.errortype; this.statuscode; this.requesturi; this.locationuri; this.index = -1; //RUNTIME Only }; var _pExtFileErrorEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event); nexacro.ExtFileErrorEventInfo.prototype = _pExtFileErrorEventInfo; _pExtFileErrorEventInfo._type = "ExtFileErrorEventInfo"; _pExtFileErrorEventInfo._type_name = "ExtFileErrorEventInfo"; delete _pExtFileErrorEventInfo; } //RUNTIME 여부 체크 if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { //런타임 멀티셀렉트에서 특정파일 삭제를 처리하기 위한 overriding. 2014.10.28 // idx_del 매개변수가 존재하고 -1 이상인 경우 0 을 시작으로 hidden_item 내 file list 에서 해당 순번의 파일만 삭제합니다. // idx_del 매개변수가 존재하고 -1 인 경우 해당 hidden_item 내 file list 를 전부 삭제합니다. // idx_del 매개변수가 없으면 hidden_item 내 file list 를 전부 삭제합니다. // // 만약 file 이 1개만 존재하는 경우 idx_del 에 0 값을 주더라도 hidden_item 을 삭제하지 않습니다 nexacro._remove_hidden_item = function(form_id, input_id, handle, idx_del) { nexacro.__removeFileUploadItem(form_id, input_id, handle, idx_del); }; // ============================================================================== // 파일처리 관련 API 지원 여부 // ============================================================================== nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport = { FileAPI : false, XHR2 : false, MultipleInput : true, //2014.11.04 이후 버전 Download : false, MSSave : false, Draggable : false, SelectorsAPI : false }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUploadCtrl //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileUploadCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FileUpload.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pFileUploadCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FileUpload, nexacro.ExtFileUploadCtrl); nexacro.ExtFileUploadCtrl.prototype = _pFileUploadCtrl; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pFileUploadCtrl); delete _pFileUploadCtrl; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItem //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileItem = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.fileitemedit = null; this.fileitembutton = null; this.selected = false; this.itemheight = 18; this.buttontext = "find"; this.buttonsize = 18; this.name = ""; this.oldvalue = ""; this.value = ""; this.index = 0; this.components = []; this._accessibility_role = "none"; this._event_list = { "onfindclick": 1, "onitemclick": 1 }; }; var _pFileItem = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.ExtFileItem); nexacro.ExtFileItem.prototype = _pFileItem; _pFileItem._type_name = "FileItem"; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItem : Style Part //============================================================================== _pFileItem.on_apply_style_itemheight = function () { this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); }; _pFileItem.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function () { this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); }; _pFileItem.on_apply_style_buttontext = function (buttontext) { if (this.fileitembutton) { this.fileitembutton.set_text(buttontext); } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItem : Create & Update & destroy //============================================================================== _pFileItem.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.fileitemedit = new nexacro.ExtFileItemEditCtrl("fileitemedit", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.fileitembutton = new nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl("fileitembutton", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.fileitemedit.set_readonly("true"); this.fileitemedit.style.set_align(this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_align()); this.fileitembutton.set_text("find"); this.fileitemedit.createComponent(); this.fileitembutton.createComponent(); } }; _pFileItem.on_created_contents = function () { var parent = this.parent; nexacro._append_hidden_item(parent._unique_id, this.name, this.on_fileinput_onchange, this, parent._handle, this.parent._multiselect); this.fileitemedit.on_created(); this.fileitembutton.on_created(); this.fileitemedit._setEventHandler("oneditclick", this.on_notify_fileitem_oneditclick, this); this.fileitembutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_fileitem_onfindclick, this); this.fileitemedit._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_fileitem_oneditlbuttondown, this); this.fileitembutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_fileitem_onfindlbuttondown, this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.components.push(this.fileitemedit); this.components.push(this.fileitembutton); } this._setAccessibilityActiveDescendant(this.fileitembutton); }; _pFileItem.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this.fileitemedit) { this.parent.filepathedits.delete_item(this.id); this.fileitemedit.destroy(); this.fileitemedit = null; } if (this.fileitembutton) { this.parent.filefindbuttons.delete_item(this.id); this.fileitembutton.destroy(); this.fileitembutton = null; } var parent = this.parent; nexacro._remove_hidden_item(parent._unique_id, this.name, parent._handle); }; _pFileItem.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var button_width = parseInt(this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo), 10); var height = parseInt(this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(this._pseudo), 10); var idx = parseInt(this.index, 10); var edit_l = this._client_left; var edit_t = this._client_top; var edit_w = this._client_width - button_width; var edit_h = height; var button_l = edit_l + edit_w; var button_t = edit_t; var button_w = button_width; var button_h = edit_h; if (this.fileitemedit) { this.fileitemedit.move(edit_l, edit_t, edit_w, edit_h, null, null); } if (this.fileitembutton) { this.fileitembutton.move(button_l, button_t, button_w, button_h, null, null); } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItem : Properties //============================================================================== _pFileItem.set_value = function (v) { if (v != this.value) { this.oldvalue = this.value; this.value = v; this.on_apply_value(v); this.parent.set_index(this.index); this.parent._setText(v); this.parent._setValue(v); return true; } return false; }; _pFileItem.on_apply_value = function (v) { if (this.fileitemedit) { this.fileitemedit.set_value(v); } }; _pFileItem.set_name = function (v) { if (v != this.name) { this.name = v; } }; _pFileItem.set_selected = function (v) { if (v != this.selected) { this.selected = v; this.on_apply_selected(v); } }; _pFileItem.on_apply_selected = function (isSelected) { if (isSelected) { this._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { this._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItem : Override //============================================================================== _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_oneditclick = function (obj, e) { this.parent.set_index(this.index); if (this.onitemclick && this.onitemclick._has_handlers) { this.onitemclick._fireEvent(this, e); } return false; }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_onfindclick = function (obj, e) { this.parent.set_index(this.index); if (this.onfindclick && this.onfindclick._has_handlers) { this.onfindclick._fireEvent(this, e); } return false; }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_oneditlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { this._accessibility_find_focus_flag(true, false); this.parent.set_index(this.index); }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_onfindlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { this._accessibility_find_focus_flag(false, true); this.parent.set_index(this.index); }; _pFileItem._accessibility_find_focus_flag = function (editflag, buttonflag) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.parent._editFlag = editflag; this.parent._buttonFlag = buttonflag; } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItem : Inner Event Handler //============================================================================== _pFileItem.on_fileinput_onchange = function (value) { if (this.set_value(value)) { this.parent.on_fire_onitemchanged(this, this.index, this.oldvalue, this.value); } }; _pFileItem._isPopupFrame = function () { return this.parent._onPopupWin; }; delete _pFileItem; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItemCtrl //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileItemCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ExtFileItem.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pFileItemCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ExtFileItem, nexacro.ExtFileItemCtrl); nexacro.ExtFileItemCtrl.prototype = _pFileItemCtrl; _pFileItemCtrl._type_name = "FileItemControl"; delete _pFileItemCtrl; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItemEditCtrl //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileItemEditCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.EditCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._edit = null; }; var _pFileItemEditCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditCtrl, nexacro.ExtFileItemEditCtrl); nexacro.ExtFileItemEditCtrl.prototype = _pFileItemEditCtrl; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItemEditCtrl : Style Part //============================================================================== _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editgradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : this._defaultPadding; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : this._defaultMargin; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var font = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editfont", pseudo, "font") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font") || nexacro.Component._default_font; return font; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var color = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editcolor", pseudo, "color") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || nexacro.Component._default_color; return color; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(pseudo); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && accessibility) { control_elem.setAccessibility(accessibility); } }; delete _pFileItemEditCtrl; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Button.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this._button = null; }; var _pFileItemButtonCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Button, nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl); nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl.prototype = _pFileItemButtonCtrl //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl : Style Part //============================================================================== _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : this._defaultPadding; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : this._defaultMargin; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var font = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonfont", pseudo, "font") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font") || nexacro.Component._default_font; return font; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var color = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttoncolor", pseudo, "color") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || nexacro.Component._default_color; return color; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileItemButtonCtrl : Event Handler //============================================================================== _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_fire_sys_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_onkeyup.call(this, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (key_code == 13 || key_code == 32) // 13 'enter' , 32 'space' { this.click(); } return ret; }; delete _pFileItemButtonCtrl; //============================== // 런타임용 FileUpload //============================== if (!nexacro.ExtFileUpload) { //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileUpload = function (id, parent) { //nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); trace(" parent ==>" + parent); var position = "absolute"; nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, 0,0,0,0, null, null, parent); /* User Property */ this.scrollbars = "autoboth"; this.filecolumn = ""; this.innerdataset = null; this._innerdataset = null; this.text = ""; this.index = -1; this.async = false; this.retry = 3; this.timeout = 30; this.itemheight = 18; this.itemcount = 1; this.uploadurl = ""; this.multiselect = false; this._multiselect = false; this.support = {}; Eco.object.copyProperties(this.support, nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport); /* Inner Property */ this._is_scrollable = true; this._scrollbars = 3; this._items = []; this._handle = null; this._last_id = -1; this._editFlag = null; this._buttonFlag = true; this._set_focus_dir = -1; this._want_tab = false; // tab key this.filepathedits = new nexacro.Collection(); this.filefindbuttons = new nexacro.Collection(); this._onPopupWin = false; this._accessibility_role = "fileupload"; this._event_list = { "onclick": 1, "ondblclick": 1, "onkeypress": 1, "onkeydown": 1, "onkeyup": 1, "onkillfocus": 1, "onsetfocus": 1, "ondrag": 1, "ondrop": 1, "ondragenter": 1, "ondragleave": 1, "ondragmove": 1, "onlbuttondown": 1, "onlbuttonup": 1, "onrbuttondown": 1, "onrbuttonup": 1, "onmousedown": 1, "onmouseup": 1, "onmouseenter": 1, "onmouseleave": 1, "onmousemove": 1, "onmousewheel": 1, "onmove": 1, "onsize": 1, "onsuccess": 1, "onerror": 1, "onappenditem": 1, "ondeleteitem": 1, "onitemclick": 1, "onfindclick": 1, "onitemchanged": 1, // Touch,TouchGesture "ontouchstart": 1, "ontouchmove": 1, "ontouchend": 1, "onpinchstart": 1, "onpinch": 1, "onpinchend": 1, "onflingstart": 1, "onfling": 1, "onflingend": 1, "onlongpress": 1, "onslidestart": 1, "onslide": 1, "onslideend": 1 }; }; var _pFileUpload = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.ExtFileUpload); nexacro.ExtFileUpload.prototype = _pFileUpload; _pFileUpload._type_name = "ExtFileUpload"; _pFileUpload._defaultButtontext = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttontext", "find"); _pFileUpload._defaultButtonsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonsize", "18"); _pFileUpload._defaultItemheight = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("itemheight", "18"); //파일 id별 파일정보를 가진객체 _pFileUpload.fileIdMap = {}; //파일 index별 파일정보를 가진객체 _pFileUpload.fileIndexMap = {}; //addEventHandler overriding(origin nexacro.EventSinkObject) //event명 통일을 위한 처리. _pFileUpload.addEventHandler = function (evt_id, func, target) { //trace("_pFileUpload > evt_id=" + evt_id); //event명 통일을 위한 처리. if(evt_id == "onchange") evt_id = "onitemchanged"; if (this._is_loading) { if (!this._loading_event_list) { this._loading_event_list = []; } this._loading_event_list.push({ id: evt_id, func: func, target: target }); } var listener = this[evt_id]; var idx = -1; if (listener) { if (target) idx = listener._addHandler(target, func, true); else idx = listener._addHandler(this, func, true); } else if (evt_id in this._event_list) { listener = new nexacro.EventListener(evt_id); this[evt_id] = listener; if (this._created_event_list) { this._created_event_list.push(evt_id); } else { this._created_event_list = []; this._created_event_list.push(evt_id); } if (target) idx = listener._addHandler(target, func, true); else idx = listener._addHandler(this, func, true); } return idx; }; _pFileUpload.setResponseZone = function (guideComp, helpMessageComp, fileListComp) { }; _pFileUpload.getAddedFileLength = function(isValue) { return this.getItemCount(isValue); //return this.getItemCount.call(this, isValue); }; //첨부된 파일 반환(HTML5 전용) _pFileUpload.getAddedFile = function(isValue) { }; //파일추가 _pFileUpload.addFiles = function () { var comp = this; var index = comp.getItemCount() -1; //파일 선택 존재유무 체크 if((index < 0) || (comp.hasValue(index))) { comp.appendItem(); index = comp.getItemCount() -1; } var findButtons = comp.filefindbuttons; var id = findButtons.get_id(index); var item = findButtons.get_item(id); //파일찾기 버튼 클릭 item.click(); }; /* * 런타임에서 멀티선택시 개별 파일 삭제 처리를 위한 closure * @param {number} itemIndex fileUpload item index * @param {array} fileList 파일명이 담긴 array */ _pFileUpload.setFileInfo = function(index, fileList) { var count = fileList.length; //file별 공통 정보 var fn = (function() { var itemIndex = 0; var fileCount = 0; return { deleteFile: function() { fileCount -= 1; //trace("deleteFile. last fileCount="+fileCount); }, updateItemIndex: function(deletedIndex) { //trace("updateItemIndex deletedIndex=" + deletedIndex); if(itemIndex > deletedIndex) { itemIndex -= 1; } }, getItemIndex: function() { //trace("getItemIndex itemIndex="+itemIndex); return itemIndex; }, getfileCount: function() { //trace("getfileCount fileCount="+fileCount); return fileCount; }, setConfig: function(index, count) { //trace("setConfig index="+index + ", count="+count); itemIndex = index; fileCount = count; } } })(); fn.setConfig(index, count); //var fileIdList = []; var seqList = []; for(var i=0; i 20) break; } } //다건 else if(count > 1) { //해당파일의 seq를 찾아서 delete 시킨다. var order = data.order; var currentSeq = order.getFileSeq(); //trace("currentSeq="+currentSeq); var fileItem = this._items[index]; nexacro._remove_hidden_item(this._unique_id, fileItem.name, this._handle, currentSeq); //해당 파일만 삭제 후 나머지 seq에 대한 업데이트를 실시한다. //--- idxMap에서 seqList 추출해서 처리~ // var info = {fileInfo: fn, seqList: seqList}; var seqList = idxMap["key_" +index].seqList; var listCount = seqList.length; for(var i=0; i client_width) { item_left = client_left - padding.left; } else { item_left = client_left - padding.left; } for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { item_top = itemheight * i; items[i].move(item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight, null, null); items[i].on_apply_style_itemheight(itemheight); items[i].on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileUpload : Logical Part //============================================================================== _pFileUpload.resetScroll = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._onRecalcScrollSize(); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } }; _pFileUpload._onRecalcScrollSize = function (fromComp) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var vscroll = this.vscrollbar; var hscroll = this.hscrollbar; var height = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo); var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var scrollHeight = this.itemcount * height; var scrollWidth = this._client_width; if (scrollHeight > this._client_height) { if (vscroll) { scrollWidth -= vscroll._adjust_width; } else { scrollWidth -= nexacro.Component.SCROLLBAR_DEFAULT_SIZE; } } control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(scrollWidth, scrollHeight); } }; _pFileUpload.on_hscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onhscroll && this.onhscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onhscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(e.pos); } return true; }; _pFileUpload.on_vscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onvscroll && this.onvscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onvscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementVScrollPos(e.pos); } return true; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileUpload : Properties //============================================================================== _pFileUpload.set_multiselect = function (v) { if (v != this.multiselect) { this.multiselect = v; v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this._multiselect) { this._multiselect = v; this.on_apply_multiselect(v); } } }; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 10) // kindlion confirm { _pFileUpload.on_apply_multiselect = nexacro._emptyFn; } else { _pFileUpload.on_apply_multiselect = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var multi_select = this._multiselect; var comp_name = this._unique_id; var handle = this._handle; for (var i = 0 ; i < item_len; i++) { nexacro._setMultipleFile(comp_name, items[i].name, multi_select, items[i]); } } }; } _pFileUpload.set_uploadurl = function (v) { if (v != this.uploadurl) { this.uploadurl = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_itemcount = function (v) { trace(" set_itemcount >>> " + set_itemcount); var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val != this.itemcount) { this._old_itemcount = this.itemcount; this.itemcount = val; this.on_apply_itemcount(); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_itemcount = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var old_itemcnt = this._old_itemcount; var itemcnt = this.itemcount; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var client_width = this._client_width; var itemheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo), 10); var buttonsize = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo), 10); var buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(pseudo); while (item_len && old_itemcnt > itemcnt) { old_itemcnt--; items.pop().destroy(); } for (var i = item_len; i < itemcnt; i++) { var item_left = client_left; var item_top = client_top + (itemheight * i); var item_width = client_width; var item = this._createFileItem(i, item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight); this.filepathedits.add_item(item.id, item.fileitemedit); this.filefindbuttons.add_item(item.id, item.fileitembutton); this._items[i] = item; } this.on_change_containerRect(); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); this.resetScroll(); } }; _pFileUpload.set_itemheight = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val != this.itemheight) { this.itemheight = val; this.on_apply_itemheight(val); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_itemheight = function (itemheight) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.style.set_itemheight(itemheight); } }; _pFileUpload.set_timeout = function (v) { if (v != this.timeout) { this.timeout = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_retry = function (v) { if (v != this.retry) { this.retry = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_async = function (v) { if (v != this.async) { this.async = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_index = function (v) { if (v != this.index) { this.index = v; this.on_apply_index(v); this._setAccessibilityStatSelected(v); }; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_index = function (index) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var item = this._items[index]; if (item) { if (this._editFlag) item.fileitemedit.setFocus(false); if (this._buttonFlag) item.fileitembutton.setFocus(false); var last_comp = item._getLastFocused(); this.value = item.value; } } }; _pFileUpload.set_text = function (v) { /* Readonly */ }; _pFileUpload._setText = function (v) { if (v != this.text) { this.text = v; } return this.text; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_text = function (text) { }; _pFileUpload.set_value = function (v) { /* ReadOnly */ }; _pFileUpload._setValue = function (v) { if (v != this.value) { this.value = v; } } _pFileUpload.on_apply_value = function (value) { }; _pFileUpload.setInnerDataset = function (obj) { if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { if (!obj) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { this._innerdataset = obj; this.innerdataset = obj.id; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pFileUpload.getInnerDataset = function () { return this._innerdataset; }; _pFileUpload.set_innerdataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setInnerDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.innerdataset) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (this.innerdataset && !this._innerdataset) { this._setInnerDatasetStr(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } return this.innerdataset; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_innerdataset = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.on_apply_filecolumn(); } }; _pFileUpload.set_filecolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.filecolumn) { this.filecolumn = v; this.on_apply_filecolumn(v); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_filecolumn = function (filecolumn) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem && this._innerdataset) { var items = this._items; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var filecolumn = this._innerdataset.getColumn(i, filecolumn); if (filecolumn) { items[i].set_value(filecolumn); filecolumn = 0; } } } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileUpload : method //============================================================================== _pFileUpload.upload = function (v) { var ret = false; var uploadurl; if (v == undefined) { if (this.uploadurl) { uploadurl = application._getServiceLocation(this.uploadurl); } } else { uploadurl = application._getServiceLocation(v); } if (uploadurl) { var items = this._items; var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len ; i++) { //trace("upload > " + i + "번 value=" + items[i].value); if (items[i].value) { ret = true; nexacro._submit(this._unique_id, uploadurl, this._handle); break; } } } return ret; }; _pFileUpload.appendItem = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var itemcount = this.itemcount; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var client_width = this._client_width; var itemheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo), 10); var buttonsize = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo), 10); var buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var item_left = client_left + padding.left; var item_top = client_top + (itemheight * itemcount) + padding.top; var item_width = client_width - padding.right; var id = itemcount; var item = this._createFileItem(id, item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight); this.filepathedits.add_item(item.id, item.fileitemedit); this.filefindbuttons.add_item(item.id, item.fileitembutton); this._items[id] = item; this.itemcount++; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { item._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(id); item._setAccessibilityInfoCount(id + 1); } this.on_change_containerRect(); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); this.resetScroll(); this.on_fire_onappenditem(this, id); } }; _pFileUpload.deleteItem = function (idx) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { idx = parseInt(idx, 10); var items = this._items; if (this.itemcount <= idx) { return; } var iCount = this.itemcount; var iCnt = iCount - 1; for (var i = idx + 1; i < iCount; i++) { items[i].index--; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { items[i]._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(i); items[i]._setAccessibilityInfoCount(iCnt); } } items[idx].destroy(); items.splice(idx, 1); this.itemcount--; this.on_change_containerRect(); this.on_update_fileitem(idx); this.resetScroll(); this.on_fire_ondeleteitem(this, idx); } }; _pFileUpload.on_update_fileitem = function (idx) { idx = parseInt(idx, 10); var pseudo = this._pseudo; var client_width = this._client_width; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var item_left, item_top; var itemheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo), 10); var buttonsize = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo), 10); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var draw_width = buttonsize + padding.left + padding.right var item_width = client_width - padding.right if (draw_width > client_width) { //item_right 변수선언 없음. 주석처리. //item_left = item_right - buttonsize; } else { item_left = client_left; } while (idx < item_len) { item_top = client_top + (itemheight * idx) + padding.top; items[idx].move(item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight, null, null); idx++; } }; _pFileUpload.getItemCount = function (isValue) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { isValue = nexacro._toBoolean(isValue); var cnt = 0; var idx = 0; var itemval_check; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; while (idx < item_len) { if (isValue == true) { if (items[idx].value) { cnt++; } } else { return item_len; } ++idx; } return cnt; } }; _pFileUpload.getItemIndex = function (obj) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { if (typeof obj == "object") { var idx = 0; var items = this._items; while (idx < items.length) { if (obj == items[idx].fileitembutton) { return idx; } if (obj == items[idx].fileitemedit) { return idx; } ++idx; } return -1; } } }; _pFileUpload._getItem = function (index) { if (index >= 0 && this._items.length > 0) { return this._items[index]; } return null; }; _pFileUpload.hasValue = function (nIndex) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { var idx = 0; var items = this._items; if (nIndex == -1) { while (idx < items.length) { if (items[idx].value) { ++cnt; } ++idx; } if (cnt == items.length) { return true; } return false; } if (nIndex < items.length && items[nIndex].value) { return true; } return false; } }; _pFileUpload.getValue = function (idx) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { var items = this._items; if (items && idx >= 0 && idx < items.length) { return items[idx].value; } return ""; } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileUpload : Override //============================================================================== _pFileUpload.on_notify_onfindclick = function (obj, e) { var bHandled = false; var index = nexacro._indexOf(this._items, obj); if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { bHandled = this.on_fire_onfindclick(obj, index); if (bHandled) { try { nexacro._findclick(this._unique_id, obj.name, obj, this._handle); } catch (e) { var errorobj = nexacro.MakeError("ObjectError", this, "comp_incorrect_file"); this.on_fire_onerror(this, errorobj.name, errorobj.message, obj, null, null, null, index); } } } return bHandled; }; _pFileUpload.on_notify_onitemclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { this.on_fire_onitemclick(obj, obj.index); } }; _pFileUpload.on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { var count = 0; var items = this._items; if (items) count = items.length; return (+this.index)+1 + " " + count; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileUpload : Event Handler //============================================================================== _pFileUpload.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri, index) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { //var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadErrorEventInfo(obj, "onerror", errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri, index); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileErrorEventInfo(obj, "onerror"); evt["errortype"] = errortype; evt["errormsg"] = errormsg; evt["errorobj"] = errorobj; evt["statuscode"] = statuscode; evt["requesturi"] = requesturi; evt["locationuri"] = locationuri; evt["index"] = index; return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onlbuttondown && this.onlbuttondown._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttondown", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this.index, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onlbuttondown._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { if (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttonup", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this.index, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onlbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onfindclick = function (obj, index) { var bCheck = true; if (this.onfindclick && this.onfindclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(this, "onfindclick", index); bCheck = this.onfindclick._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return bCheck; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onitemclick = function (obj, index) { if (this.onitemclick && this.onitemclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(this, "onitemclick", index); this.onitemclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onappenditem = function (obj, index) { trace("on_fire_onappenditem 호출 1 this.onappenditem="+this.onappenditem); if (this.onappenditem && this.onappenditem._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(obj, "onappenditem", index); trace("on_fire_onappenditem 호출 2"); this.onappenditem._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_ondeleteitem = function (obj, index) { if (this.ondeleteitem && this.ondeleteitem._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(obj, "ondeleteitem", index); this.ondeleteitem._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onitemchanged = function (obj, index, oldvalue, newvalue) { //변경되지 않으면 stop if(Eco.isEmpty(newvalue)) return; if (this.onitemchanged && this.onitemchanged._has_handlers) { //var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemChangeEventInfo(obj, "onitemchanged", index, oldvalue, newvalue); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo(obj, "onchange"); evt["index"] = index; evt["files"] = this.convertFileInfo(newvalue); evt["newvalue"] = newvalue; //evt["size"] = index; //evt["oldvalue"] = oldvalue; this.setFileInfo(index, evt["files"]); return this.onitemchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; //파일 full path 경로들을 파일정보 객체로 반환 _pFileUpload.convertFileInfo = function (fullPaths) { var fileList = fullPaths.split(","); var fileCount = fileList.length; var fileInfoList = []; var fileName, fileId; for(var i=0; i 0) { //var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess", ds, code, msg, url); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess"); evt["datasets"] = ds; evt["type"] = "upload"; evt["errorcode"] = code; evt["errormsg"] = msg; evt["url"] = url; return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, evt); } else { //var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess", ds, undefined, undefined, url); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess"); evt["datasets"] = ds; evt["type"] = "upload"; evt["url"] = url; return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, evt); } } }; _pFileUpload._getDlgCode = function () { var want_tab = this._want_tab; // this._want_tab = nexacro._enableaccessibility; return { want_tab: want_tab, want_return: true, want_escape: false, want_chars: false, want_arrows: false }; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var items = this._items; var tab_flag = false; var idx = this.index; var E = nexacro.Event; var focus_up = keycode == E.KEY_UP || (keycode == E.KEY_TAB && shift_key); var focus_down = keycode == E.KEY_DOWN || (keycode == E.KEY_TAB && !shift_key); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (items[idx]) this._find_item_pseudo(items[idx]); if (focus_up || focus_down) { if ((focus_up && idx < 0) || (focus_down && this._buttonFlag && idx == items.length - 1)) { this._want_tab = false; } else // Within a range { if (focus_up) { //if (this._editFlag == false && this._buttonFlag == true) if (!this._editFlag) { this.index = -1; this._editFlag = true; this._buttonFlag = false; } //else if (this._editFlag == true && this._buttonFlag == false) else { idx--; if (idx < 0) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; var _window = this._getWindow(); _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); this._setFocus(false); } else { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; } } } else if (focus_down) { if (!this._editFlag) { idx++; this._editFlag = true; this._buttonFlag = false; } //else if (this._editFlag == true && this._buttonFlag == false) else { this.index = -1; this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; } } this.set_index(idx); } this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; } } else { if (keycode == E.KEY_TAB) // KEY_TAB { if ((shift_key && idx == 0) || (!shift_key && idx == items.length - 1)) // out a range { this._want_tab = false; this.set_index(-1); } else // Within a range { if (shift_key) { idx--; } else { idx++; } this.set_index(idx); } this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; } } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pFileUpload._find_item_pseudo = function (item) { this._editFlag = (item.fileitemedit._pseudo == "focused"); this._buttonFlag = (item.fileitembutton._pseudo == "focused"); }; _pFileUpload._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); var items = this._items; var itemLen = items.length; var focus_dir = evt_name == "shifttabkey"; var idx = 0; if (itemLen) { this._want_tab = true; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if(focus_dir) { this.index = -1; idx = itemLen - 1; this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; } else { idx = -1; this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; } } else { idx = this.index < 0 ? 0 : this.index; this.index = -1; } this.set_index(idx); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var enableaccessibility = nexacro._enableaccessibility; var selffocus = ((evt_name == "lbutton") ? false : enableaccessibility); var items = this._items; if (items.length < -1 || enableaccessibility) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementFocus(selffocus); } } else { var item = items[this.index]; if (item) { item.fileitembutton._control_element.setElementFocus(selffocus); } } }; _pFileUpload._setParamter = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFileUpload._getDataset = nexacro._emptyFn; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileUpload : inner method //============================================================================== _pFileUpload.on_load = function (status, data, url, errcode, httpcode, errmsg) { var i, id, val, remoteId, ds; var code = 0, msg = ""; var dsArray = new nexacro.Collection(); try { var xmldoc = nexacro._getXMLDocument(this._unique_id, data, url); if (xmldoc) { url = xmldoc.URL ? xmldoc.URL : xmldoc.url; if (url == "about:blank") return; var result = nexacro._getCommDataFromDom(xmldoc, this); var variables = result[0]; var datasets = result[1]; var len = variables.length; if (len > 0) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { id = variables[i]["id"]; if (id && id.length) { val = variables[i]["val"]; if (id == "ErrorCode") { code = parseInt(val, 10); if (!isFinite(code)) { code = -1; } } else if (id == "ErrorMsg") { msg = val; } } } this.on_fire_onsuccess(datasets, code, msg, url, variables); } else { var errormsg = "failed to get"; this.on_fire_onerror(this, "ObjectError", errormsg, this, 9901, null, null, -1); } } } catch (e) { var errormsg = "failed to get"; this.on_fire_onerror(this, "ObjectError", errormsg, this, 9901, null, null, -1); } }; _pFileUpload._createFileItem = function (id, left, top, width, height) { var unique = this.itemcount < 1 ? this._last_id = 0 : ++this._last_id; var name = "upfile" + unique; var item = new nexacro.ExtFileItemCtrl(name, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, this); item.index = id; item.set_name(name); item.createComponent(); item.on_created(); item._setEventHandler("onfindclick", this.on_notify_onfindclick, this); item._setEventHandler("onitemclick", this.on_notify_onitemclick, this); return item; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_enable.call(this, v); var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i]._setEnable(v); items[i].fileitemedit._setEnable(v); items[i].fileitembutton._setEnable(v); } }; _pFileUpload._isPopupFrame = function () { return this._onPopupWin; }; delete _pFileUpload; } //============================== // 런타임용 FileDownload //============================== if (!nexacro.ExtFileDownload) { //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileDownload //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileDownload = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { //nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); //숨기기 nexacro.Component.call(this, id, "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, parent); /* User Property */ this.downloadurl = ""; this.wordwrap = true; this.support = {}; Eco.object.copyProperties(this.support, nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport); /* internal value */ this._handle = null; this._event_list = { "onclick":1, "ondblclick":1, "onkeypress":1, "onkeydown":1, "onkeyup":1, "onkillfocus":1, "onsetfocus":1, "ondrag":1,"ondrop":1,"ondragenter":1,"ondragleave":1,"ondragmove":1, "onlbuttondown":1, "onlbuttonup":1, "onrbuttondown":1, "onrbuttonup":1, "onmouseenter": 1, "onmouseleave": 1, "onmousemove": 1, "onmove": 1, "onsize": 1,"onsuccess": 1, "onerror": 1 }; //Accessibility this._accessibility_role = "button"; }; var _pFileDownload = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.ExtFileDownload); nexacro.ExtFileDownload.prototype = _pFileDownload; _pFileDownload._type_name = "ExtFileDownload"; //addEventHandler overriding(origin nexacro.EventSinkObject) //event명 통일을 위한 처리. _pFileDownload.addEventHandler = function (evt_id, func, target) { //trace("_pFileDownload.addEventHandler evt_id=" + evt_id); if (this._is_loading) { if (!this._loading_event_list) { this._loading_event_list = []; } this._loading_event_list.push({ id: evt_id, func: func, target: target }); } var listener = this[evt_id]; var idx = -1; if (listener) { if (target) idx = listener._addHandler(target, func, true); else idx = listener._addHandler(this, func, true); } else if (evt_id in this._event_list) { listener = new nexacro.EventListener(evt_id); this[evt_id] = listener; if (this._created_event_list) { this._created_event_list.push(evt_id); } else { this._created_event_list = []; this._created_event_list.push(evt_id); } if (target) idx = listener._addHandler(target, func, true); else idx = listener._addHandler(this, func, true); } return idx; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileDownload : Create & Update & destroy //============================================================================== _pFileDownload.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); //trace("on_create_contents > control_elem="+control_elem); if (control_elem) { nexacro._create_filedownload_handle(this.on_load, this); } }; _pFileDownload.on_created_contents = function () { }; _pFileDownload.on_destroy_contents = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } nexacro._destroy_filedownload_handle(this._handle); }; _pFileDownload.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileDownload : Property //============================================================================== _pFileDownload.set_downloadurl = function (v) { if (v != this.downloadurl) { this.downloadurl = v; } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileDownload : Method //============================================================================== /* * download file * @param {=string} url 다운로드 fullPath url * @param {string} filename 파일저장시 적용할 file name.(지원가능한 브라우저만 적용됨. 런타임 미지원) * @return {boolean} 다운로드 성공여부 */ _pFileDownload.download = function (url, filename) { var ret = false; var downloadurl = this.downloadurl; if (url != undefined ) { url = nexacro._toString(url); //별도 처리로직 if(application["_getImageLocation"]) { url = application._getImageLocation(url); } else { url = nexacro._getImageLocation(url); } nexacro._download(url, this._handle); ret = true; } else if (downloadurl && downloadurl != undefined && downloadurl != "") { //별도 처리로직 if(application["_getImageLocation"]) { downloadurl = application._getImageLocation(downloadurl); } else { downloadurl = nexacro._getImageLocation(downloadurl); } nexacro._download(downloadurl, this._handle); ret = true; } return ret; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileDownload : Event Handler //============================================================================== _pFileDownload.on_fire_onsuccess = function (url) { application._endCommProgress(); if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers && url != "") { //var evt = new nexacro.FileDownloadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess", url); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess"); evt["type"] = "download"; evt["url"] = url; return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileDownload.on_load = function (status, data, url, errcode, httpcode, errmsg) { this.on_fire_onsuccess(url); }; _pFileDownload.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_onclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this.download(); return ret; }; _pFileDownload.on_fire_sys_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onkeyup.call(this, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (key_code == 13 || key_code == 32) // 13 'enter' , 32 'space' { this.on_fire_onclick("none", false, false, false, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, this, this); } return ret; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.FileDownload : Logical Part //============================================================================== _pFileDownload._getDlgCode = function () { return { want_tab: false, want_return: true, want_escape: false, want_chars: false, want_arrows: false }; }; delete _pFileDownload; } } // ============================================================================== // ============================================================================== // HTML5용 FileUpDownload // ============================================================================== // ============================================================================== else { // ============================================================================== // 파일처리 관련 API 지원 여부 // ============================================================================== nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport = { FileAPI : (window.File && window.FileList && window.Blob && window.FileReader) ? true : false, //fileReader : (window.FileReader) ? true : false, XHR2 : ( ((function () { try { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); return !! (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload)); } catch(e) { return false; } })()) && (('max' in document.createElement("progress")) ? true : false) && ((window.FormData) ? true : false) ) ? true : false, //FormData : (window.FormData) ? true : false, MultipleInput : ('multiple' in document.createElement("input")) ? true : false, Download : ('download' in document.createElement("a")) ? true : false, MSSave : (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) ? true : false, //MSSave : (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) ? true : false, //Progress : ('max' in document.createElement("progress")) ? true : false, //Draggable : ('draggable' in document.createElement("div")) ? true : false, Draggable : (function () { var div = document.createElement("div"); return ('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div); })(), SelectorsAPI : (nexacro.Browser == "IE") ? ((nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 9) && !!document.querySelector) : !!document.querySelector }; /* trace(">>>>> FileAPI:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.FileAPI); trace(">>>>> XHR2:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.XHR2); trace(">>>>> FormData:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.FormData); trace(">>>>> MultipleInput:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.MultipleInput); trace(">>>>> Download:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.Download); trace(">>>>> MSSave:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.MSSave); trace(">>>>> Progress:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.Progress); trace(">>>>> Draggable:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.Draggable); trace(">>>>> SelectorsAPI:" + nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.SelectorsAPI); */ // ============================================================================== // ExtFileUpload Event Info // ============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileReadystateChangEventInfo = function (obj, id, readyState, status) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onreadystatechange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.readyState = readyState; this.status = status; }; var _pExtFileLoadEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event); nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo.prototype = _pExtFileLoadEventInfo; _pExtFileLoadEventInfo._type = "ExtFileLoadEventInfo"; _pExtFileLoadEventInfo._type_name = "ExtFileLoadEventInfo"; delete _pExtFileLoadEventInfo; // onchange nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id, type, files) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onchange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.type = type; this.files = files; }; var _pExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event); nexacro.ExtFileUpDownloadChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo; _pExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo._type = "ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo"; _pExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo._type_name = "ExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo"; delete _pExtFileUploadChangeEventInfo; //fileupload progress nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress = function(obj, id, type, lengthComputable, loaded, total, fileId) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onuploadprogress"; this.fileId = fileId; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.type = type; this.lengthComputable = lengthComputable; this.loaded = loaded; this.total = total; }; var _pEventExtFileProgress = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event); nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress.prototype = _pEventExtFileProgress; _pEventExtFileProgress._type = "ExtFileProgress"; _pEventExtFileProgress._type_name = "ExtFileProgress"; delete _pEventExtFileProgress; //============================================================================== // ExtFileUpload Style //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target); this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.buttonfont = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttontext = null; }; var _pExtFileUploadStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style); nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload_Style.prototype = _pExtFileUploadStyle; _pExtFileUploadStyle._type = "ExtFileUploadStyle"; eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonbackground")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonborder")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonbordertype")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttongradation")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonpadding")); eval(nexacro._createMarginAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonmargin")); eval(nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonfont")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttoncolor")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttonsize")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pExtFileUploadStyle", "buttontext")); _pExtFileUploadStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.buttonfont = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttontext = null; }; _pExtFileUploadStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.buttonsize && this.buttonsize._is_empty) val += "buttonsize" + this.buttonsize._value + "; "; if (this.buttontext && this.buttontext._is_empty) val += "buttontext" + this.buttontext._value + "; "; if (this.buttonbackground && this.buttonbackground._is_empty) val += "buttonbackground" + this.buttonbackground._value + "; "; if (this.buttonborder && this.buttonborder._is_empty) val += "buttonborder" + this.buttonborder._value + "; "; if (this.buttonbordertype && this.buttonbordertype._is_empty) val += "buttonbordertype" + this.buttonbordertype._value + "; "; if (this.buttongradation && this.buttongradation._is_empty) val += "buttongradation" + this.buttongradation._value + "; "; if (this.buttonpadding && this.buttonpadding._is_empty) val += "buttonpadding" + this.buttonpadding._value + "; "; if (this.buttonmargin && this.buttonmargin._is_empty) val += "buttonmargin" + this.buttonmargin._value + "; "; if (this.buttonfont && this.buttonfont._is_empty) val += "buttonfont" + this.buttonfont._value + "; "; if (this.buttoncolor && this.buttoncolor._is_empty) val += "buttoncolor" + this.buttoncolor._value + "; "; return val; }; // ============================================================================== // ExtFileUpload CurrentStyle // ============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.buttonfont = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttontext = null; }; var _pExtFileUploadCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle); nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pExtFileUploadCurrentStyle; _pExtFileUploadCurrentStyle._type = "ExtFileUploadCurrentStyle"; _pExtFileUploadCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pExtFileUploadStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pExtFileUploadCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pExtFileUploadStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pExtFileUploadStyle; delete _pExtFileUploadCurrentStyle; if (!nexacro.ExtFileUpload) { //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileUpload = function (id, parent) { trace(" parent ==> " + parent); var position = "absolute"; nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, 0,0,0,0, null, null, parent); // SubControl this.filebutton = null; // User Property //this.multipleinput = true; this.multiselect = false; this.uploadurl = ""; this.downloadurl = ""; this.helpMessage = undefined; //drag & drop 메시지를 표시하는 component this.guideComp = undefined; //drag & drop zone 안내를 담당하는 component this.fileListComp = undefined; //file 목록을 표시하는 component this.support = {}; Eco.object.copyProperties(this.support, nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport); // internal variable this._form = parent; this._inputfiles = []; // input this._addedfiles = []; // add file item this._pExtFileItem; //this._accessibility_role = "fileupload"; this._event_list = { "onclick": 1, "ondblclick": 1, "onkeypress": 1, "onkeydown": 1, "onkeyup": 1, "onkillfocus": 1, "onsetfocus": 1, "onmove": 1, "onsize": 1, "ondrag": 1, "ondragenter": 1, "ondragleave": 1, "ondragmove": 1, "ondrop": 1, "onlbuttondown": 1, "onlbuttonup": 1, "onmouseenter": 1, "onmouseleave": 1, "onmousemove": 1, "onrbuttondown": 1, "onrbuttonup": 1, "ontouchstart": 1, "ontouchmove": 1, "ontouchend": 1, "ontap": 1, "ondbltap": 1, "onpinchstart": 1, "onpinch": 1, "onpinchend": 1, "onflingstart": 1, "onfling": 1, "onflingend": 1, "onlongpress": 1, "onslidestart": 1, "onslide": 1, "onslideend": 1, // added event "onloadstart": 1, "onprogress": 1, "onload": 1, "onloadend": 1, "onsuccess": 1, "onerror": 1, "onchange": 1, "onreadystatechange": 1 // <== XMLHttpRequest readystatechange }; }; var _pExtFileUpload = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component); nexacro.ExtFileUpload.prototype = _pExtFileUpload; _pExtFileUpload._type = "ExtFileUpload"; _pExtFileUpload._type_name = "ExtFileUpload"; _pExtFileUpload._defaultButtontext = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttontext", "파일추가"); _pExtFileUpload._defaultButtonsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonsize", "80"); //addEventHandler overriding(origin nexacro.EventSinkObject) //event명 통일을 위한 처리. _pExtFileUpload.addEventHandler = function (evt_id, func, target) { //trace("_pExtFileUpload > evt_id=" + evt_id); //event명 통일을 위한 처리. if(evt_id == "onsuccess") evt_id = "onload"; if (this._is_loading) { if (!this._loading_event_list) { this._loading_event_list = []; } this._loading_event_list.push({ id: evt_id, func: func, target: target }); } var listener = this[evt_id]; var idx = -1; if (listener) { if (target) idx = listener._addHandler(target, func, true); else idx = listener._addHandler(this, func, true); } else if (evt_id in this._event_list) { listener = new nexacro.EventListener(evt_id); this[evt_id] = listener; if (this._created_event_list) { this._created_event_list.push(evt_id); } else { this._created_event_list = []; this._created_event_list.push(evt_id); } if (target) idx = listener._addHandler(target, func, true); else idx = listener._addHandler(this, func, true); } return idx; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload : Style //============================================================================== _pExtFileUpload.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload_Style(this); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_create_custom_currentStyles = function () { return new nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload_CurrentStyle(); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); if (buttonbackground != curstyle.buttonbackground) { curstyle.buttonbackground = buttonbackground; } var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); if (buttonborder != curstyle.buttonborder) { curstyle.buttonborder = buttonborder; } var buttonbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(pseudo); if (buttonbordertype != curstyle.buttonbordertype) { curstyle.buttonbordertype = buttonbordertype; } var buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(pseudo); if (buttongradation != curstyle.buttongradation) { curstyle.buttongradation = buttongradation; } var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(pseudo); if (buttonpadding != curstyle.buttonpadding) { curstyle.buttonpadding = buttonpadding; } var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); if (buttonmargin != curstyle.buttonmargin) { curstyle.buttonmargin = buttonmargin; } var buttonfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonfont(pseudo); if (buttonfont != curstyle.buttonfont) { curstyle.buttonfont = buttonfont; } var buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(pseudo); if (buttoncolor != curstyle.buttoncolor) { curstyle.buttoncolor = buttoncolor; } var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); if (buttonsize != curstyle.buttonsize) { curstyle.buttonsize = buttonsize; this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } var buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(pseudo); if (buttontext != curstyle.buttontext) { curstyle.buttontext = buttontext; this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); } }; // find currentStyle _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground = function (pseudo) { var buttonbackground = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo); return buttonbackground; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder = function (pseudo) { var buttonborder = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); return buttonborder; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype = function (pseudo) { var buttonbordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo); return buttonbordertype; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation = function (pseudo) { var buttongradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo); return buttongradation; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding = function (pseudo) { var buttonpadding = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonpadding", pseudo); return buttonpadding; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin = function (pseudo) { var buttonmargin = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonmargin", pseudo); return buttonmargin; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonfont = function (pseudo) { var buttonfont = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonfont", pseudo); return buttonfont; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor = function (pseudo) { var buttoncolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttoncolor", pseudo); return buttoncolor; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { var buttonsize = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonsize", pseudo); return buttonsize ? buttonsize : this._defaultButtonsize; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext = function (pseudo) { var buttontext = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttontext", pseudo); return buttontext ? buttontext : this._defaultButtontext; }; // update style _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonbackground = function () { var buttonbackground = this.currentstyle.buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(buttonbackground); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonborder = function () { var buttonborder = this.currentstyle.buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(buttonborder); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonbordertype = function () { var buttonbordertype = this.currentstyle.buttonbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype(buttonbordertype); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttongradation = function () { var buttongradation = this.currentstyle.buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttongradation(buttongradation); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonpadding = function () { var buttonpadding = this.currentstyle.buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonpadding(buttonpadding); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonmargin = function () { var buttonmargin = this.currentstyle.buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonmargin(buttonmargin); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonfont = function () { var buttonfont = this.currentstyle.buttonfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonfont(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonfont(buttonfont); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttoncolor = function () { var buttoncolor = this.currentstyle.buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttoncolor(buttoncolor); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonsize = function () { var buttonsize = this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_update_style_buttontext = function () { var buttontext = this.currentstyle.buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); }; /* apply style */ _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonbackground = function (buttonbackground) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_background(buttonbackground); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonborder = function (buttonborder) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_border(buttonborder); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype = function (buttonbordertype) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_bordertype(buttonbordertype); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttongradation = function (buttongradation) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_gradation(buttongradation); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonpadding = function (buttonpadding) { this.filebutton.on_update_style_padding(buttonpadding); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonmargin = function (buttonmargin) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_margin(buttonmargin); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonfont = function (buttonfont) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_font(buttonfont); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttoncolor = function (buttoncolor) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_color(buttoncolor); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function (buttonsize) { this.on_change_containerRect(); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttontext = function (buttontext) { if (buttontext == null) { buttontext = this._defaultButtontext; } if (this.filebutton) { this.filebutton.set_text(buttontext); } }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_style_cursor = function (cursor) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_style_cursor.call(this, cursor); if (this.filebutton) { this.filebutton.on_apply_style_cursor(cursor); } }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload : Create & Update & destroy //============================================================================== _pExtFileUpload.on_create_contents = function () { //trace("\n\n on_create_contents "); var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.filebutton = new nexacro.ExtFileButtonCtrl("ExtFileButtonCtrl", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.filebutton.createComponent(); } }; _pExtFileUpload.on_created_contents = function () { //trace("\n on_created_contents "); this.addResponseZone(); var ranid = new Date().valueOf().toString(); nexacro._create_hidden_frame(this._unique_id, ranid, this.on_load, this); //단건 처리용 var callback_fn = this.on_fileinput_onchange; //다건 처리용 if (this.support.MultipleInput) { callback_fn = this.on_filesinput_onchange; //safari5 multiple 파일 추가시 파일사이즈 0 버그 - 단건방식 처리 //nexacro.BrowserVersion은 5.1.7에서 5만 리턴함. if ((nexacro.Browser == "Safari") && (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 5)) { this.multiselect = false; //callback_fn은 다건으로 적용해야 파일 사이즈를 반환 받을 수 있다. callback_fn = this.on_filesinput_onchange; } } var name = this._unique_id + "_" + ranid + "_inputFile"; //엔진업데이트로 소스 수정..리턴이 사라짐. //var infile = nexacro._append_hidden_item(this._unique_id, name, callback_fn, this); //infile._inputname = name; nexacro._append_hidden_item(this._unique_id, name, callback_fn, this); var infile = this._input_node; infile._inputname = name; this._inputfiles.push(infile); this.on_apply_multiselect(); this.filebutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_filebutton_onclick, this); this.filebutton.set_visible(false); this.filebutton.on_created(); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(this.currentstyle.buttontext); this.on_apply_prop_enable(this._isEnable()); this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this.filebutton) { this.filebutton.destroy(); this.filebutton = null; } nexacro._destroy_hidden_frame(this._unique_id, this); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_change_containerRect = function () { var filebutton = this.filebutton; var btn_size = 0; var client_width = this._client_width; var client_height = this._client_height; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var style_btnsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize("normal"); if (!style_btnsize || style_btnsize._is_empty) { btn_size = client_height; } else if (parseInt(style_btnsize._value, 10) > client_width) { btn_size = client_width; } else { btn_size = parseInt(style_btnsize._value, 10) | 0; if (btn_size < 0) { btn_size = client_height; } } if (filebutton) { var btn_left = client_left; var btn_top = client_top; var btn_width = btn_size; var btn_height = client_height; var btn_margin = filebutton.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin("normal"); if (btn_margin && !btn_margin._is_empty) { btn_left = btn_left + btn_margin.left; btn_top = btn_margin.top; btn_width = btn_size - btn_margin.left - btn_margin.right; btn_height = client_height - btn_margin.top - btn_margin.bottom; } filebutton.move(btn_left, btn_top, btn_width, btn_height, null, null); } }; // ============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload : Override // ============================================================================== _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_enable.call(this, v); var enable = v; if (v == undefined) enable = this.enable; if (this.filebutton) { this.filebutton._setEnable(enable); } }; // ============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload : Properties // ============================================================================== //파일추가 _pExtFileUpload.addFiles = function () { this.filebutton.click(); }; _pExtFileUpload.set_multiselect = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.multiselect) { this.multiselect = v; } return this.multiselect; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_apply_multiselect = function () { if (this._inputfiles) { if (this.support.MultipleInput) { // // safari5 multiple 파일 추가시 파일사이즈 0 버그 - 단건 추가로 임시 처리 // if ((this.multiselect == true) && ((nexacro.Browser == "Safari") && (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 5.1))) // { // this.multiselect = false; // } if (this.multiselect) { this._inputfiles[this._inputfiles.length-1].multiple = this.multiselect; } else { if (this._inputfiles[this._inputfiles.length-1].hasAttribute("multiple")) { this._inputfiles[this._inputfiles.length-1].removeAttribute("multiple"); } } } } }; _pExtFileUpload.set_uploadurl = function (v) { if (v != this.uploadurl) { this.uploadurl = v; } }; _pExtFileUpload.set_downloadurl = function (v) { if (v != this.downloadurl) { this.downloadurl = v; } }; // ============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpload : Methods // ============================================================================== /** * upload files * @param {=string} path upload url 정보 * @param {string} inDatasetsParam input dataset 정보 * @param {string} outDatasetsParam output dataset 정보 * @param {string} transferType 전송유형.(all: 대상파일을 한번에 전송(defalut), each: 개별 전송) * @param {number} datatype data 전송방식. 0:XML, 1:Binary(Runtime only), 2:SSV * @return {boolean} 성공여부 */ _pExtFileUpload.upload = function (path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, transferType, datatype, form) { transferType = transferType || "all"; if(transferType == "all"){ return this.uploadAll(path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype, form); } else if(transferType == "each"){ //개별전송을 위한 "each" parameter 추가. //safari5 multiple 파일 추가시 파일사이즈 0 버그 - 단건방식으로 처리 //nexacro.BrowserVersion은 5.1.7에서 5만 리턴함. trace("\n\n @@@ this.multiselect="+this.multiselect); trace("nexacro.Browser="+nexacro.Browser); trace("nexacro.BrowserVersion="+nexacro.BrowserVersion); if (nexacro.Browser.toLowerCase() == "safari" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 5) { var msg = "[알림]"; msg += "\nXMLHttpRequest Level 2 미지원으로 인해서"; msg += "\nSafari 5.x 버전에서는 개별파일 upload를 지원하지 않습니다." msg += "\n단건 처리만 가능함." //※ 단건은 가능함. 처리로직 변경 필요. alert(msg); return this.uploadAll(path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype, form); } if (this.support.XHR2) { return this.uploadEach(path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype); } else { return this.uploadAll(path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype); } } return false; }; /* * 그룹전송(하나의 XMLHttpRequest에 파일을 모두 담아 전송한다). * @param {string} path upload url 정보 * @param {string} inDatasetsParam input dataset 정보 * @param {string} outDatasetsParam output dataset 정보 * @param {number} datatype data 전송방식. 0:XML, 1:Binary(Runtime only), 2:SSV * @return {boolean} 성공여부 */ _pExtFileUpload.uploadAll = function (path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype, form) { var uploadurl; var rtn = false; this._form = form; trace(" path == > " + path); if (!path) { uploadurl = application._getServiceLocation(this.uploadurl); } else { uploadurl = application._getServiceLocation(path); } if (uploadurl) { var loadItem = new nexacro.ExtFileTransaction(uploadurl, "upload", this._form, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype); loadItem.on_start(); if (this.support.XHR2) { trace("ExtFileUploadSupport.XHR2 지원"); var formData = this._appendFormData(); if (formData) { trace("_startCommunication 호출"); loadItem.appendCallback(this, this.on_load_filemodule); //input dataset 추가 this._appendInputDatasetsToFormData(loadItem, "inputDatasets", formData); this._startCommunication(loadItem, uploadurl, formData); rtn = true; } else { trace("_startCommunication 미호출"); } } else { trace("ExtFileUploadSupport.XHR2 미지원"); loadItem.appendCallback(this, this.on_loadframe_filemodule); this._pExtFileItem = loadItem; nexacro._submit(this._unique_id, uploadurl); rtn = true; } } return rtn; }; /* * 개별전송(업로드 시킬 파일개수와 같은 수의 XMLHttpRequest를 생성한다). * @param {string} path upload url 정보 * @param {string} inDatasetsParam input dataset 정보 * @param {string} outDatasetsParam output dataset 정보 * @param {number} datatype data 전송방식. 0:XML, 1:Binary(Runtime only), 2:SSV * @return {boolean} 성공여부 */ _pExtFileUpload.uploadEach = function (path, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype) { var uploadurl; var rtn = false; if (!path) { uploadurl = application._getServiceLocation(this.uploadurl); } else { uploadurl = application._getServiceLocation(path); } if (uploadurl) { //업로드할 파일 개수 확인 var formDataList = this._getFormDataList(); var formDataCount = formDataList.length; for(var i = 0; i < formDataCount; i++) { var loadItem = new nexacro.ExtFileTransaction(uploadurl, "upload", this._form, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype); loadItem.on_start(); if (this.support.XHR2) { trace("[개별] ExtFileUploadSupport.XHR2 지원"); var formData = formDataList[i]; if (formData) { trace(" [개별] _startCommunication 호출"); loadItem.appendCallback(this, this._makeLoadFileModule(this, formData.fileName)); //input dataset 추가 this._appendInputDatasetsToFormData(loadItem, "inputDatasets", formData); this._startCommunication(loadItem, uploadurl, formData, formData.fileName); rtn = true; } else { trace(" [개별] _startCommunication 미호출"); } } else { trace("[개별] ExtFileUploadSupport.XHR2 미지원"); loadItem.appendCallback(this, this.on_loadframe_filemodule); //loadItem.appendCallback(this, this._makeLoadFileModule(this, formData.fileName)); this._pExtFileItem = loadItem; nexacro._submit(this._unique_id, uploadurl); rtn = true; } } } return rtn; }; /* * 파일 개별전송을 위한 formData 반환 * @return {array} formData List */ _pExtFileUpload._getFormDataList = function() { var formData, transferLen = 0, i = 0, file, fileName, transferFiles, formDataList = []; transferFiles = this._addedfiles; if (transferFiles) { transferLen = transferFiles.length; for (i = 0; i < transferLen; i++) { formData = new FormData(); file = transferFiles[i].file; if (file) { fileName = file.name; //trace(">> file i:" + i + ", fileName:" + fileName); formData.append(fileName, file); formData["fileName"] = fileName; formDataList.push(formData); } } } return formDataList; }; /* * input dataset의 정보를 formData에 추가한다. * @param {FileTransaction} loadItem FileTransaction * @param {string} name * @param {FormData} formData */ _pExtFileUpload._appendInputDatasetsToFormData = function(loadItem, name, formData) { return formData.append(name, loadItem._sendData); }; _pExtFileUpload.addDropZone = function (comp) { var rtn = false; if (this.support.XHR2 && this.isDraggable()) { var node = comp._control_element._client_element._handle; if (node) { node._pExtFileUploadTarget = this; rtn = true; } } return rtn; }; /** * Drag & Drop(이하 DnD)를 적용하기 위해 * 특정 컴포넌트(guideComp)에 Drag 중인 마우스가 들어왔을 때 * Drop 가능영역을 표시하기 위한 컴포넌트(helpMessageComp) 정보를 property에 등록하는 함수. * @param {XComp} responseComp Drag 중인 마우스가 들어왔을 때 이를 감지할 컴포넌트. * @param {XComp} helpMessageComp Drop 가능 영역을 표시하기 위한 컴포넌트. * @param {XComp} fileListComp file 목록을 표시하는 컴포넌트. */ _pExtFileUpload.setResponseZone = function (guideComp, helpMessageComp, fileListComp) { //trace("\n\n @@@ setResponseZone"); this.guideComp = guideComp; this.helpMessage = helpMessageComp; this.fileListComp = fileListComp; //trace(this.guideComp.name); //trace(this.helpMessage.name); //trace(this.fileListComp.name); }; /** * setResponseZone()에서 등록된 컴포넌트에 Drag & Drop 관련 event를 추가한다. * addResponseZone()이 호출되는 시점은 _pExtFileUpload 객체의 on_created_contents 발생시점이다. * 이는 생성시점(div나 tabpage 링크등)에 따른 오동작을 막기위함. * @return {boolean} 설정 성공여부. */ _pExtFileUpload.addResponseZone = function () { //trace("\n\n ### addResponguideComp guideComp = this.guideComp; var guideComp = this.guideComp; var helpMessageComp = this.helpMessage; if(Eco.isEmpty(guideComp) || Eco.isEmpty(helpMessageComp)) { trace("Response or helpMessage Components are not exist."); return; } var rtn = false; var node = guideComp._control_element._client_element._handle; var helpNode = helpMessageComp._control_element._client_element._handle; if (this.support.XHR2 && this.isDraggable()) { if (node) { node._pExtFileUploadTarget = this; nexacro._observeSysEvent(node, "dragover", "ondragover", this._dragOverGuide); nexacro._observeSysEvent(node, "dragleave", "ondragleave", this._dragLeaveGuide); //IE처리를 위한 추가 logic. 테스트 후 if문 분기처리 할 것. // IE에서는 guide 컴포넌트에 drop을 발생시켜도 화면전환이 일어나지 않는다..... // 이러면 help message가 남아 있는다.... // 이를 위해서 아래 event 추가. nexacro._observeSysEvent(node, "drop", "ondrop", this._dropGuide); if(helpNode){ helpNode._pExtFileUploadTarget = this; nexacro._observeSysEvent(helpNode, "dragover", "ondragover", this._dragOverHelpMessage); nexacro._observeSysEvent(helpNode, "drop", "ondrop", this._dropFiles); } rtn = true; } } else if( nexacro.Browser.toLowerCase() == "safari") { trace("nexacro.Browser="+nexacro.Browser); if (node) { trace("node 존재"); node.addEventListener("dragover", this._dragOverGuide); node.addEventListener("dragleave", this._dragLeaveGuide); node.addEventListener("drop", this._dropGuide); node.style = ""; } if(helpNode){ trace("helpNode 존재"); helpNode._pExtFileUploadTarget = this; helpNode.addEventListener("dragover", this._dragOverHelpMessage); helpNode.addEventListener("drop", this._dropFiles); } rtn = true; } return rtn; }; _pExtFileUpload.isProgressbar = function () { return this.support.XHR2; }; _pExtFileUpload.isDraggable = function () { return (this.support.Draggable && this.support.FileAPI); }; _pExtFileUpload.isMultipleInput = function () { return this.support.MultipleInput; }; _pExtFileUpload.getAddedFile = function () { if (this._addedfiles) { return this._addedfiles; } } _pExtFileUpload.getAddedFileLength = function () { if (this._addedfiles) { return this._addedfiles.length; } } _pExtFileUpload.resetAddedFile = function () { this._addedfiles = []; }; _pExtFileUpload.addFile = function (file) { if (this._addedfiles) { var info = {"id": file.id, "file": file}; this._addedfiles.push(info); } }; // 행 삭제 _pExtFileUpload.removeFile = function (fileid) { var index = Eco.array.lastIndexOfProp(this._addedfiles, "id", fileid); if (index > -1) { this._addedfiles[index] = null; Eco.array.removeAt(this._addedfiles, index); } if (!this.support.XHR2 || !this.support.FileAPI) { //index = Eco.array.lastIndexOfProp(this._inputfiles, "name", fileid); if (index > -1) { fileid = this._inputfiles[index]["_inputname"]; index = Eco.array.lastIndexOfProp(this._inputfiles, "name", fileid); //trace("\n ## IE9에서 ...fileid="+fileid + ", index=" + index); nexacro._remove_hidden_item(this._unique_id, fileid); this._inputfiles[index] = null; Eco.array.removeAt(this._inputfiles, index); } } else { this._resetInputFile(); } }; // 전체 삭제 _pExtFileUpload.removeAll = function () { var addFiles = this._addedfiles; var count = addFiles.length; var fileId; var fileList = []; for(var i=0; i on_fire_onchange"); if (this._inputfiles) { var infile = this._inputfiles[this._inputfiles.length - 1]; this.on_fire_onchange(this, infile.type, infile.files); } }; _pExtFileUpload.on_notify_filebutton_onclick = function (obj, e) { trace(" *** on_notify_filebutton_onclick"); if (this._inputfiles && this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { try { var infile = this._inputfiles[this._inputfiles.length - 1]; var name = infile._inputname; nexacro._findclick(this._unique_id, name, obj); } catch (e) { var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, "0x8100000E"); this.on_fire_onerror(this, "0x8100000E", errormsg, obj); } } return false; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_fire_onloadstart = function (obj, type, evt, fileId) { if (this.onloadstart && this.onloadstart._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress(obj, "onloadstart", type, evt.lengthComputable, evt.loaded, evt.total, fileId); // UI에서 아래 소스로 정의된 function이 실행된다. // comp.addEventHandler("onloadstart", this.fileComp_onloadstart, this); this.onloadstart._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileUpload.on_fire_onprogress = function (obj, type, evt, fileId) { if (this.onprogress && this.onprogress._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress(obj, "onprogress", type, evt.lengthComputable, evt.loaded, evt.total, fileId); // UI에서 아래 소스로 정의된 function이 실행된다. // comp.addEventHandler("onprogress", this.fileComp_onprogress, this); this.onprogress._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileUpload.on_fire_onload = function (type, code, msg, url, fileId) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers && url != "about:blank") { //성공적으로 파일 업로드시 업로드대상 파일 정보 제거. this.removeAll(); //var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onload", type, code, msg, url); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess", type, code, msg, url); evt["fileId"] = fileId; evt["type"] = "upload"; evt["errorcode"] = code; evt["errormsg"] = msg; evt["url"] = url; return this.onload._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileUpload.on_fire_onloadend = function (obj, type, evt, fileId) { if (this.onloadend && this.onloadend._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress(obj, "onloadend", type, evt.lengthComputable, evt.loaded, evt.total); evt["fileId"] = fileId; this.onloadend._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; // ============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload : Logical Part ( Internal Function Part ) // ============================================================================== _pExtFileUpload._appendFormData = function () { var formData, transferLen = 0, i = 0, file, fileName, transferFiles; if (this._addedfiles) { transferFiles = this._addedfiles; formData = new FormData(); transferLen = transferFiles.length; for (i = 0; i < transferLen; i++) { file = transferFiles[i].file; if (file) { fileName = file.name; //trace(">> file i:" + i + ", fileName:" + fileName); formData.append(fileName, file); } /* form field else { //trace(">> form field i:" + i + " fileName:" + fileName); formData.append(uid, fileName); } */ } } return formData; }; _pExtFileUpload._startCommunication = function (loadItem, url, data, fileId) { //user protocol var path = url; var senddata = data; //trace("_startCommunication > loadItem._protocol=" + loadItem._protocol); if (loadItem._protocol < 0) { var createadaptor = false; var protocoladp = application._getProtocol(loadItem.protocol); if (!protocoladp) { trace("loadItem.protocol="+loadItem.protocol); var adptorclass = nexacro._executeEvalStr(loadItem.protocol); trace("loadItem.protocol=" + loadItem.protocol); trace("adptorclass="+adptorclass); // adptorclass. if (adptorclass) { protocoladp = new adptorclass; createadaptor = true; } } if (protocoladp) { if (createadaptor && protocoladp.initialize) { protocoladp.initialize(url); application._addProtocol(loadItem.protocol, protocoladp); } var protocol = protocoladp.getUsingProtocol(url); var sep = path.split("://"); if (sep) { path = protocol + "://" + sep[1]; } // encode if (data && protocoladp.encrypt) { senddata = loadItem.on_encrypt(data); } // extra header 정보 if (protocoladp.getCommunicationHeaders) { var headers = protocoladp.getCommunicationHeaders(url); if (headers) loadItem._addCookieFromVariables(headers); } } } this.__startCommunication(loadItem, path, senddata, fileId); }; _pExtFileUpload.__startCommunication = function (loadItem, path, senddata, fileId) { var _ajax = nexacro.__createHttpRequest(); var ajax_handle = _ajax._handle; // parse protocol if (path.indexOf("://") > -1) { var ar = path.split("://"); var protocol = ar[0]; switch (protocol) { case "http": _ajax._protocol = 0; break; case "https": _ajax._protocol = 1; break; case "file": _ajax._protocol = 2; break; default: _ajax._protocol = -1; break; } } var method = "GET"; var mime_xml = false; ajax_handle._pExtFileTarget = this; ajax_handle._pExtFileItem = loadItem; /* readystatechange : The readyState attribute changes value type : Description : Times : When --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadstart : Progress has begun. : Once. : First. progress : In progress. : Zero or more.: After loadstart has been dispatched. error : Progression failed. : Zero or once.: After the last progress has been dispatched, or after loadstart has been dispatched if progress has not been dispatched. abort : Progression is terminated. : Zero or once.: After the last progress has been dispatched, or after loadstart has been dispatched if progress has not been dispatched. load : Progression is successful. : Zero or once.: After the last progress has been dispatched, or after loadstart has been dispatched if progress has not been dispatched. loadend : Progress has stopped. : Once. : After one of error, abort, or load has been dispatched. */ //if (loadItem.type == "upload") //{ ajax_handle.upload._pExtFileTarget = this; ajax_handle.upload._pExtFileItem = loadItem; nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "loadstart", "onloadstart", this._makeLoadstartHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle.upload, "progress", "onprogress", this._makeProcessHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "load", "onload", this._makeLoadHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "loadend", "onloadend", this._makeLoadendHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "error", "onerror", this._makeErrorHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); //XHR 에러처리용. //신규추가. 2014.10.20 nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "readystatechange", "onreadystatechange", this._makeReadystateChangeHandler(this, fileId, loadItem.type)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "abort", "onabort", this._makeTransferCanceledHandler(this, fileId)); method = "POST"; mime_xml = true; //} try { ajax_handle.open(method, path, true); //trace("=== ajax_handle.readyState=" + ajax_handle.readyState); if (loadItem.type == "download") { ajax_handle.responseType = "blob"; } } catch (e) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, e.number, e.message, ajax_handle, fileId, loadItem.type); } if (mime_xml) { ajax_handle.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); ajax_handle.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*"); } try { ajax_handle.send(senddata ? senddata : null); } catch (e) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, e.number, e.message, ajax_handle, fileId, loadItem.type); } _ajax = null; }; /* * 개별 파일 전송 처리를 위한 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @return {function} closure of on_load_filemodule */ _pExtFileUpload._makeLoadFileModule = function (pThis, pFileId) { return function(type, code, msg, url) { pThis.on_fire_onload(type, code, msg, url, pFileId); }; }; /* * 개별 파일 전송 처리를 위한 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onprogress */ _pExtFileUpload._makeProcessHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { pThis.on_fire_onprogress(pThis, pLoadItem.type, evt, pFileId); }; }; /* * 전송 시작시 발생. * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onloadstart */ _pExtFileUpload._makeLoadstartHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { pThis.on_fire_onloadstart(pThis, pLoadItem.type, evt, pFileId); }; }; /* * 전송이 성공 했을 때 발생. * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onload */ _pExtFileUpload._makeLoadHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { var itemType = pLoadItem.type; //trace("_bindLoadHandler:" + pThis + ",pLoadItem:" + pLoadItem + ",evt:" + evt.type + ",itemType:" + itemType + ",responseType:" + this.responseType); if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var cookie = ""; if (pLoadItem.context) { cookie = pLoadItem.context._getWindow()._doc.cookie; } var data; if (itemType == "upload") { data = this.responseText || ""; pLoadItem.on_load_file(data, cookie, this.status, this.statusText); } else if (itemType == "download") { if (this.responseType == "blob") { data = this.response; pLoadItem.on_down_file(data, pThis._unique_id, cookie, this.status, this.statusText); } else { var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, "0x80010040"); pThis.on_fire_onerror(pThis, "0x80010040", errormsg, this, pFileId, pLoadItem.type); } } } else { var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, "0x80010040"); pThis.on_fire_onerror(pThis, "0x80010040", errormsg, this, pFileId, pLoadItem.type); } }; }; /* * 전송 완료 체크용(성공과 실패에 무관하게 발생함!) closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onloadend */ _pExtFileUpload._makeLoadendHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { var itemType = pLoadItem.type; if (itemType == "download") { if (this.responseType == "blob") { pLoadItem.on_downend_file(); } } pThis.on_fire_onloadend(pThis, itemType, evt, pFileId); pLoadItem = null; pthis = null; if (this.upload._pExtFileTarget) this.upload._pExtFileTarget = null; if (this.upload._pExtFileItem) this.upload._pExtFileItem = null; }; }; /* * 통신에러 체크용 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @param {string} type "upload","download" * @return {function} closure of error */ _pExtFileUpload._makeErrorHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem, type) { return function(evt) { if (pLoadItem._usewaitcursor) pLoadItem._hideWaitCursor(); trace("_makeErrorHandler 에서호출"); pThis.on_fire_onerror(pThis, -1, "File transfer was failure.", pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem.type); }; }; /* * XHR 통신상태 체크용 closure. 2014.10.20 신규추가 * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of error Holds the status of the XMLHttpRequest. Changes from 0 to 4: 0: request not initialized 1: server connection established 2: request received 3: processing request 4: request finished and response is ready status  200: "OK"  404: Page not found 참고사항: tomcat에서 jsp를 호출하던 중 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException 발생시 500: internal server error 발생!!! */ _pExtFileUpload._makeReadystateChangeHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pType) { //trace("aaa _makeReadystateChangeHandler pFileId="+pFileId + ",pType="+pType); return function(evt) { var xhrUpload = evt.target; //trace("readyState=" + xhrUpload.readyState + ", status=" + xhrUpload.status); //trace("bbb _makeReadystateChangeHandler pFileId="+pFileId + ",pType="+pType); pThis.on_fire_onreadystatechange(pThis, xhrUpload.readyState, xhrUpload.status, pFileId, pType); }; }; /* * 전송취소 체크용 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of TransferCanceled */ _pExtFileUpload._makeTransferCanceledHandler = function (pThis, pFileId) { return function(evt) { alert(pFileId + ". 사용자에 의해 전송이 취소되었습니다."); }; }; _pExtFileUpload.on_load_filemodule = function (type, code, msg, url) { //trace("on_load_filemodule type:" + type + ",code:" + code + ",msg:" + msg + ",url:" + url); this.on_fire_onload(type, code, msg, url); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_loadframe_filemodule = function (type, code, msg, url) { //trace("on_loadframe_filemodule type:" + type + ",code:" + code + ",msg:" + msg + ",url:" + url); this.on_fire_onload(type, code, msg, url); }; _pExtFileUpload.on_load = function (target) { var pLoadItem = this._pExtFileItem; if (pLoadItem) { pLoadItem.on_loadframe_file(this._unique_id, target); pLoadItem = null; } }; /* * guide 컴포넌트에 drop event발생시 호출 */ _pExtFileUpload._dropGuide = function (evt) { //var files = evt.dataTransfer.files; trace("\n &&&&&&&&_dropGuide "); var pThis = this._pExtFileUploadTarget; pThis.helpMessage.set_visible(false); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); return false; }; /* * drop-zone 컴포넌트에 drop event발생시 호출 */ _pExtFileUpload._dropFiles = function (evt) { var files = evt.dataTransfer.files; trace("_dropFiles dataTransfer.files:" + files); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.dataTransfer) { var pThis = this._pExtFileUploadTarget; if(pThis) { pThis.helpMessage.set_visible(false); pThis.on_fire_onchange(pThis, evt.type, files); } } }; /* * drop 도움말을 표시/숨기기를 위한 컴포넌트에 dragover event발생시 호출 */ _pExtFileUpload._dragOverGuide = function (evt) { trace("_dragOverGuide :" + this); trace(" evt ==>" + evt); var pThis = this._pExtFileUploadTarget; pThis.helpMessage.set_visible(true); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"; return false; }; /* * drop 도움말을 표시/숨기기를 위한 컴포넌트에 dragover event발생시 호출 */ _pExtFileUpload._dragOverHelpMessage = function (evt) { trace("_dragOverHelpMessage :" + this); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"; return false; }; /* * guide 컴포넌트에 dragleave event발생시 호출 */ _pExtFileUpload._dragLeaveGuide = function (evt) { //guideComp 보다 z-order가 상위인 컴포넌트에 마우스가 이동하면 dragleave 이벤트가 발생한다. //이를 제어하기 위해서 guideComp의 clientX, clientY영역 내부일 경우에는 동작을 중지 시킨다. var cx = evt.clientX; var cy = evt.clientY; var pThis = this._pExtFileUploadTarget; if(cx == 0 || cy == 0){ trace("\n*** _dragLeaveGuide :" + cx + " , " + cy); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); pThis.helpMessage.set_visible(false); return; } var guideComp = pThis.guideComp; var size = Eco.XComp.PositionSize.getContentSize(guideComp); var rcLeft = guideComp.getOffsetLeft(); var rcTop = guideComp.getOffsetTop(); var rcRight = size[0] - rcLeft; var rcBottom = size[1] - rcTop; trace("_dragLeaveGuide :" + cx + " , " + cy); //trace(" -> guideComp Area: left=" + rcLeft + ", top=" + rcTop + ", rcRight=" + rcRight + ", rcBottom=" + rcBottom ); //스크롤바 영역이 존재할 경우 해당영역을 빼줘야 한다. event 발생안함. var vscrollbar = guideComp["vscrollbar"]; var hscrollbar = guideComp["hscrollbar"]; if(!Eco.isEmpty(vscrollbar)) { if(vscrollbar.visible) { rcRight -= vscrollbar.width; //trace(" -> vscrollbar.width=" + vscrollbar.width ); } } if(!Eco.isEmpty(hscrollbar)) { if(hscrollbar.visible) { rcBottom -= hscrollbar.height; //trace(" -> hscrollbar.height=" + hscrollbar.height ); } } trace(" -> Last Guide Area: left=" + rcLeft + ", top=" + rcTop + ", rcRight=" + rcRight + ", rcBottom=" + rcBottom ); if( cx <= rcLeft || cx >=rcRight ) { pThis.helpMessage.set_visible(false); } if( cy <= rcTop || cy >=rcBottom ) { pThis.helpMessage.set_visible(false); } evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }; _pExtFileUpload._dragEnterAddFiles = function (evt) { trace("_dragEnterAddFiles :" + this); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }; _pExtFileUpload._dragLeaveAddFiles = function (evt) { trace("_dragLeaveAddFiles :" + this); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }; _pExtFileUpload._dropAddFiles = function (evt) { trace("_dropAddFiles"); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.dataTransfer) { var pThis = this._pExtFileUploadTarget; if(pThis) { pThis.on_fire_onchange(pThis, evt.type, evt.dataTransfer.files); } } }; delete _pExtFileUpload; }; if (!nexacro.ExtFileDownload) { //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileDownload //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileDownload = function (id, parent) { var position = "absolute"; nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, 0,0,0,0, null, null, parent); // User Property this.downloadurl = ""; this.support = {}; Eco.object.copyProperties(this.support, nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport); // internal variable this._form = parent; this._pExtFileItem; //this._accessibility_role = "fileupload"; this._event_list = { "onclick": 1, "ondblclick": 1, "onkeypress": 1, "onkeydown": 1, "onkeyup": 1, "onkillfocus": 1, "onsetfocus": 1, "onmove": 1, "onsize": 1, "ondrag": 1, "ondragenter": 1, "ondragleave": 1, "ondragmove": 1, "ondrop": 1, "onlbuttondown": 1, "onlbuttonup": 1, "onmouseenter": 1, "onmouseleave": 1, "onmousemove": 1, "onrbuttondown": 1, "onrbuttonup": 1, "ontouchstart": 1, "ontouchmove": 1, "ontouchend": 1, "ontap": 1, "ondbltap": 1, "onpinchstart": 1, "onpinch": 1, "onpinchend": 1, "onflingstart": 1, "onfling": 1, "onflingend": 1, "onlongpress": 1, "onslidestart": 1, "onslide": 1, "onslideend": 1, // added event "onloadstart": 1, "onprogress": 1, "onload": 1, "onloadend": 1, "onsuccess": 1, "onerror": 1, "onchange": 1, "onreadystatechange": 1 // <== XMLHttpRequest readystatechange }; }; var _pExtFileDownload = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component); nexacro.ExtFileDownload.prototype = _pExtFileDownload; _pExtFileDownload._type = "ExtFileDownload"; _pExtFileDownload._type_name = "ExtFileDownload"; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileUpDownload : Create & Update & destroy //============================================================================== _pExtFileDownload.on_create_contents = function () { //trace(">> ExtFileDownload on_create_contents "); }; _pExtFileDownload.on_created_contents = function () { //trace(">> ExtFileDownload on_created_contents "); var ranid = new Date().valueOf().toString(); nexacro._create_hidden_frame(this._unique_id, ranid, this.on_load, this); }; _pExtFileDownload.set_downloadurl = function (v) { if (v != this.downloadurl) { this.downloadurl = v; } }; /* * download file * @param {=string} url 다운로드 fullPath url * @param {string} filename 파일저장시 적용할 file name. 지원가능한 브라우저만 적용됨. * @return {boolean} 다운로드 성공여부 */ _pExtFileDownload.download = function (url, filename) { if(Eco.isEmpty(filename)) { alert("file name required."); return false; } var downloadurl; var rtn = false; if (!url) { downloadurl = application._getServiceLocation(this.downloadurl); } else { downloadurl = application._getServiceLocation(url); } if (downloadurl) { trace("\n다운로드 시작"); var loadItem = new nexacro.ExtFileTransaction(downloadurl, "download", this._form); loadItem._downfilename = filename; loadItem.on_start(); if (this.support.XHR2 && (this.support.Download || this.support.MSSave)) { trace("ExtFileUploadSupport.XHR2 지원"); loadItem.appendCallback(this, this.on_load_filemodule); this._startCommunication(loadItem, downloadurl, "", filename); rtn = true; } else { trace("ExtFileUploadSupport.XHR2 미지원"); nexacro._download(downloadurl); rtn = true; if (loadItem._usewaitcursor) loadItem._hideWaitCursor(); } } return rtn; }; _pExtFileDownload._startCommunication = function (loadItem, url, data, fileId) { //user protocol var path = url; var senddata = data; //trace("_startCommunication > loadItem._protocol=" + loadItem._protocol); if (loadItem._protocol < 0) { var createadaptor = false; var protocoladp = application._getProtocol(loadItem.protocol); if (!protocoladp) { trace("loadItem.protocol="+loadItem.protocol); var adptorclass = nexacro._executeEvalStr(loadItem.protocol); trace("loadItem.protocol=" + loadItem.protocol); trace("adptorclass="+adptorclass); // adptorclass. if (adptorclass) { protocoladp = new adptorclass; createadaptor = true; } } if (protocoladp) { if (createadaptor && protocoladp.initialize) { protocoladp.initialize(url); application._addProtocol(loadItem.protocol, protocoladp); } var protocol = protocoladp.getUsingProtocol(url); var sep = path.split("://"); if (sep) { path = protocol + "://" + sep[1]; } // encode if (data && protocoladp.encrypt) { senddata = loadItem.on_encrypt(data); } // extra header 정보 if (protocoladp.getCommunicationHeaders) { var headers = protocoladp.getCommunicationHeaders(url); if (headers) loadItem._addCookieFromVariables(headers); } } } this.__startCommunication(loadItem, path, senddata, fileId); }; _pExtFileDownload.__startCommunication = function (loadItem, path, senddata, fileId) { var _ajax = nexacro.__createHttpRequest(); var ajax_handle = _ajax._handle; // parse protocol if (path.indexOf("://") > -1) { var ar = path.split("://"); var protocol = ar[0]; switch (protocol) { case "http": _ajax._protocol = 0; break; case "https": _ajax._protocol = 1; break; case "file": _ajax._protocol = 2; break; default: _ajax._protocol = -1; break; } } var method = "GET"; var mime_xml = false; ajax_handle._pExtFileTarget = this; ajax_handle._pExtFileItem = loadItem; /* readystatechange : The readyState attribute changes value type : Description : Times : When --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadstart : Progress has begun. : Once. : First. progress : In progress. : Zero or more.: After loadstart has been dispatched. error : Progression failed. : Zero or once.: After the last progress has been dispatched, or after loadstart has been dispatched if progress has not been dispatched. abort : Progression is terminated. : Zero or once.: After the last progress has been dispatched, or after loadstart has been dispatched if progress has not been dispatched. load : Progression is successful. : Zero or once.: After the last progress has been dispatched, or after loadstart has been dispatched if progress has not been dispatched. loadend : Progress has stopped. : Once. : After one of error, abort, or load has been dispatched. */ nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "loadstart", "onloadstart", this._makeLoadstartHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "progress", "onprogress", this._makeProcessHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "load", "onload", this._makeLoadHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "loadend", "onloadend", this._makeLoadendHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "error", "onerror", this._makeErrorHandler(this, fileId, loadItem)); //XHR 에러처리용. //신규추가. 2014.10.20 nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "readystatechange", "onreadystatechange", this._makeReadystateChangeHandler(this, fileId, loadItem.type)); nexacro._observeSysEvent(ajax_handle, "abort", "onabort", this._makeTransferCanceledHandler(this, fileId)); try { ajax_handle.open(method, path, true); ajax_handle.responseType = "blob"; } catch (e) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, e.number, e.message, ajax_handle, fileId, loadItem.type); } if (mime_xml) { ajax_handle.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); ajax_handle.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*"); } try { ajax_handle.send(senddata ? senddata : null); } catch (e) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, e.number, e.message, ajax_handle, fileId, loadItem.type); } _ajax = null; }; /* * 개별 파일 전송 처리를 위한 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @return {function} closure of on_load_filemodule */ _pExtFileDownload._makeLoadFileModule = function (pThis, pFileId) { return function(type, code, msg, url) { pThis.on_fire_onload(type, code, msg, url, pFileId); }; }; /* * 개별 파일 전송 처리를 위한 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onprogress */ _pExtFileDownload._makeProcessHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { pThis.on_fire_onprogress(pThis, pLoadItem.type, evt, pFileId); }; }; /* * 전송 시작시 발생. * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onloadstart */ _pExtFileDownload._makeLoadstartHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { pThis.on_fire_onloadstart(pThis, pLoadItem.type, evt, pFileId); }; }; /* * 전송이 성공 했을 때 발생. * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onload */ _pExtFileDownload._makeLoadHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { var itemType = pLoadItem.type; //trace("_bindLoadHandler:" + pThis + ",pLoadItem:" + pLoadItem + ",evt:" + evt.type + ",itemType:" + itemType + ",responseType:" + this.responseType); if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var cookie = ""; if (pLoadItem.context) { cookie = pLoadItem.context._getWindow()._doc.cookie; } var data; if (itemType == "upload") { data = this.responseText || ""; pLoadItem.on_load_file(data, cookie, this.status, this.statusText); } else if (itemType == "download") { if (this.responseType == "blob") { data = this.response; pLoadItem.on_down_file(data, pThis._unique_id, cookie, this.status, this.statusText); } else { var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, "0x80010040"); pThis.on_fire_onerror(pThis, "0x80010040", errormsg, this, pFileId, pLoadItem.type); } } } else { var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, "0x80010040"); pThis.on_fire_onerror(pThis, "0x80010040", errormsg, this, pFileId, pLoadItem.type); } }; }; /* * 전송 완료 체크용(성공과 실패에 무관하게 발생함!) closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of onloadend */ _pExtFileDownload._makeLoadendHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem) { return function(evt) { var itemType = pLoadItem.type; if (itemType == "download") { if (this.responseType == "blob") { pLoadItem.on_downend_file(); } } pThis.on_fire_onloadend(pThis, itemType, evt, pFileId); pLoadItem = null; pthis = null; if (this.upload._pExtFileTarget) this.upload._pExtFileTarget = null; if (this.upload._pExtFileItem) this.upload._pExtFileItem = null; }; }; /* * 통신에러 체크용 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @param {string} type "upload","download" * @return {function} closure of error */ _pExtFileDownload._makeErrorHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem, type) { return function(evt) { if (pLoadItem._usewaitcursor) pLoadItem._hideWaitCursor(); trace("_makeErrorHandler 에서호출"); pThis.on_fire_onerror(pThis, -1, "File transfer was failure.", pThis, pFileId, pLoadItem.type); }; }; /* * XHR 통신상태 체크용 closure. 2014.10.20 신규추가 * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of error Holds the status of the XMLHttpRequest. Changes from 0 to 4: 0: request not initialized 1: server connection established 2: request received 3: processing request 4: request finished and response is ready status  200: "OK"  404: Page not found 참고사항: tomcat에서 jsp를 호출하던 중 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException 발생시 500: internal server error 발생!!! */ _pExtFileDownload._makeReadystateChangeHandler = function (pThis, pFileId, pType) { //trace("ccc _makeReadystateChangeHandler pFileId="+pFileId + ",pType="+pType); return function(evt) { var xhrUpload = evt.target; //trace("readyState=" + xhrUpload.readyState + ", status=" + xhrUpload.status); //trace("ddd _makeReadystateChangeHandler pFileId="+pFileId + ",pType="+pType); pThis.on_fire_onreadystatechange(pThis, xhrUpload.readyState, xhrUpload.status, pFileId, pType); }; }; /* * 전송취소 체크용 closure * @param {ExtFileUpload} pThis ExtFileUpload * @param {string} pFileId file id * @param {FileTransaction} pLoadItem FileTransaction * @return {function} closure of TransferCanceled */ _pExtFileDownload._makeTransferCanceledHandler = function (pThis, pFileId) { return function(evt) { alert(pFileId + ". 사용자에 의해 전송이 취소되었습니다."); }; }; _pExtFileDownload.on_load_filemodule = function (type, code, msg, url) { trace(" _pExtFileDownload >>>> on_load_filemodule type:" + type + ",code:" + code + ",msg:" + msg + ",url:" + url); this.on_fire_onload(type, code, msg, url); }; _pExtFileDownload.on_loadframe_filemodule = function (type, code, msg, url) { //trace("on_loadframe_filemodule type:" + type + ",code:" + code + ",msg:" + msg + ",url:" + url); this.on_fire_onload(type, code, msg, url); }; _pExtFileDownload.on_load = function (target) { var pLoadItem = this._pExtFileItem; if (pLoadItem) { pLoadItem.on_loadframe_file(this._unique_id, target); pLoadItem = null; } }; // ============================================================================== // _pExtFileDownload : Event Handlers // ============================================================================== /* * XMLHttpRequest readystatechange event * @param {string} type "upload" or "download" */ _pExtFileDownload.on_fire_onreadystatechange = function (obj, readyState, status, fileId, type) { if (this.onreadystatechange && this.onreadystatechange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileReadystateChangEventInfo(obj, "readystatechange", readyState, status); evt["fileId"] = fileId; evt["type"] = type; this.onreadystatechange._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileDownload.on_fire_onloadstart = function (obj, type, evt, fileId) { if (this.onloadstart && this.onloadstart._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress(obj, "onloadstart", type, evt.lengthComputable, evt.loaded, evt.total, fileId); // UI에서 아래 소스로 정의된 function이 실행된다. // comp.addEventHandler("onloadstart", this.fileComp_onloadstart, this); this.onloadstart._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileDownload.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, errorcode, errormsg, errorobj, fileId, type) { //trace("\n\n\non_fire_onerror 호출 errorcode=" + errorcode + ", errormsg="+errormsg ); var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, errorcode); if(Eco.isEmpty(errormsg)) { errorcode = errorobj.status; errormsg = errorobj.statusText; } if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileErrorEventInfo(obj, "onerror", errorcode, errormsg, errorobj); evt["fileId"] = fileId; evt["type"] = type; // UI에서 아래 소스로 정의된 function이 실행된다. // comp.addEventHandler("onerror", this.fileComp_onerror, this); return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pExtFileDownload.on_fire_onprogress = function (obj, type, evt, fileId) { if (this.onprogress && this.onprogress._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress(obj, "onprogress", type, evt.lengthComputable, evt.loaded, evt.total, fileId); // UI에서 아래 소스로 정의된 function이 실행된다. // comp.addEventHandler("onprogress", this.fileComp_onprogress, this); this.onprogress._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileDownload.on_fire_onload = function (type, code, msg, url, fileId) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers && url != "about:blank") { //var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onload", type, code, msg, url); var evt = new nexacro.ExtFileLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess"); evt["fileId"] = fileId; evt["type"] = "download"; evt["errorcode"] = code; evt["errormsg"] = msg; evt["url"] = url; return this.onload._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pExtFileDownload.on_fire_onloadend = function (obj, type, evt, fileId) { if (this.onloadend && this.onloadend._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event.ExtFileProgress(obj, "onloadend", type, evt.lengthComputable, evt.loaded, evt.total); evt["fileId"] = fileId; this.onloadend._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; delete _pExtFileDownload; }; /* file 전송용 transaction item * @param {string} path upload url * @param {string} type "upload" or "download" * @param {object} context context * @param {string} inDatasetsParam input datasets string. ex) ds_input=ds_input.... * @param {string} outDatasetsParam output datasets string. ex) ds_output=ds_output.... * @param {number} datatype data 전송방식. 0:XML, 1:Binary(Runtime only), 2:SSV */ nexacro.ExtFileTransaction = function (path, type, context, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, datatype) { nexacro.CommunicationItem.call(this, path, type, false); trace(" context ==> " + context); trace(" context.name ==> " + context.name); this.context = context; this.inputDatasets = this._parseDSParam(inDatasetsParam); this.outputDatasets = this._parseDSParam(outDatasetsParam); //this.parameters = this._parseVarParam(argsParam); this.datatype = (!datatype ? 0 : datatype); // datatype => 0:XML, 1:Binary(Runtime only), 2:SSV this._sendData = this._serializeData(); //trace(inDatasetsParam + "\n, this._sendData="+this._sendData); this._usewaitcursor = application.usewaitcursor; this._remain_data = null; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 9) { this._check_responseXML = true; // read responseXML. } else { this._check_responseXML = false; // do not read responseXML. } }; var _pFileTransaction = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CommunicationItem); nexacro.ExtFileTransaction.prototype = _pFileTransaction; _pFileTransaction._type = "ExtFileTransaction"; _pFileTransaction._type_name = "ExtFileTransaction"; _pFileTransaction._serializeData = function () { if (this.datatype == 1) // BIN (Runtime Only) { return this.__serializeBIN(); } else if (this.datatype == 2) // SSV { return this.__serializeSSV(); } else { return this.__serializeXML(); } }; _pFileTransaction._TABS = ["", "\t", "\t\t", "\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\t\t\t"]; _pFileTransaction._writeData = function (list, str, depth) { list[list.length] = this._TABS[depth] + str; }; _pFileTransaction.__serializeXML = function () { var depth = 0; var list = []; var cookievar = application._cookie_variables; //[START] xml 통신시 아래의 특수문자가 서버쪽 SAX parser 에러가 발생해서 임시 추가함. this._writeData(list, "", depth); this._writeData(list, " " + " ]>", depth); //[END] xml 통신시 아래의 특수문자가 서버쪽 SAX parser 에러가 발생해서 임시 추가함. this._writeData(list, "", depth++); var argParamsCnt = 0; var cookievarCnt = 0; var argParams = this.parameters; if (argParams) { argParamsCnt = argParams.length; } if (cookievar) { cookievarCnt = cookievar.length; } if (argParamsCnt > 0 || cookievarCnt > 0) { this._writeData(list, "", depth++); if (cookievarCnt) { for (var i = 0; i < cookievarCnt; i++) { var id = cookievar[i]; var val = application[id]; if (val && val.length) { val = nexacro._encodeXml(val); this._writeData(list, "" + val + "", depth); } else { this._writeData(list, "", depth); } } } if (argParamsCnt > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < argParamsCnt; i++) { var id = argParams[i].lval; var val = argParams[i].rval; if (val && val.length) { val = nexacro._encodeXml(val); this._writeData(list, "" + val + "", depth); } else { this._writeData(list, "", depth); } } } this._writeData(list, "", --depth); } else { this._writeData(list, "", depth); } var datasetParams = this.inputDatasets; if (datasetParams && datasetParams.length) { var datasetCnt = datasetParams.length; for (i = 0; i < datasetCnt; i++) { var id = datasetParams[i].rval; trace( " id == > " + id); trace("this.context ==> " + this.context); trace("this.context.name ==> " + this.context.name); var ds = this.context._getDatasetObject(id); if (ds) { list.push(ds._saveXML(datasetParams[i].lval, datasetParams[i].saveType, depth, false)); } } } this._writeData(list, "", --depth); var rntVal; if (argParamsCnt == 0 && cookievarCnt == 0 && (!datasetParams || datasetParams.length == 0)) { rntVal = ""; } else { rntVal = list.join("\n"); } return rntVal; }; _pFileTransaction.__serializeSSV = function () { var _rs_ = String.fromCharCode(30); var _cs_ = String.fromCharCode(31); var depth = 0; var list = []; var cookievar = application._cookie_variables; var id, val, ds; var listLength = 0; list.push("SSV:utf-8" + _rs_); // Variables var argParamsCnt = 0; var cookievarCnt = 0; var argParams = this.parameters; if (argParams) { argParamsCnt = argParams.length; } if (cookievar) { cookievarCnt = cookievar.length; } if (cookievarCnt > 0) { for (i = 0; i < cookievarCnt; i++) { id = cookievar[i]; val = application[id]; if (val && val.length) { val = val; list.push(id + "=" + val + _rs_); } else { list.push(id + "=" + _rs_); } } } if (argParamsCnt > 0) { for (i = 0; i < argParamsCnt; i++) { id = argParams[i].lval; val = argParams[i].rval; if (val) { val = val; list.push(id + "=" + val + _rs_); } else { list.push(id + "=" + _rs_); } } } // Dataset var datasetParams = this.inputDatasets; if (datasetParams && datasetParams.length) { var datasetCnt = datasetParams.length; for (var i = 0; i < datasetCnt; i++) { var id = datasetParams[i].rval; var ds = this.context._getDatasetObject(id); if (ds) { list.push(ds.saveSSV(datasetParams[i].lval, datasetParams[i].saveType)); } } } var rtnVal = list.join(""); return rtnVal; }; _pFileTransaction.__serializeBIN = function () { var ssvdata = this.__serializeSSV(); if (ssvdata) { return nexacro._convertStreamSSVToBIN(ssvdata); } return ""; }; _pFileTransaction.on_start = function () { if (this._usewaitcursor) { this._showWaitCursor(); } }; _pFileTransaction.on_load_file = function (data, cookie, status, statusText) { //trace("on_load_data:" + data + ", cookie:" + cookie + ", status:" + status + ", statusText:" + statusText); if (this._usewaitcursor) { this._hideWaitCursor(); } var result, i, id, val, code = 0, msg = ""; result = this._deserializeXMLFromStr(data); code = result[0]; msg = result[1] + "[" + status + "," + statusText + "]"; delete nexacro._CommunicationManager[this.path]; if (this._protocol < 0) data = this.on_decrypt(data); this._addCookieToGlobalVariable(cookie); var callbackList = this.callbackList; var n = callbackList.length; if (n > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var item = callbackList[i]; var target = item.target; if (target._is_alive != false) item.callback.call(target, this.type, code, msg, this.path); } callbackList.splice(0, n); } //this._handle = null; }; _pFileTransaction.on_loadframe_file = function (unique_id, target) { if (this._usewaitcursor) { this._hideWaitCursor(); } var i, id, val, xmldoc, result, variables, datasets, form, code = 0, msg = ""; form = this.context; xmldoc = nexacro._getXMLDocument(unique_id); result = nexacro._getCommDataFromDom(xmldoc, this); variables = result[0]; for (i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) { id = variables[i]["id"]; if (id && id.length) { val = variables[i]["val"]; if (id == "ErrorCode") { code = parseInt(val, 10); if (!isFinite(code)) { code = -1; } } else if (id == "ErrorMsg") { msg = val; } } } delete nexacro._CommunicationManager[this.path]; var callbackList = this.callbackList; var n = callbackList.length; if (n > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var item = callbackList[i]; var target = item.target; if (target._is_alive != false) item.callback.call(target, this.type, code, msg, this.path); } callbackList.splice(0, n); } }; _pFileTransaction.on_down_file = function (data, unique_id, cookie, status, statusText) { //trace("on_down_file data.size:" + data.size + ", cookie:" + cookie + ",_downfilename:" + this._downfilename + ", status:" + status + ", statusText:" + statusText); var url, saveFilename = this._downfilename; if (nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.Download) { url = this._createObjectURL(data); // response is a blob this._downfileblob = url; var manager = nexacro._IframeManager; var form = manager.search_form(unique_id); if (form && form.node) { var node = form.node; var doc = nexacro._managerFrameDoc; var ahref = doc.createElement("a"); ahref.href = url; ahref.download = saveFilename; ahref.style.display = "none"; //node.appendChild(ahref); nexacro.__appendDOMNode(node, ahref); ahref.click(); nexacro.__removeDOMNode(node, ahref); ahref = null; } } else if (nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.MSSave) { window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(data, saveFilename); } else { nexacro._download(this.path); } delete nexacro._CommunicationManager[this.path]; if (this._protocol < 0) data = this.on_decrypt(data); this._addCookieToGlobalVariable(cookie); var callbackList = this.callbackList; var n = callbackList.length; if (n > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var item = callbackList[i]; var target = item.target; if (target._is_alive != false) item.callback.call(target, this.type, status, statusText, this.path); } callbackList.splice(0, n); } }; _pFileTransaction.on_downend_file = function () { //trace("on_downend_file _downfileblob url:" + this._downfileblob + ",_downfilename:" + this._downfilename); var url = this._downfileblob, pThis = this; if (nexacro._ExtFileUpDownloadSupport.Download && url) { setTimeout( function () { pThis._revokeObjectURL(url); }, 250); } if (this._usewaitcursor) { this._hideWaitCursor(); } this._downfileblob = null; this._downfilename = null; }; _pFileTransaction._createObjectURL = function (blob) { if (window.webkitURL) { return window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(blob); } else if (window.URL && window.URL.createObjectURL) { return window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); } else { return null; } }; _pFileTransaction._revokeObjectURL = function (url) { if (window.webkitURL) { window.webkitURL.revokeObjectURL(url); } else if (window.URL && window.URL.revokeObjectURL) { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } }; _pFileTransaction._deserializeXMLFromStr = function (strRecvData) { var code = 0; var message = "SUCCESS"; if (!strRecvData) { return [-1, "Stream Data is null!"]; } var form = this.context; // parse params var xml_parse_pos = strRecvData.indexOf(" -1) { headerData = strRecvData.substring(0, xml_parse_pos); } else { headerData = strRecvData; } var head_parse_pos = 0; var paramsInfo = nexacro._getXMLTagData(headerData, head_parse_pos, "", ""); if (paramsInfo) { var paramsData = paramsInfo[0]; head_parse_pos = paramsInfo[3]; var param_parse_pos = 0; var varInfo = nexacro._getXMLTagData2(paramsData, param_parse_pos, ""); while (varInfo) { param_parse_pos = varInfo[3]; var attrStr = varInfo[1]; var id = nexacro._getXMLAttributeID(attrStr); if (id && id.length) { var val = varInfo[0]; if (id == "ErrorCode") { //code = parseInt(val) | -1; code = parseInt(val) | 0; if (isFinite(code) == false) { code = -1; } } else if (id == "ErrorMsg") { message = val; } else { this._setParamter(id, val); } } // for Next varInfo = nexacro._getXMLTagData2(paramsData, param_parse_pos, ""); } } if (code <= -1) { return [code, message]; } //outDatasets 처리 var dsIds = {}; var outDatasets = this.outputDatasets; if (outDatasets && outDatasets.length) { var outDataCnt = outDatasets.length; for (var i = 0; i < outDataCnt; i++) { var param = outDatasets[i]; if (dsIds[param.rval] == undefined) dsIds[param.rval] = param.lval; } } // data set parse if (xml_parse_pos >= -1) { var datasetInfo = nexacro._getXMLTagData2(strRecvData, xml_parse_pos, ""); while (datasetInfo) { xml_parse_pos = datasetInfo[3]; var attrStr = datasetInfo[1]; var remoteId = nexacro._getXMLAttributeID(attrStr); if (remoteId && remoteId.length) { var localId = dsIds[remoteId]; var ds = form._getDatasetObject(localId); if (ds) { ds.loadFromXMLStr(datasetInfo[0]); } } // for Next datasetInfo = nexacro._getXMLTagData2(strRecvData, xml_parse_pos, ""); } } return [code, message]; }; _pFileTransaction._parseVarParam = function (paramStr) { if (!paramStr) { return; } paramStr = paramStr.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ''); if (paramStr.length == 0) { return undefined; } var list = []; var expr = /([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*="([^"]*)"|([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*='([^']*)'|([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=([^ ]*)/g; var splitedParams = paramStr.match(expr); var splitedParamCnt = splitedParams.length; for (var i = 0; i < splitedParamCnt; i++) { var param = splitedParams[i].split("="); var len = param.length; var key = param[0].trim(); var value = param[1].trim(); for (var j = 2; j < len; j++) { value = value + "="+ param[j].trim(); } var type = "N"; var len = value.length; if (len > 0) { if ((value.charAt(0) == "\"" && value.charAt(len - 1) == "\"") || (value.charAt(0) == "\'" && value.charAt(len - 1) == "\'")) { value = value.substring(1, len - 1); } } var paramObj = { lval: key, rval: value, saveType: type }; list.push(paramObj); } return list; }; _pFileTransaction._parseDSParam = function (paramStr) { if (!paramStr) { return undefined; } var list = []; var expr = /([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?:\:[aAuUnN])?)/g; var splitedParams = paramStr.match(expr);//expr.test(paramStr); // output ds가 명시되지 않은 경우 리턴 if (!splitedParams || splitedParams.length == 0) { return undefined; } var splitedParamCnt = splitedParams.length; var listLength = 0; // TODO 정규표현식의 캡처값 사용, RegExp.exec 사용시 처음 값만 반환됨, 정규식 확인 ? for (var i = 0; i < splitedParamCnt; i++) { var param = splitedParams[i].split("="); var key = param[0].trim(); var value = param[1].trim(); //동일한 dataset id가 들어오면 무시한다. var bduplicate = false; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { var checkparam = splitedParams[j].split("="); var checkkey = checkparam[0].trim(); if (key == checkkey) bduplicate = true; } if (bduplicate) { //continue; i++; return false; } var type = "N"; var index = value.indexOf(":"); if (index > -1) { type = value.substring(index + 1); value = value.substring(0, index); } var paramObj = { lval: key, rval: value, saveType: type }; list.push(paramObj); } return list; }; _pFileTransaction._setParamter = function (id, val) { var form = this.context; //trace("_setParamter form:" + form.name); // form(application) variable if (id in form) { if (typeof (form[id]) != "object") { form[id] = val; } } else // application globalvariable { if (application._existVariable(id)) { application[id] = val; } } }; _pFileTransaction._getDataset = function (id) { var form = this.context; var outDatasets = this.outputDatasets; if (outDatasets && outDatasets.length) { var outDataCnt = outDatasets.length; for (var i = 0; i < outDataCnt; i++) { var param = outDatasets[i]; if (param.rval == id) { return form._getDatasetObject(param.lval); } } } }; _pFileTransaction._showWaitCursor = function () { // zoo - 확인 return; var form = this.context; if (form) { form._waitCursor(true, form); } }; _pFileTransaction._hideWaitCursor = function () { // zoo - 확인 return; var form = this.context; if (form) { form._waitCursor(false, form); } }; delete _pFileTransaction; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileButtonCtrl //============================================================================== nexacro.ExtFileButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { //trace("ExtFileButtonCtrl : " + width + "," + height); nexacro.Button.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pExtFileButtonCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Button); nexacro.ExtFileButtonCtrl.prototype = _pExtFileButtonCtrl _pExtFileButtonCtrl._type = "ExtFileButtonCtrl"; _pExtFileButtonCtrl._type_name = "ExtFileButtonCtrl"; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileButtonCtrl : Style //============================================================================== _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : this._defaultPadding; }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : this._defaultMargin; }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var font = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonfont", pseudo, "font") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font") || nexacro.Component._default_font; return font; }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var color = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttoncolor", pseudo, "color") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || nexacro.Component._default_color; return color; }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_size = function (pseudo) { var size = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonsize", pseudo, "size"); return (size) ? size : this._defaultButtonsize; }; _pExtFileButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_text = function (pseudo) { var text = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttontext", pseudo, "text"); return (text) ? text : this._defaultButtontext; }; //============================================================================== // nexacro.ExtFileButtonCtrl : Event Handler //============================================================================== _pExtFileButtonCtrl._isPopupFrame = function () { return false; }; delete _pExtFileButtonCtrl; };