//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Device) { nexacro.DeviceI = function () { this._userCreatedObj = { }; this.curDevice = 0; this.isphone = 0; this._is_hybrid = true; }; var _pDeviceI = nexacro.DeviceI.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.DeviceI); _pDeviceI._type_name = "Device"; _pDeviceI.setup = function () { }; _pDeviceI.execiOS = function () { }; _pDeviceI.exec = function (method) { }; _pDeviceI.makeID = function () { }; _pDeviceI.runCallback = function (sid, sfunc, params) { }; _pDeviceI.on_created = function () { }; _pDeviceI.isHybrid = function () { }; _pDeviceI.publicNumCheck = function () { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_folderName = function (strName) { }; _pDeviceI.publicNumCheck_Sms = function () { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_makeCall = function (strPhoneNumber, bAutoDialing) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_play = function (strFilePath) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_phoneNumber = function (strPhoneNumber) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_message = function (strMessage) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_sendMessage = function (strPhoneNumber, strMessage) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_deleteMessage = function (id) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_AudioLoad = function (strFilePath) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_isReachable = function (strUrl) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_watchStart = function (strTime) { }; _pDeviceI.parmack_Geolocation = function (nAccuracy, nTimeout, method) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_vibstartpos = function (v) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_vibrepeatcount = function (v) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_vibpattern = function (obj) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_accuracy = function (v) { }; _pDeviceI.parmack_AccelgetCurrentPosition = function (nAccuracy) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_AccelwatchStart = function (nIntervalTime, nAccuracy) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_virtualproperty = function (property) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_asyncOpen = function (strFileName, nOptions) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_asyncRead = function (nLength) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_asyncReadLine = function (strDelimeter) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_asyncSeek = function (nOffset, nOption) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_asyncDelete = function (strFilePath) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_asyncIsExist = function (strPath) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_asyncGetFileList = function (strPath, strSearchExpr, constOption) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_filedialog_defaultextension = function (property) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_filedialog_filter = function (property) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_filedialog_numbercheck = function (property) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_filedialogasyncOpen = function (strTitle, constOpenMode, strInitialPath, strFileName) { }; _pDeviceI.pramck_contactString = function (strProperty) { }; _pDeviceI.isConvertDateToString = function (dateString) { }; _pDeviceI.isValidDate = function (argDate) { }; _pDeviceI.pramk_ContactFieldArray = function (argContactFieldArr) { }; _pDeviceI.pramk_ContactIMArray = function (argContactIMArr) { }; _pDeviceI.pramk_ContactAddressArray = function (argContactAddressArr) { }; _pDeviceI.pramk_ContactOrganizationArray = function (argContactOrganizationArr) { }; _pDeviceI.pramk_ContactPhotoArray = function (argContactPhotoArr) { }; _pDeviceI.parseDateToInt = function (strDate) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_takePicture = function (nQuality, nWidth, nHeight, strEncodingType, strGetType) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_busytimeout = function (timout) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_datasource = function (datasrc) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_asyncOpen = function (strDataSource, constOpenFlag) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_query = function (db_query) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_paramck_ldbconnection = function (objconnection) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_asyncExecuteQuery = function (db_query) { }; _pDeviceI.paramck_ImagePicker_asyncOpen = function (nQuality, nWidth, nHeight, strEncodingType, strGetType) { }; _pDeviceI.encodeString = function (source) { }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONString = function (dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONObject = function (dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.JSONObjectToDataset = function (jsonObject, dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.JSONStringToDataset = function (jsonString, dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONString2 = function (dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONObject2 = function (dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.JSONObjectToDataset2 = function (jsonObject, dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.JSONStringToDataset2 = function (jsonString, dataset) { }; _pDeviceI.exit = function (useCache) { }; _pDeviceI = null; nexacro.Device = new nexacro.DeviceI(); if (nexacro.Device.isHybrid()) { if (window.system) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { nexacro.System.prototype(); nexacro.System.getSystemInfo(); } } } if (nexacro.System) { nexacro.System.makeCall = function (strPhoneNumber, bAutoDialing) { }; nexacro.System.execBrowserHybrid = function (strUrl) { }; nexacro.System.play = function (strFilePath) { }; nexacro.System.stop = function () { }; nexacro.System.getSystemInfo = function () { }; nexacro.System.recvPhoneInfo = function (params) { }; nexacro.System.setOrientation = function (nOrientation) { }; nexacro.System.getPackageVersion = function () { }; } } if (!nexacro.Sms) { nexacro.Sms = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this._refform = obj; this.name = name || ""; this.phonenumber = ""; this.message = ""; this.enableevent = true; this._is_alive = true; this._event_list = { "cansendmessage" : 1, "onsendmessage" : 1, "onrecvmessage" : 1, "ondeletemessage" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onreadmessagelist" : 1 }; this.cansendmessage = null; this.onsendmessage = null; this.onrecvmessage = null; this.ondeletemessage = null; this.onerror = null; this.onreadmessagelist = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pSms = nexacro.Sms.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Sms); _pSms._type_name = "Sms"; _pSms.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; this._is_alive = false; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pSms.on_created = function () { }; _pSms._getReferenceContext = function () { return this._refform; }; _pSms.set_phonenumber = function (v) { if (this.paramck_phoneNumber(v) == true) { this.phonenumber = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSms.set_message = function (v) { if (this.paramck_message(v) == true) { this.message = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSms.sendMessage = function (strPhoneNumber, strMessage) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice != 0) { if (nexacro.SystemType == "ipad") { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); return false; } if (Number(nexacro.OSVersion.substring(0, 1)) < 4) { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); return false; } } var objSmsMessage = new nexacro.SmsMessage("SmsMessage", this); objSmsMessage.set_smsid("-1"); if (strPhoneNumber == null && strMessage == null) { objSmsMessage.set_phonenumber(this.phonenumber || ""); objSmsMessage.set_message(this.message || ""); } else if (strPhoneNumber && strMessage) { if (typeof (strPhoneNumber) == "undefined") { strPhoneNumber = ""; } if (typeof (strMessage) == "undefined") { strMessage = ""; } if (!objSmsMessage.set_phonenumber(strPhoneNumber)) { return false; } objSmsMessage.set_message(strMessage); } else if (strPhoneNumber != null || strMessage != null) { if (typeof (strPhoneNumber) == "undefined") { strPhoneNumber = ""; } if (!objSmsMessage.set_phonenumber(strPhoneNumber)) { return false; } objSmsMessage.set_message(strMessage || ""); } else { return false; } var cansendFlag = this._cansendmessage(objSmsMessage.phonenumber, objSmsMessage.message); if (cansendFlag != null) { if (cansendFlag.toString() == "false") { return false; } } if (this.paramck_sendMessage(objSmsMessage.phonenumber, objSmsMessage.message)) { var params; var jsonstr; var renamephonNumber = objSmsMessage.phonenumber.split("+").join(""); if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{"number":"' + renamephonNumber + '", "msg":"' + objSmsMessage.message + '"}'; } else { params = '{ "number":"' + objSmsMessage.phonenumber; params += '", "msg":"' + objSmsMessage.message.replace(/\n/g, "_NEWLINE_"); params += '"}'; } jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"sendMessage", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pSms.recvStart = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"recvStart", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); } }; _pSms.recvStop = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"recvStop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); } }; _pSms.readMessageList = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"readMessageList", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); } }; _pSms.deleteMessage = function (_id) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice != 0) { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); return false; } this.index = _id; if (this.paramck_deleteMessage(this.index)) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.id = _id; var params = '{"id":"' + this.id + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sms", "method":"deleteMessage", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pSms._onsendmessage = function (objData) { var e; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { e = new nexacro.SmsEventInfo("onsendmessage", objData.smsid, objData.phonenumber, objData.message); } else { e = new nexacro.SmsEventInfo("onsendmessage", -1, objData.phonenumber, objData.message); } this._fire_onsendmessage(this, e); }; _pSms._fire_onsendmessage = function (objSms, eSmsEventInfo) { if (this.onsendmessage && this.onsendmessage._has_handlers) { return this.onsendmessage._fireEvent(this, eSmsEventInfo); } return true; }; _pSms._onrecvmessage = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.SmsEventInfo("onrecvmessage", objData.smsid, objData.phonenumber, objData.message); this._fire_onrecvmessage(this, e); }; _pSms._fire_onrecvmessage = function (objSms, eSmsEventInfo) { if (this.onrecvmessage && this.onrecvmessage._has_handlers) { return this.onrecvmessage._fireEvent(this, eSmsEventInfo); } return true; }; _pSms._onreadmessagelist = function (objData) { var arr = new Array(objData.length); for (var i = 0; i < objData.length; i++) { var jsonOb = eval("(" + objData[i] + ")"); var temp = new nexacro.SmsMessage(jsonOb.id, jsonOb.phonenumber, jsonOb.message, jsonOb.type, jsonOb.date); arr[i] = temp; } var e = new nexacro.SmsMessagListEventInfo(arr); this._fire_onreadmessagelist(this, e); }; _pSms._fire_onreadmessagelist = function (objSms, eSmsMsgList) { if (this.onreadmessagelist && this.onreadmessagelist._has_handlers) { return this.onreadmessagelist._fireEvent(this, eSmsMsgList); } return true; }; _pSms._ondeletemessage = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.SmsEventInfo("ondeletemessage", objData.smsid, objData.phonenumber, objData.message); this._fire_ondeletemessage(this, e); }; _pSms._fire_ondeletemessage = function (objSms, eSmsEventInfo) { if (this.ondeletemessage && this.ondeletemessage._has_handlers) { return this.ondeletemessage._fireEvent(this, eSmsEventInfo); } return true; }; _pSms._cansendmessage = function (strPhoneNumber, strMessage) { var e; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (nexacro.__getMobileProductType().toLowerCase() == "shw-m380s") { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); return false; } e = new nexacro.SmsEventInfo("cansendmessage", "-1", strPhoneNumber, strMessage); } else { if (nexacro.SystemType == "ipad") { this.sendUnsupportedFunc(); return false; } e = new nexacro.SmsEventInfo("cansendmessage", -1, strPhoneNumber, strMessage); } return this._fire_cansendmessage(this, e); }; _pSms._fire_cansendmessage = function (objSms, eSmsEventInfo) { if (this.cansendmessage && this.cansendmessage._has_handlers) { return this.cansendmessage._fireEvent(this, eSmsEventInfo); } return true; }; _pSms._onerror = function (objData) { var e; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { e = new nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.smsid, objData.phonenumber, objData.message, objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); } else { objSmsMessage.set_smsid(-1); e = new nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.smsid, objData.phonenumber, objData.message, objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); } this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pSms._fire_onerror = function (objSms, SmsErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, SmsErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pSms.sendUnsupportedFunc = function () { var smsobj = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo("onerror", "-1", smsobj.phonenumber, smsobj.message, "2002", "The phone does not support"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return true; }; _pSms.paramck_phoneNumber = function (strPhoneNumber) { if (strPhoneNumber == null || typeof (strPhoneNumber) == "undefined") { return false; } else { strPhoneNumber = strPhoneNumber.toString(); } var number = ""; try { number = strPhoneNumber.split("+").join(""); number = number.split("-").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (number.length < 3) { return false; } if (!this.publicNumCheck_Sms(number)) { return false; } return true; }; _pSms.paramck_message = function (strMessage) { if (strMessage == null || typeof (strMessage) == "undefined" || typeof (strMessage) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pSms.paramck_sendMessage = function (strPhoneNumber, strMessage) { if (strPhoneNumber == null || strMessage == null || typeof (strPhoneNumber) == "undefined" || typeof (strMessage) == "undefined" || typeof (strMessage) != "string") { return false; } else { strPhoneNumber = strPhoneNumber.toString(); } try { var number = ""; number = strPhoneNumber.split("+").join(""); number = number.split("-").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (!this.publicNumCheck_Sms(number)) { return false; } return true; }; _pSms.paramck_deleteMessage = function (id) { if (id == null || typeof (id) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(id)) { return false; } if (id < 1) { return false; } return true; }; _pSms.publicNumCheck_Sms = function (v) { try { var strlength = v.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { var numberss = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }; _pSms = null; } if (!nexacro.SmsMessagListEventInfo) { nexacro.SmsMessagListEventInfo = function (obj) { this.eventid = "onreadmessagelist"; this.smsmessages = obj; }; var _pSmsMsgList = nexacro.SmsMessagListEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.SmsMessagListEventInfo); _pSmsMsgList._type_name = "SmsMessageListEventInfo"; _pSmsMsgList = null; } if (!nexacro.SmsMessage) { nexacro.SmsMessage = function (_id, _number, _message, _type, _data) { this.smsid = _id; this.phonenumber = _number; this.message = _message; this.type = _type; this.date = _data; }; var _pSmsMessage = nexacro.SmsMessage.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.SmsMessage); _pSmsMessage._type_name = "SmsMessage"; _pSmsMessage.set_phonenumber = function (v) { if (this.paramck_phoneNumber(v) == true) { this.phonenumber = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSmsMessage.set_message = function (v) { if (this.paramck_message(v) == true) { this.message = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSmsMessage.set_smsid = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined") { this.smsid = ""; return true; } else if (typeof (v) == "string") { this.smsid = Number(v); return true; } else { this.smsid = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSmsMessage.set_type = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined") { this.Type = ""; return true; } else { this.Type = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSmsMessage.set_date = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined") { this.date = ""; return true; } else { this.date = v; return true; } return false; }; _pSmsMessage.paramck_phoneNumber = function (strPhoneNumber) { if (strPhoneNumber == null || typeof (strPhoneNumber) == "undefined") { return false; } else { strPhoneNumber = strPhoneNumber.toString(); } var number = ""; try { number = strPhoneNumber.split("+").join(""); number = number.split("-").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (number.length < 3) { return false; } if (!this.publicNumCheck_Sms(number)) { return false; } return true; }; _pSmsMessage.paramck_message = function (strMessage) { if (strMessage == null || typeof (strMessage) == "undefined" || typeof (strMessage) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pSmsMessage.publicNumCheck_Sms = function (v) { try { var strlength = v.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { var numberss = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }; _pSmsMessage = null; } if (!nexacro.SmsEventInfo) { nexacro.SmsEventInfo = function (strEventId, strSmsId, strPhonenumber, strMessage) { if (typeof (strSmsId) == "undefined") { this.smsid = ""; } else if (typeof (strSmsId) == "string") { this.smsid = Number(strSmsId); } else { this.smsid = strSmsId; } this.eventid = strEventId; this.phonenumber = strPhonenumber; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.message = strMessage; } else { this.message = strMessage.replace(/__NEW_LINE__/g, "\n"); } }; var _pSmsEventInfo = nexacro.SmsEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.SmsEventInfo); _pSmsEventInfo._type_name = "SmsEventInfo"; _pSmsEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, strSmsId, strPhonenumber, strMessage, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { if (typeof (strSmsId) == "undefined") { this.smsid = ""; } else { this.smsid = strSmsId; } this.eventid = strEventId; this.smsid = strSmsId; this.phonenumber = strPhonenumber; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.message = strMessage; } else { this.message = strMessage.replace(/__NEW_LINE__/g, "\n"); } this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pSmsErrorEventInfo = nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.SmsErrorEventInfo); _pSmsErrorEventInfo._type_name = "SmsErrorEventInfo"; _pSmsErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.AudioPlayer) { nexacro.AudioPlayer = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this._refform = obj; this.name = name || ""; this.bload = false; this.bplay = false; this.bpaused = false; this.enableevent = true; this._is_alive = true; this.url = ""; this.duration = 0.0; this.currentpos = 0.0; this.repeatcount = 1; this.startpos = -1; this.stoppos = -1; this.volume = -1; this.pan = -1; this._event_list = { "onload" : 1, "onplay" : 1, "onplaying" : 1, "onstop" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onmovepos" : 1 }; this.onload = null; this.onplay = null; this.onplaying = null; this.onstop = null; this.onerror = null; this.onmovepos = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pAudioPlayer = nexacro.AudioPlayer.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.AudioPlayer); _pAudioPlayer._type_name = "AudioPlayer"; _pAudioPlayer.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; this._is_alive = false; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.on_created = function () { }; _pAudioPlayer._getReferenceContext = function () { return this._refform; }; _pAudioPlayer.setSystemVolume = function (v) { this.volume = v; }; _pAudioPlayer.set_duration = function (v) { }; _pAudioPlayer.set_currentpos = function (v) { }; _pAudioPlayer.set_repeatcount = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 0) { this.repeatcount = v; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.set_startpos = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if ((v == -1) || (0 <= v && v <= this.duration)) { this.startpos = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.set_stoppos = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if ((v == -1) || (0 <= v && v <= this.duration)) { this.stoppos = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.set_volume = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if ((v >= 0.0 && v <= 1.0) || v == -1) { this.volume = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.set_pan = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if ((v >= 0.0 && v <= 1.0) || v == -1) { this.pan = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.set_url = function (v) { var pcheck = this.paramck_AudioLoad(v); if (pcheck == true) { this.url = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pAudioPlayer.load = function (strUrl) { this.startpos = -1; this.stoppos = -1; var pcheck = this.paramck_AudioLoad(strUrl); if (pcheck == true) { this.url = strUrl; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var EnvironmentPath = ""; var androidFilePath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strUrl.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { EnvironmentPath = 1; androidFilePath = strUrl.substring(9, strUrl.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { EnvironmentPath = 2; androidFilePath = strUrl.substring(9, strUrl.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.substring(0, 7) == "http://") { androidFilePath = strUrl; EnvironmentPath = ""; } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strUrl); if (null != _filecache) { EnvironmentPath = 3; androidFilePath = _filecache; } else { androidFilePath = strUrl; } } var params = '{"target":"' + androidFilePath + '", "EnvironmentPath":"' + EnvironmentPath + '"}'; } else { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strUrl.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + strUrl.substring(9, strUrl.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.substring(0, 7) == "http://") { iosfilepath = strUrl; } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strUrl); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { iosfilepath = strUrl; } } var params = '{"target":"' + iosfilepath + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"load", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pAudioPlayer.play = function (nIntervalTime) { var params; var jsonstr; var IntervalTimeState; if (typeof (nIntervalTime) == "undefined" || nIntervalTime == null || nIntervalTime == "") { nIntervalTime = 0; IntervalTimeState = 1; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nIntervalTime) && nIntervalTime >= 0 && nIntervalTime <= 86400000) { if (nIntervalTime < 200) { return false; } else { IntervalTimeState = 0; } } else { return false; } } if (typeof (this.repeatcount) == "undefined" || this.repeatcount == null) { this.repeatcount = 1; } if (typeof (this.startpos) == "undefined" || this.startpos == null || this.startpos == 0) { this.startpos = -1; } if (typeof (this.stoppos) == "undefined" || this.stoppos == null || this.stoppos == 0) { this.stoppos = -1; } if (this.volume >= 0.0 && this.volume <= 1.0) { this.setvolume(); } if ((this.pan >= 0.0 && this.pan <= 1.0) || this.pan == -1) { this.setpan(); } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{ repeatstartpos:"' + this.startpos; params += '", repeatstoppos:"' + this.stoppos; params += '", repeatcount:"' + this.repeatcount; params += '", playingeventtime:"' + nIntervalTime; params += '", intervaltimestate:"' + IntervalTimeState; params += '"}'; } else { params = '{ "repeatstartpos":"' + this.startpos; params += '", "repeatstoppos":"' + this.stoppos; params += '", "repeatcount":"' + this.repeatcount; params += '", "playingeventtime":"' + nIntervalTime; params += '", "intervaltimestate":"' + IntervalTimeState; params += '"}'; } if (this.bload == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1007", "Not loaded"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return true; } if (this.bplay == true) { var avobj = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", avobj.currentpos, "1008", "Already playing"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return true; } if (this.startpos == -1 && this.stoppos == -1) { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"play", "params":' + params + '}'; } else { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"repeatplay", "params":' + params + '}'; } nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.pause = function () { if (this.bload == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1007", "Not loaded"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bplay == false && this.bpaused == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1009", "Not playing"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bpaused == true) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", this.currentpos, "1303", "Already paused"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"pause", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioPlayer.resume = function () { if (this.bload == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1007", "Not loaded"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bplay == true) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", this.currentpos, "1011", "Not Paused"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bpaused == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", this.currentpos, "1010", "Can't resume."); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"resume", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioPlayer.stop = function () { if (this.bload == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1007", "Not loaded"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bplay == false && this.bpaused != true) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", this.currentpos, "1009", "Not playing"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"stop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioPlayer._onload = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onload", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, objData.repeatstart, objData.repeatend, objData.repeatcount); this.duration = objData.playtime; this.bload = true; this.bplay = false; this.bpaused = false; this.duration = objData.playtime; this._fire_onload(this, e); }; _pAudioPlayer._fire_onload = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers) { return this.onload._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer._onplay = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onplay", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, objData.repeatstart, objData.repeatend, objData.repeatcount); this.duration = objData.playtime; this.currentpos = objData.curtime; this.bplay = true; this.bpaused = false; this._fire_onplay(this, e); }; _pAudioPlayer._fire_onplay = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onplay && this.onplay._has_handlers) { return this.onplay._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer._onplaying = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onplaying", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, objData.repeatstart, objData.repeatend, objData.repeatcount); this.duration = objData.playtime; this.currentpos = objData.curtime; this._fire_onplaying(this, e); }; _pAudioPlayer._fire_onplaying = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onplaying && this.onplaying._has_handlers) { return this.onplaying._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer._onstop = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onstop", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, objData.repeatstart, objData.repeatend, objData.repeatcount); this.duration = objData.playtime; this.currentpos = objData.curtime; if (objData.reason == "4" || objData.reason == "5") { this.bpaused = false; this.bplay = false; this.currentpos = 0.0; } else if (objData.reason == "6") { this.bpaused = true; this.bplay = false; } this._fire_onstop(this, e); }; _pAudioPlayer._fire_onstop = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onstop && this.onstop._has_handlers) { return this.onstop._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.movePos = function (nPos) { if (this.bload == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", 0, "1007", "Not loaded"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (typeof (nPos) != "undefined" && (nPos >= 0 && nPos <= this.duration) && nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nPos)) { this.time = nPos || ""; var params; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{ desttime:"' + this.time; params += '"}'; } else { params = '{ "desttime":"' + this.time; params += '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"movePos", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pAudioPlayer._onmovepos = function (objData) { this.currentpos = objData.curtime; var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onmovepos", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, objData.repeatstart, objData.repeatend, objData.repeatcount); this.duration = objData.playtime; this._fire_onmovepos(this, e); }; _pAudioPlayer._fire_onmovepos = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onmovepos && this.onmovepos._has_handlers) { return this.onmovepos._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.setvolume = function () { var params; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{ volume:"' + this.volume; params += '"}'; } else { params = '{ "volume":"' + this.volume; params += '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"setvolum", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioPlayer.setpan = function () { var params; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{ pan:"' + this.pan; params += '"}'; } else { params = '{ "pan":"' + this.pan; params += '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"setpan", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioPlayer._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.url, objData.curtime, objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pAudioPlayer._fire_onerror = function (objAudioPlayer, AudioErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, AudioErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer.paramck_AudioLoad = function (strFilePath) { if (strFilePath == null || typeof (strFilePath) == "undefined" || typeof (strFilePath) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pAudioPlayer = null; } if (!nexacro.AudioEventInfo) { nexacro.AudioEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strUrl, intPlaytime, intCurtime, intrepeatstart, intrepeatend, intrepeatcount) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.url = strUrl; this.duration = intPlaytime; this.currentpos = intCurtime; }; var _pAudioEventInfo = nexacro.AudioEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.AudioEventInfo); _pAudioEventInfo._type_name = "AudioEventInfo"; _pAudioEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, strUrl, intCurtime, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.url = strUrl; this.currentpos = intCurtime; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pAudioErrorEventInfo = nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo); _pAudioErrorEventInfo._type_name = "AudioErrorEventInfo"; _pAudioErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.Geolocation) { nexacro.Geolocation = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.ACCURACY_0 = 0; this.ACCURACY_1 = 1; this.ACCURACY_2 = 2; this.ACCURACY_3 = 3; this.ACCURACY_4 = 4; this.coords = { latitude : 0.0 , longitude : 0.0 , altitude : 0.0 , heading : 0.0 , speed : 0.0 , accuracy : 0.0 , altitudeaccuracy : 0.0 , set_latitude : function () { }, set_longitude : function () { }, set_altitude : function () { }, set_heading : function () { }, set_speed : function () { }, set_accuracy : function () { }, set_altitudeaccuracy : function () { } }; this.timestamp = ""; this.sourcetype = ""; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onrecvsuccess" : 1, "onrecverror" : 1 }; this.onrecvsuccess = null; this.onrecverror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Geolocation", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pGeolocation = nexacro.Geolocation.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Geolocation); _pGeolocation._type_name = "Geolocation"; _pGeolocation.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Geolocation", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pGeolocation.on_created = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_coords = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_latitude = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_longitude = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_altitude = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_heading = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_speed = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_accuracy = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_altitudeaccuracy = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_sourcetype = function () { }; _pGeolocation.set_timestamp = function () { }; _pGeolocation.getCurrentPosition = function (nAccuracy, nTimeout) { var params; if (nAccuracy == null || nTimeout == null) { return false; } if (this.parmack_Geolocation(nAccuracy, nTimeout, 1)) { this.Accuracy = nAccuracy; this.Timeout = nTimeout; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{Accuracy:"' + this.Accuracy + '", Timeout:"' + this.Timeout + '"}'; } else { params = '{"Accuracy":"' + this.Accuracy; params += '", "timeout":"' + this.Timeout + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Geolocation", "method":"getCurrentPosition", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pGeolocation.watchStart = function (nAccuracy, nIntervalTime) { var params; if (nAccuracy == null || nIntervalTime == null) { return false; } if (this.parmack_Geolocation(nAccuracy, nIntervalTime, 2)) { this.Accuracy = nAccuracy.toString(); this.IntervalTime = nIntervalTime.toString(); if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{"Accuracy":"' + this.Accuracy + '", "IntervalTime":"' + this.IntervalTime + '"}'; } else { this.Accuracy = nAccuracy; params = '{"Accuracy":"' + this.Accuracy; params += '", "timeout":"' + this.IntervalTime + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Geolocation", "method":"watchStart", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { return false; } return true; }; _pGeolocation.watchStop = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Geolocation", "method":"watchStop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pGeolocation._onrecvsuccess = function (objData) { this.coords.latitude = objData.coords.latitude; this.coords.longitude = objData.coords.longitude; this.coords.altitude = objData.coords.altitude; this.coords.heading = objData.coords.heading; this.coords.speed = objData.coords.speed; this.coords.accuracy = objData.coords.accuracy; this.coords.altitudeaccuracy = objData.coords.altitudeaccuracy; this.timestamp = new Date(objData.timestamp); this.sourcetype = objData.sourcetype; var e = new nexacro.GeolocationEventInfo("onrecvsuccess", this.coords, this.timestamp, this.sourcetype); this._fire_onrecvsuccess(this, e); }; _pGeolocation._fire_onrecvsuccess = function (objGeolocation, eGeolocationEventInfo) { if (this.onrecvsuccess && this.onrecvsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onrecvsuccess._fireEvent(this, eGeolocationEventInfo); } return true; }; _pGeolocation._onrecverror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.GeolocationErrorEventInfo("onrecverror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onrecverror(this, e); }; _pGeolocation._fire_onrecverror = function (objGeolocation, eGeolocationErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onrecverror && this.onrecverror._has_handlers) { return this.onrecverror._fireEvent(this, eGeolocationErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pGeolocation.parmack_Geolocation = function (nAccuracy, nTimeout, method) { if (nAccuracy == null || typeof (nAccuracy) == "undefined") { return false; } if (nTimeout == null || typeof (nTimeout) == "undefined") { return false; } if (method == null || typeof (method) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nAccuracy)) { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nTimeout)) { return false; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (method == 1) { if ((nAccuracy >= 0 && nAccuracy < 3) && (nTimeout >= 200 && nTimeout <= 86400000)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (method == 2) { if ((nAccuracy >= 0 && nAccuracy < 3) && (nTimeout >= 200 && nTimeout <= 86400000)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { if (method == 1) { if ((nAccuracy >= 0 && nAccuracy < 5) && (nTimeout >= 200 && nTimeout <= 86400000)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (method == 2) { if ((nAccuracy >= 0 && nAccuracy < 5) && (nTimeout >= 200 && nTimeout <= 86400000)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } return true; }; _pGeolocation = null; } if (!nexacro.GeolocationEventInfo) { nexacro.GeolocationEventInfo = function (strEventId, objCoords, strTimestamp, strSourcetype) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.coords = { latitude : Number(objCoords.latitude) , longitude : Number(objCoords.longitude) , altitude : Number(objCoords.altitude) , heading : Number(objCoords.heading) , speed : Number(objCoords.speed) , accuracy : Number(objCoords.accuracy) , altitudeaccuracy : Number(objCoords.altitudeaccuracy) }; this.timestamp = strTimestamp; this.sourcetype = strSourcetype; }; var _pGeolocationEventInfo = nexacro.GeolocationEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GeolocationEventInfo); _pGeolocationEventInfo._type_name = "GeolocationEventInfo"; _pGeolocationEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.GeolocationErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.GeolocationErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pGeolocationErrorEventInfo = nexacro.GeolocationErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GeolocationErrorEventInfo); _pGeolocationErrorEventInfo._type_name = "GeolocationErrorEventInfo"; _pGeolocationErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.Acceleration) { nexacro.Acceleration = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.xpos = 0; this.ypos = 0; this.zpos = 0; this.timestamp = ""; this.accuracy = 0; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onrecvsuccess" : 1, "onrecverror" : 1 }; this.onrecvsuccess = null; this.onrecverror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Acceleration", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pAcceleration = nexacro.Acceleration.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Acceleration); _pAcceleration._type_name = "Acceleration"; _pAcceleration.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Acceleration", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pAcceleration.on_created = function () { }; _pAcceleration.set_xpos = function () { }; _pAcceleration.set_ypos = function () { }; _pAcceleration.set_zpos = function () { }; _pAcceleration.set_timestamp = function () { }; _pAcceleration.set_accuracy = function () { }; _pAcceleration.getCurrentAcceleration = function (nAccuracy) { var params; if (typeof (nAccuracy) == "undefined" || nAccuracy == null) { this.accuracy = 0; } else { if (this.paramck_accuracy(nAccuracy)) { if (nAccuracy >= 0 && nAccuracy <= 3) { this.accuracy = nAccuracy; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } var pcheck = this.parmack_AccelgetCurrentPosition(this.accuracy); if (pcheck == true) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{"Accuracy" : "' + this.accuracy.toString() + '"}'; } else { params = '{"Accuracy":"' + this.accuracy + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Acceleration", "method":"getCurrentAcceleration", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pAcceleration.watchStart = function (nAccuracy, nIntervalTime) { var params; var pcheck = this.pramck_AccelwatchStart(nIntervalTime, nAccuracy); if (pcheck == true) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{ IntervalTime:"' + nIntervalTime; params += '", Accuracy:"' + nAccuracy; params += '"}'; } else { params = '{"timeout":"' + nIntervalTime; params += '", "Accuracy":"' + nAccuracy; params += '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Acceleration", "method":"watchStart", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pAcceleration.watchStop = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Acceleration", "method":"watchStop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAcceleration._onrecvsuccess = function (objData) { this.xpos = parseFloat(objData.xpos); this.ypos = parseFloat(objData.ypos); this.zpos = parseFloat(objData.zpos); this.timestamp = new Date(objData.timestamp); this.accuracy = parseFloat(objData.accuracy); var e = new nexacro.AccelerationEventInfo("onrecvsuccess", this); this._fire_onrecvsuccess(this, e); }; _pAcceleration._fire_onrecvsuccess = function (objAcceleration, eAccelerationEventInfo) { if (this.onrecvsuccess && this.onrecvsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onrecvsuccess._fireEvent(this, eAccelerationEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAcceleration._onrecverror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AccelerationErrorEventInfo("onrecverror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onrecverror(this, e); }; _pAcceleration._fire_onrecverror = function (objAcceleration, eAccelerationErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onrecverror && this.onrecverror._has_handlers) { return this.onrecverror._fireEvent(this, eAccelerationErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAcceleration.paramck_accuracy = function (v) { if (v == null || typeof (v) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { return false; } return true; }; _pAcceleration.parmack_AccelgetCurrentPosition = function (nAccuracy) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nAccuracy)) { return false; } return true; }; _pAcceleration.pramck_AccelwatchStart = function (nIntervalTime, nAccuracy) { if (nIntervalTime == null || typeof (nIntervalTime) == "undefined") { return false; } if (nAccuracy == null || typeof (nAccuracy) == "undefined") { return false; } if ((nAccuracy >= 0 && nAccuracy <= 3) && (nIntervalTime >= 200 && nIntervalTime <= 86400000)) { } else { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nIntervalTime)) { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nAccuracy)) { return false; } return true; }; _pAcceleration = null; } if (!nexacro.AccelerationEventInfo) { nexacro.AccelerationEventInfo = function (strEventId, objAcceleration) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.xpos = objAcceleration.xpos; this.ypos = objAcceleration.ypos; this.zpos = objAcceleration.zpos; this.timestamp = objAcceleration.timestamp; this.accuracy = objAcceleration.accuracy; }; _pAccelerationEventInfo = nexacro.AccelerationEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.AccelerationEventInfo); _pAccelerationEventInfo._type_name = "AccelerationEventInfo"; _pAccelerationEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.AccelerationErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.AccelerationErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; _pAccelerationErrorEventInfo = nexacro.AccelerationErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.AccelerationErrorEventInfo); _pAccelerationErrorEventInfo._type_name = "AccelerationErrorEventInfo"; _pAccelerationErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.Vibrator) { nexacro.Vibrator = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.repeatcount = "1"; this.patterns = new Array(100, 100); this.startpos = "0"; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onplay" : 1, "onstop" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onplay = null; this.onstop = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Vibrator", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pVibrator = nexacro.Vibrator.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Vibrator); _pVibrator._type_name = "Vibrator"; _pVibrator.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Vibrator", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVibrator.on_created = function () { }; _pVibrator.set_repeatcount = function (v) { if (this.paramck_vibrepeatcount(v)) { this.repeatcount = v; return true; } return false; }; _pVibrator.set_patterns = function (v) { if (this.paramck_vibpattern(v)) { this.patterns = v; return true; } return false; }; _pVibrator.set_startpos = function (v) { if (this.paramck_vibstartpos(v)) { this.startpos = v; return true; } return false; }; _pVibrator.hasVibrator = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { return nexacro.__hasVibrator(); } else { if (nexacro.Device.isphone == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; _pVibrator.play = function () { var params; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (this.startpos < this.patterns.length && this.startpos >= 0) { var startPosArray = new Array(); var startIndex = 0; if (Number(this.startpos) % 2 != 0) { startPosArray[0] = 0; startIndex++; } var lastIndex = this.patterns.length; for (var i = this.startpos; i < lastIndex; i++) { startPosArray[startIndex] = this.patterns[i]; startIndex++; } params = '{ turn:"' + this.repeatcount.toString(); params += '", delay:"' + startPosArray; params += '"}'; } else { return this._onerror({ errorcode : '00001', errormsg : 'parameter error' }); } } else { params = '{ "turn":"' + this.repeatcount; params += '", "delay":"' + this.patterns; params += '", "startpos":"' + this.startpos; params += '"}'; if (nexacro.Device.isphone != 1) { return this._onerror({ errorcode : '10001', errormsg : 'Unsupported device Vibrator' }); } } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Vibrator", "method":"play", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pVibrator.stop = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Vibrator", "method":"stop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pVibrator._onplay = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.VibratorEventInfo("onplay"); this._fire_onplay(this, e); }; _pVibrator._fire_onplay = function (objVibrator, eVibratorEventInfo) { if (this.onplay && this.onplay._has_handlers) { return this.onplay._fireEvent(this, eVibratorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVibrator._onstop = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.VibratorEventInfo("onstop"); this._fire_onstop(this, e); }; _pVibrator._fire_onstop = function (objVibrator, eVibratorEventInfo) { if (this.onstop && this.onstop._has_handlers) { return this.onstop._fireEvent(this, eVibratorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVibrator._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.VibratorErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pVibrator._fire_onerror = function (objVibrator, VibratorErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, VibratorErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVibrator.paramck_vibstartpos = function (v) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v) || Number(v) < 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pVibrator.paramck_vibrepeatcount = function (v) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { return false; } if (Number(v) < 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pVibrator.paramck_vibpattern = function (obj) { if (obj instanceof Array) { if (obj.length <= 100) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(obj[i])) { return false; } if (obj[i] < 1) { return false; } } } else { return false; } if (obj.length % 2 != 0) { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; }; _pVibrator = null; } if (!nexacro.VibratorEventInfo) { nexacro.VibratorEventInfo = function (strEventId) { this.eventid = strEventId; }; var _pVibratorEventInfo = nexacro.VibratorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.VibratorEventInfo); _pVibratorEventInfo._type_name = "VibratorEventInfo"; _pVibratorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.VibratorErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.VibratorErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, strErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = strErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pVibratorErrorEventInfo = nexacro.VibratorErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.VibratorErrorEventInfo); _pVibratorErrorEventInfo._type_name = "VibratorErrorEventInfo"; _pVibratorErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.Network) { nexacro.Network = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.availabletype = ""; this.timestamp = ""; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onrecvsuccess" : 1, "onrecverror" : 1 }; this.onrecvsuccess = null; this.onrecverror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Network", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pNetwork = nexacro.Network.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Network); _pNetwork._type_name = "Network"; _pNetwork.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Network", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pNetwork.on_created = function () { }; _pNetwork.set_availabletype = function () { }; _pNetwork.set_timestamp = function () { }; _pNetwork.isReachable = function (strURL) { var params; if (strURL == null) { return false; } var pcheck = this.paramck_isReachable(strURL); if (pcheck == true) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.url = strURL || ""; params = '{"url":"' + this.url + '"}'; } else { params = '{"target":"' + strURL + '"}'; this.availabletype = "availabletype"; this.timestamp = "timestamp"; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Network", "method":"isReachable", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pNetwork.watchStart = function (nIntervalTime) { var params; var pcheck = this.paramck_watchStart(nIntervalTime); if (pcheck == true) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.intervalTime = nIntervalTime || ""; params = '{"target":"' + this.intervalTime + '"}'; } else { params = '{"target":"' + nIntervalTime + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Network", "method":"watchStart", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pNetwork.watchStop = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Network", "method":"watchStop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pNetwork._onrecvsuccess = function (objData) { this.availabletype = parseInt(objData.availabletype) | 0; this.timestamp = new Date(objData.timestamp); var e = new nexacro.NetworkEventInfo("onrecvsuccess"); this._fire_onrecvsuccess(this, e); }; _pNetwork._fire_onrecvsuccess = function (objNetwork, eNetworkEventInfo) { if (this.onrecvsuccess && this.onrecvsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onrecvsuccess._fireEvent(this, eNetworkEventInfo); } return true; }; _pNetwork._onrecverror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.NetworkErrorEventInfo("onrecverror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onrecverror(this, e); }; _pNetwork._fire_onrecverror = function (objNetwork, eNetworkErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onrecverror && this.onrecverror._has_handlers) { return this.onrecverror._fireEvent(this, eNetworkErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pNetwork.paramck_isReachable = function (strUrl) { if (strUrl.trim().length < 1 || strUrl == null || typeof (strUrl) == "undefined" || typeof (strUrl) != "string" || strUrl == "") { return false; } return true; }; _pNetwork.paramck_watchStart = function (strTime) { if (strTime == null || typeof (strTime) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(strTime)) { return false; } if (strTime < 200 || strTime > 86400000) { return false; } return true; }; _pNetwork = null; } if (!nexacro.NetworkEventInfo) { nexacro.NetworkEventInfo = function (strEventId) { this.eventid = strEventId; }; var _pNetworkEventInfo = nexacro.NetworkEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.NetworkEventInfo); _pNetworkEventInfo._type_name = "NetworkEventInfo"; _pNetworkEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.NetworkErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.NetworkErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pNetworkErrorEventInfo = nexacro.NetworkErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.NetworkErrorEventInfo); _pNetworkErrorEventInfo._type_name = "NetworkErrorEventInfo"; _pNetworkErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.FileDialog) { nexacro.FileDialog = function (name, obj) { this.name = name || ""; this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.enableevent = true; this.defaultextension = true; this.filter = ""; this.filterindex = 0; this.EnvironmentPath = 1; this.async = true; this._event_list = { "onclose" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onclose = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '{"defaultextension":"' + this.defaultextension + '","filter":"' + this.filter + '","filterindex":"' + this.filterindex + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"FileDialog", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; nexacro.FileDialog.LOAD = 1; nexacro.FileDialog.SAVE = 2; nexacro.FileDialog.MULTILOAD = 3; nexacro.FileDialog.SELFOLDER = 4; var _pFileDialog = nexacro.FileDialog.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.FileDialog); _pFileDialog._type_name = "FileDialog"; _pFileDialog.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"FileDialog", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pFileDialog.on_created = function () { }; _pFileDialog.set_defaultextension = function (v) { if (this.pramck_filedialog_defaultextension(v)) { if (typeof (v) != "boolean") { if (v.toLowerCase() == 'true') { this.defaultextension = true; } else if (v.toLowerCase() == 'false') { this.defaultextension = false; } } else { this.defaultextension = v; } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.set_filter = function (v) { if (this.pramck_filedialog_filter(v)) { var filterarr = v.split("|"); var f_len = filterarr.length; if (f_len < 2) { return false; } if ((f_len % 2 == 1) && filterarr[f_len - 1] != "") { return false; } var normalize = /[\*].[a-zA-Z0-9가-힣\*]/gi; for (var i = 0; i < f_len; i++) { if (i % 2 == 1) { if (normalize.test(filterarr[i]) == false) { return false; } normalize.lastIndex = 0; } } this.filter = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.set_filterindex = function (v) { if (this.pramck_filedialog_numbercheck(v)) { this.filterindex = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.set_async = function (v) { }; _pFileDialog.open = function (strTitle, constOpenMode, strInitialPath, strFileName) { if (strInitialPath == null || typeof (strInitialPath) == "undefined") { strInitialPath = "%USERAPP%"; } if (strFileName == null || typeof (strFileName) == "undefined") { strFileName = ""; } if (!this.pramck_filedialogasyncOpen(strTitle, constOpenMode)) { return false; } if (this.filter == "") { this.filter = "All(*.*)|*.*|"; } var filterarr = this.filter.split("|"); if (this.defaultextension == true && this.filterindex >= (filterarr.length / 2)) { return false; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = strInitialPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 1; } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 2; } else { return false; } } else { var rootPathCheck = strInitialPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = "_userapp_"; } else { return false; } } var params = '{"strTitle":"' + strTitle + '","constOpenMode":"' + constOpenMode + '","strInitialPath":"' + strInitialPath + '","strFileName":"' + strFileName + '","defaultextension":"' + this.defaultextension + '","filter":"' + this.filter + '","filterindex":"' + this.filterindex + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"FileDialog", "method":"open", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pFileDialog._onclose = function (objData) { var _virtualFile = objData.virtualfiles; var arr = new Array(_virtualFile.length); for (var i = 0; i < _virtualFile.length; i++) { var obj = new nexacro.VirtualFile("VirtualFile", ""); obj.filename = _virtualFile[i].filename; obj.fullpath = _virtualFile[i].fullpath; obj.path = _virtualFile[i].path; arr[i] = obj; } var e = new nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo("onclose", objData.reason, objData.path, arr); this._fire_onclose(this, e); }; _pFileDialog._fire_onclose = function (objFileDialog, eFileDialogEventInfo) { if (this.onclose && this.onclose._has_handlers) { return this.onclose._fireEvent(this, eFileDialogEventInfo); } return true; }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialog_defaultextension = function (property) { if (property == null || typeof (property) == "undefined" || typeof (property) != "boolean") { if (property.toLowerCase() == 'true' || property.toLowerCase() == 'false') { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialog_filter = function (property) { if (property == null || typeof (property) == "undefined" || typeof (property) != "string") { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialog_numbercheck = function (property) { if (property == null || typeof (property) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(property)) { return false; } return true; }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialogasyncOpen = function (strTitle, constOpenMode) { if (strTitle == null || typeof (strTitle) == "undefined") { return false; } if (constOpenMode == null || typeof (constOpenMode) == "undefined") { return false; } else { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(constOpenMode)) { return false; } if (constOpenMode > 4 || constOpenMode < 1) { return false; } } return true; }; _pFileDialog = null; } if (!nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo) { nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strPath, arrVirtualfiles) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.path = strPath; this.virtualfiles = arrVirtualfiles; }; var _pFileDialogEventInfo = nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo); _pFileDialogEventInfo._type_name = "FileDialogEventInfo"; _pFileDialogEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.VirtualFile) { nexacro.VirtualFile = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.filename = ""; this.fullpath = ""; this.path = ""; this.enableevent = true; this.async = true; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "getEvent" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; this.getEvent = null; var params = '{"strFilename":"' + this.filename + '","fullpath":"' + this.fullpath + '","path":"' + this.path + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; nexacro.VirtualFile.openRead = 0x0001; nexacro.VirtualFile.openWrite = 0x0002; nexacro.VirtualFile.openAppend = 0x0010; nexacro.VirtualFile.openCreate = 0x1000; nexacro.VirtualFile.openText = 0x0100; nexacro.VirtualFile.openBinary = 0x0200; nexacro.VirtualFile.seekBegin = 0x0000; nexacro.VirtualFile.seekCurrent = 0x0001; nexacro.VirtualFile.seekEnd = 0x0002; nexacro.VirtualFile.findAll = 0x0001; nexacro.VirtualFile.findFileOnly = 0x0002; nexacro.VirtualFile.findDirectoryOnly = 0x0003; nexacro.VirtualFile.findCaseless = 0x0010; nexacro.VirtualFile.EnvironmentPath = 1; var _pVirtualFile = nexacro.VirtualFile.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.VirtualFile); _pVirtualFile._type_name = "VirtualFile"; _pVirtualFile.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.on_created = function () { }; _pVirtualFile.set_filename = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.filename = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_fullpath = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.fullpath = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_path = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.path = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_environmentpath = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.EnvironmentPath = v; if ((+this.EnvironmentPath) != (+this.EnvironmentPath)) { return false; } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_async = function (v) { }; _pVirtualFile.set_filename = function () { }; _pVirtualFile.set_fullpath = function () { }; _pVirtualFile.set_path = function () { }; _pVirtualFile.open = function (strFileName, nOption) { this.nOptions = ""; this.nFiletype = ""; if (strFileName == null) { this.nOptions = strFileName; } else if (strFileName != null) { this.nOptions = nOption; this.fullpath = strFileName; } else { return false; } var index_path = this.fullpath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index_path == -1) { index_path = this.fullpath.lastIndexOf("%"); } this.path = this.fullpath.substring(0, index_path + 1); var index_name = this.fullpath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index_name == -1) { index_name = this.fullpath.lastIndexOf("%"); } this.filename = this.fullpath.substring(index_name + 1, this.fullpath.length); if (!this.pramck_asyncOpen(this.path, this.nOptions)) { return false; } this.strFilename = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.strFilename = this.fullpath.substring(9, this.fullpath.length); var rootPathCheck = this.fullpath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 1; } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 2; } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFileName); if (null != _filecache) { this.EnvironmentPath = 3; this.strFilename = _filecache; } else { return false; } } } else { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = this.fullpath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + this.fullpath.substring(9, this.fullpath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFileName); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { iosfilepath = strFileName; } } this.strFilename = iosfilepath; } var params = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{"strFilename":"' + this.strFilename + '","nOptions":"' + this.nOptions + '","nFiletype":"' + this.nFiletype + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; } else { params = '{"strFilename":"' + this.strFilename + '","nOptions":"' + this.nOptions + '","nFiletype":"' + this.nFiletype + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"open", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.close = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"close", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pVirtualFile.read = function (nLength) { this.nLength = nLength || -1; this.strCharset = "UTF-8"; if (!this.pramck_asyncRead(this.nLength)) { return false; } var params = '{ "nLength":"' + this.nLength; params += '", "strCharset":"' + this.strCharset; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"read", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.readLine = function (strDelimeter) { this.strCharset = "UTF-8"; if (strDelimeter == null) { this.strDelimeter = ""; } else if (strDelimeter != null) { this.strDelimeter = nexacro.Device.encodeString(strDelimeter); if (!this.pramck_asyncReadLine(this.strDelimeter)) { return false; } } var params = '{ "strDelimeter":"' + this.strDelimeter; params += '", "strCharset":"' + this.strCharset; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"readLine", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.seek = function (nOffset, nOption) { this.nOffset = ""; this.nOption = ""; if (nOption == null) { this.nOffset = nOffset; this.nOption = VirtualFile.seekCurrent; } else if (nOption != null) { this.nOffset = nOffset; this.nOption = nOption; } if (!this.paramck_asyncSeek(this.nOffset, this.nOption)) { return false; } var params = '{ "nOffset":"' + this.nOffset; params += '", "nOption":"' + this.nOption; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"seek", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.write = function (varData, strCharset) { this.varData = varData; this.strCharset = strCharset; if (typeof (this.varData) == "undefined" || this.varData.length == 0) { return false; } var params = '{ "varData":"' + this.varData; params += '", "strCharset":"' + this.strCharset; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"write", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.remove = function (strFilePath) { this._strFilePath = ""; if (strFilePath instanceof nexacro.VirtualFile) { this._strFilePath = strFilePath.fullpath; } else { this._strFilePath = strFilePath; } if (!this.pramck_asyncDelete(this._strFilePath)) { return false; } var deletetPath = ""; var rootPathCheck = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { rootPathCheck = this._strFilePath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 1; deletetPath = this._strFilePath.substring(9, this._strFilePath.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 2; deletetPath = this._strFilePath.substring(9, this._strFilePath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFilePath); if (null != _filecache) { this.EnvironmentPath = 3; deletetPath = _filecache; } else { return false; } } } else { var iosfilepath = ""; rootPathCheck = this._strFilePath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + this._strFilePath.substring(9, this._strFilePath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFilePath); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { return false; } } deletetPath = iosfilepath; } var params = '{"strFilePath":"' + deletetPath + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ',"div":"VirtualFile", "method":"remove", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.getFileList = function (strPath, strSearchExpr, constOption) { this.strPath = strPath; this.strSearchExpr = strSearchExpr; this.constOption = constOption; if (typeof (this.constOption) == "undefined") { this.constOption = VirtualFile.findAll; } if (strPath == null || strSearchExpr == null || !this.pramck_asyncGetFileList(this.strPath, this.strSearchExpr, this.constOption)) { return false; } var fileListPath = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = this.strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 1; fileListPath = this.strPath.substring(9, this.strPath.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 2; fileListPath = this.strPath.substring(9, this.strPath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strPath); if (null != _filecache) { this.EnvironmentPath = 3; fileListPath = _filecache; } else { return false; } } } else { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = this.strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + this.strPath.substring(9, this.strPath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strPath); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { return false; } } fileListPath = iosfilepath; } var params = '{"strPath":"' + fileListPath + '" ,"strSearchExpr":"' + this.strSearchExpr + '","constOption":"' + this.constOption + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"getFileList", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.getFileSize = function () { var params; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{ "strPath":"' + this.fullpath; params += '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; } else { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = this.fullpath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + this.fullpath.substring(9, this.fullpath.length); } params = '{ "strPath":"' + iosfilepath; params += '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"getFileSize", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pVirtualFile.isExist = function (strPath) { if (!this.pramck_asyncIsExist(strPath)) { return false; } var isExistPath = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 1; isExistPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { this.EnvironmentPath = 2; isExistPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strPath); if (null != _filecache) { this.EnvironmentPath = 3; isExistPath = _filecache; } else { return false; } } } else { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { isExistPath = "_userapp_" + strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strPath); if (null != _filecache) { isExistPath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { return false; } } } var params = '{ "strPath":"' + isExistPath + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"isExist", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.createDirectory = function (strPath, bAllCreate) { if (!this.pramck_asyncIsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (bAllCreate == null) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllCreate = false; } else if (bAllCreate != null) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllCreate = bAllCreate; } else { return false; } var strInitialPath = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 1; } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { strInitialPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 2; } else { return false; } } else { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = "_userapp_" + strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { return false; } } var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strInitialPath + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '","bAllCreate":"' + this.bAllCreate + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"createDirectory", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.deleteDirectory = function (strPath, bAllChild) { if (!this.pramck_asyncIsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (bAllChild == null) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllChild = false; } else if (bAllChild != null) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllChild = bAllChild; } else { return false; } var strInitialPath = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 1; } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { strInitialPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 2; } else { return false; } } else { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = "_userapp_" + strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { return false; } } var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strInitialPath + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '","bAllChild":"' + this.bAllChild + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"deleteDirectory", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile.renameDirectory = function (strPath, strNewName) { if (!this.pramck_asyncIsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (!this.paramck_folderName(strNewName)) { return false; } if (strNewName == null) { return false; } this.strPath = strPath; this.strNewName = strNewName; var strInitialPath = ""; var strDestPath = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 1; } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { strInitialPath = strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 2; } else { return false; } } else { var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = "_userapp_" + strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { return false; } } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var rootPathCheck = strNewName.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strDestPath = strNewName.substring(9, strNewName.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 1; } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { strDestPath = strNewName.substring(9, strNewName.length); this.EnvironmentPath = 2; } else { strDestPath = strNewName; } } else { var rootPathCheck = strNewName.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strDestPath = "_userapp_" + strNewName.substring(9, strNewName.length); } else { strDestPath = strNewName; } } var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strInitialPath + '","strNewName":"' + strDestPath + '","EnvironmentPath":"' + this.EnvironmentPath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"renameDirectory", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pVirtualFile._onsuccess = function (objData) { var _textdata = ""; var _bindata = ""; var temptxtlen = 0; var tempbinlen = 0; if (objData.textdata) { temptxtlen = objData.textdata.length; } if (objData.binarydata) { tempbinlen = objData.binarydata.length; } if (temptxtlen > 0) { _textdata = objData.textdata.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); } else if (tempbinlen > 0) { _bindata = objData.binarydata.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); } var e = new nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, _textdata, _bindata, eval(objData.fileattributelist), objData.filesize, objData.fileisexist); this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pVirtualFile._fire_onsuccess = function (objVirtualFile, eVirtualFileEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eVirtualFileEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pVirtualFile._fire_onerror = function (objVirtualFile, eVirtualFileErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eVirtualFileErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.toJSON = function () { return eval('({"filename":"' + this.filename + '","fullpath":"' + this.fullpath + '","path":"' + this.path + '"})'); }; _pVirtualFile.paramck_folderName = function (strName) { if (strName == null) { return false; } if (strName.match(/[\"/:*?<>|]/)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_virtualproperty = function (property) { if (typeof (property) == "undefined" || property == "" || property == null) { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_asyncOpen = function (strFileName, nOptions) { if (nOptions == null) { if (typeof (strFileName) == "undefined" || strFileName == "" || strFileName == null) { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(strFileName)) { return false; } return true; } if (strFileName == null || typeof (strFileName) == "undefined") { return false; } if (nOptions == null || typeof (nOptions) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nOptions)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_asyncRead = function (nLength) { if (nLength == null || typeof (nLength) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nLength)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_asyncReadLine = function (strDelimeter) { if (strDelimeter == null || typeof (strDelimeter) == "undefined" || typeof (strDelimeter) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.paramck_asyncSeek = function (nOffset, nOption) { if (nOffset == null || typeof (nOffset) == "undefined") { return false; } if (nOption == null || typeof (nOption) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nOffset)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_asyncDelete = function (strFilePath) { if (strFilePath == null || typeof (strFilePath) == "undefined" || strFilePath == "") { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_asyncIsExist = function (strPath) { if (strPath == null || typeof (strPath) == "undefined" || strPath == "" || typeof (strPath) != "string") { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_asyncGetFileList = function (strPath, strSearchExpr, constOption) { if (strPath == null || typeof (strPath) == "undefined" || strPath == "" || typeof (strPath) != "string") { return false; } if (strSearchExpr == null || typeof (strSearchExpr) == "undefined" || strSearchExpr == "" || typeof (strSearchExpr) != "string") { return false; } if (constOption == null || typeof (constOption) == "undefined" || constOption == "") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(constOption)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo) { nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strTextdata, strBinarydata, strFilelist, strFilesize, strExist) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.textdata = strTextdata; this.binarydata = strBinarydata; if (typeof (strFilelist) != "undefined") { var tempArr = new Array(strFilelist.length); for (var i = 0; i < strFilelist.length; i++) { tempArr[i] = new nexacro.FileAttribute(strFilelist[i]); } this.fileattributelist = tempArr; } else { this.fileattributelist = ""; } this.filesize = strFilesize; this.fileisexist = strExist; }; var _pVirtualFileEventInfo = nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo); _pVirtualFileEventInfo._type_name = "VirtualFileEventInfo"; _pVirtualFileEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pVirtualFileErrorEventInfo = nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo); _pVirtualFileErrorEventInfo._type_name = "VirtualFileErrorEventInfo"; _pVirtualFileErrorEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.FileAttribute) { nexacro.FileAttribute = function (jsonObj) { this.accesstime = jsonObj.accesstime; this.createtime = jsonObj.createtime; this.filename = jsonObj.filename; this.groupid = jsonObj.groupid; this.modifytime = jsonObj.modifytime; this.size = jsonObj.size; this.userid = jsonObj.userid; this.isdirectory = jsonObj.isdirectory; this.isreadonly = jsonObj.isreadonly; }; var _pFileAttribute = nexacro.FileAttribute.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.FileAttribute); _pFileAttribute._type_name = "FileAttribute"; _pFileAttribute.on_created = function () { }; _pFileAttribute.isDirectory = function () { return this.isdirectory; }; _pFileAttribute.isReadOnly = function () { return this.isreadonly; }; _pFileAttribute = null; } if (!nexacro.Camera) { nexacro.Camera = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.imagequality = "100"; this.imagewidth = "0"; this.imageheight = "0"; this.encodingtype = "JPEG"; this.gettype = "0"; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "oncapture" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.oncapture = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Camera", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pCamera = nexacro.Camera.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Camera); _pCamera._type_name = "Camera"; _pCamera.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Camera", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pCamera.on_created = function () { }; _pCamera.set_imagequality = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.imagequality = 100; } else { if (v >= 0 && v <= 100) { this.imagequality = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pCamera.set_imagewidth = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.imagewidth = 0; } else { if (v >= 0) { this.imagewidth = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pCamera.set_imageheight = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.imageheight = 0; } else { if (v >= 0) { this.imageheight = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pCamera.set_encodingtype = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.encodingtype = "JPEG"; } else { if (v == "JPEG" || v.toUpperCase() == "JPEG") { this.encodingtype = "JPEG"; } else if (v == "PNG" || v.toUpperCase() == "PNG") { this.encodingtype = "PNG"; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pCamera.set_gettype = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.gettype = 0; } else { if (v == 0 || v == 1) { this.gettype = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pCamera.takePicture = function () { if (this.paramck_takePicture(this.imagequality, this.imagewidth, this.imageheight, this.encodingtype, this.gettype)) { var params = '{ "quality":"' + this.imagequality.toString(); params += '", "width":"' + this.imagewidth.toString(); params += '", "height":"' + this.imageheight.toString(); params += '", "encodingType":"' + this.encodingtype.toString(); params += '", "gettype":"' + this.gettype.toString(); params += '"}'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Camera", "method":"takePicture", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { } }; _pCamera._oncapture = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.CameraEventInfo("oncapture", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.imagedata, objData.imagewidth, objData.imageheight); this._fire_oncapture(this, e); }; _pCamera._fire_oncapture = function (objCamera, eCameraEventInfo) { if (this.oncapture && this.oncapture._has_handlers) { return this.oncapture._fireEvent(this, eCameraEventInfo); } return true; }; _pCamera._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.CameraErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pCamera._fire_onerror = function (objCamera, eCameraErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eCameraErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pCamera.paramck_takePicture = function (nQuality, nWidth, nHeight, strEncodingType, strGetType) { if (nQuality != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nQuality)) { return false; } } if (nWidth != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nWidth)) { return false; } } if (nHeight != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nHeight)) { return false; } } if (strGetType != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(strGetType)) { return false; } } if (strEncodingType != null) { if (typeof (strEncodingType) != "string") { return false; } } return true; }; _pCamera = null; } if (!nexacro.CameraEventInfo) { nexacro.CameraEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strUrl, strImagedata, strImagewidth, strImageheight) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.url = strUrl; this.imagedata = strImagedata; this.imagewidth = strImagewidth; this.imageheight = strImageheight; }; var _pCameraEventInfo = nexacro.CameraEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.CameraEventInfo); _pCameraEventInfo._type_name = "CameraEventInfo"; _pCameraEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.CameraErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.CameraErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pCameraErrorEventInfo = nexacro.CameraErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.CameraErrorEventInfo); _pCameraErrorEventInfo._type_name = "CameraErrorEventInfo"; _pCameraErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.ImagePicker) { nexacro.ImagePicker = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.imagequality = "100"; this.imagewidth = "0"; this.imageheight = "0"; this.encodingtype = "JPEG"; this.gettype = "0"; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ImagePicker", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; } else { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Camera", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; } nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pImagePicker = nexacro.ImagePicker.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ImagePicker); _pImagePicker._type_name = "ImagePicker"; _pImagePicker.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ImagePicker", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; } else { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Camera", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; } nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pImagePicker.on_created = function () { }; _pImagePicker.set_imagequality = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.imagequality = 100; } else { if (v >= 0 && v <= 100) { this.imagequality = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pImagePicker.set_imagewidth = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.imagewidth = 0; } else { if (v >= 0) { this.imagewidth = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pImagePicker.set_imageheight = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.imageheight = 0; } else { if (v >= 0) { this.imageheight = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pImagePicker.set_encodingtype = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.encodingtype = "JPEG"; } else { if (v == "JPEG" || v.toUpperCase() == "JPEG") { this.encodingtype = "JPEG"; } else if (v == "PNG" || v.toUpperCase() == "PNG") { this.encodingtype = "PNG"; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pImagePicker.set_gettype = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.gettype = 0; } else { if (v == 0 || v == 1) { this.gettype = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pImagePicker.open = function (strGetType, strGetImageType) { if ((strGetType != null && typeof (strGetType) != "undefined") && ((strGetType == 0) || (strGetType == 1) || (strGetType == "0") || (strGetType == "1"))) { this.gettype = strGetType; } else { return false; } if ((strGetImageType != null && typeof (strGetImageType) != "undefined") && ((strGetImageType == 0) || (strGetImageType == 1) || (strGetImageType == "0") || (strGetImageType == "1"))) { this.encodingtype = strGetImageType; } if (this.paramck_ImagePicker_asyncOpen(this.imagequality, this.imagewidth, this.imageheight, this.encodingtype, this.gettype)) { var params = '{ "quality":"' + this.imagequality.toString(); params += '", "width":"' + this.imagewidth.toString(); params += '", "height":"' + this.imageheight.toString(); params += '", "encodingType":"' + this.encodingtype.toString(); params += '", "gettype":"' + this.gettype.toString(); params += '"}'; var jsonstr = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ImagePicker", "method":"open", "params":' + params + '}'; } else { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Camera", "method":"open", "params":' + params + '}'; } nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pImagePicker._onsuccess = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.ImagePickerEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.url, objData.imagedata, objData.imagefile); this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pImagePicker._fire_onsuccess = function (objImagePicker, eImagePickerEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eImagePickerEventInfo); } return true; }; _pImagePicker._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.ImagePickerErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pImagePicker._fire_onerror = function (objImagePicker, eImagePickerErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eImagePickerErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pImagePicker.paramck_ImagePicker_asyncOpen = function (nQuality, nWidth, nHeight, strEncodingType, strGetType) { if (nQuality != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nQuality)) { return false; } } if (nWidth != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nWidth)) { return false; } } if (nHeight != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nHeight)) { return false; } } if (strGetType != null) { if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(strGetType)) { return false; } } if (strEncodingType != null) { if (typeof (strEncodingType) != "string") { return false; } } return true; }; _pImagePicker = null; } if (!nexacro.ImagePickerEventInfo) { nexacro.ImagePickerEventInfo = function (strEventId, strUrl, strImagedata, strImagefile) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.imageurl = strUrl; this.imagedata = strImagedata; this.imagefile = strImagefile; }; var _pImagePickerEventInfo = nexacro.ImagePickerEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ImagePickerEventInfo); _pImagePickerEventInfo._type_name = "ImagePickerEventInfo"; _pImagePickerEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.ImagePickerErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.ImagePickerErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pImagePickerErrorEventInfo = nexacro.ImagePickerErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ImagePickerErrorEventInfo); _pImagePickerErrorEventInfo._type_name = "ImagePickerErrorEventInfo"; _pImagePickerErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.AudioRecorder) { nexacro.AudioRecorder = function (name, obj) { this._obj = obj; this._refform = obj; this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.brecording = false; this.bpaused = false; this.reccurtime = ""; this.audiofile = ""; this.samplerate = 8000; this.channelconfig = 1; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { this.audioformat = "mp3"; } else { this.audioformat = "wav"; } this.enableevent = true; this._is_alive = true; this._event_list = { "onrecord" : 1, "onrecording" : 1, "onstop" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onrecord = null; this.onrecording = null; this.onstop = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"AudioRecorder", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pAudioRecorder = nexacro.AudioRecorder.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.AudioRecorder); _pAudioRecorder._type_name = "AudioRecorder"; _pAudioRecorder.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; this._is_alive = false; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"AudioRecorder", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pAudioRecorder.on_created = function () { }; _pAudioRecorder._getReferenceContext = function () { return this._refform; }; _pAudioRecorder.set_audiofile = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null || v == "") { return false; } else { this.audiofile = v; } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder.set_samplerate = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 8000 && v <= 96000) { this.samplerate = v; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder.set_channelconfig = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { if (v == 1 || v == 2) { this.channelconfig = v; } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder.set_audioformat = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefind" || v == null) { return false; } else { var dotIndex = v.lastIndexOf("."); var extentionStr = v.substring(dotIndex, v.length).toUpperCase(); if ((nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0)) { if (extentionStr == "OGG" || extentionStr == "AMR_NB" || extentionStr == "AMR_WB" || extentionStr == "MP3") { this.audioformat = v.toUpperCase(); } else { return false; } } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { if (extentionStr == "WAV") { this.audioformat = "WAV"; } else { return false; } } } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder.recordingStart = function (nIntervalTime) { var IntervalTimeState; if (typeof (nIntervalTime) == "undefined" || nIntervalTime == null || nIntervalTime == "") { return false; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(nIntervalTime) && nIntervalTime <= 86400000 && nIntervalTime >= 0) { if (nIntervalTime < 200) { return false; } else { IntervalTimeState = 0; } } else { return false; } } if (this.brecording == true) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.audiofile, this.reccurtime, "1301", "Already recording"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return false; } if (this.audiofile == "" || typeof (this.audiofile) == "undefined") { var arobj = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.audiofile, this.reccurtime, "1304", "Recording Setting Error"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return false; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var EnvironmentPath = ""; var androidFilePath = ""; var rootPathCheck = this.audiofile.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { EnvironmentPath = 1; androidFilePath = this.audiofile.substring(9, this.audiofile.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { EnvironmentPath = 2; androidFilePath = this.audiofile.substring(9, this.audiofile.length); } else { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.audiofile, this.reccurtime, "1304", "Recording Setting Error"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return false; } var params = '{ "audiofile":"' + androidFilePath; params += '", "samplerate":"' + this.samplerate; params += '", "channelconfig":"' + this.channelconfig; params += '", "audioFormat":"' + this.audioformat; params += '", "EnvironmentPath":"' + EnvironmentPath; params += '", playingeventtime:"' + nIntervalTime; params += '", intervaltimestate:"' + IntervalTimeState; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"AudioRecorder", "method":"recordingStart", "params":' + params + '}'; } else { var iPhoneFilePath = ""; var rootPathCheck = this.audiofile.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iPhoneFilePath = "_userapp_" + this.audiofile.substring(9, this.audiofile.length); } else { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.audiofile, this.reccurtime, "1304", "Recording Setting Error"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return false; } var params = '{ "audiofile":"' + iPhoneFilePath; params += '", "samplerate":"' + this.samplerate; params += '", "channelconfig":"' + this.channelconfig; params += '", "audioFormat":"' + this.audioformat; params += '", "playingeventtime":"' + nIntervalTime; params += '", "intervaltimestate":"' + IntervalTimeState; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"recordingStart", "params":' + params + '}'; } nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pAudioRecorder.recordingStop = function () { if (this.brecording == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1302", "Not recording"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"AudioRecorder", "method":"recordingStop", "params":' + params + '}'; } else { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"recordingStop", "params":' + params + '}'; } nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioRecorder.pause = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { return; } if (this.brecording == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1302", "Not recording"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bpaused == true) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.audiofile, this.reccurtime, "1303", "Already paused"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"recpause", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioRecorder.resume = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { return; } if (this.brecording == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", "", "0", "1302", "Not recording"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } if (this.bpaused == false) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.audiofile, this.reccurtime, "1011", "Not paused"); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }, 20); return; } var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"recresume", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pAudioRecorder._onrecord = function (objData) { this.brecording = true; this.bpaused = false; }; _pAudioRecorder._fire_onrecord = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onrecord && this.onrecord._has_handlers) { return this.onrecord._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder._onrecording = function (objData) { this.brecording = true; this.bpaused = false; this.reccurtime = objData.curtime; var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onrecording", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, null, null, null); this._fire_onrecording(this, e); }; _pAudioRecorder._fire_onrecording = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onrecording && this.onrecording._has_handlers) { return this.onrecording._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder._onstop = function (objData) { if (objData.reason == "5") { this.brecording = false; this.bpaused = false; } else if (objData.reason == "6") { this.brecording = true; this.bpaused = true; } var e = new nexacro.AudioEventInfo("onstop", objData.reason, objData.url, objData.playtime, objData.curtime, null, null, null); this._fire_onstop(this, e); }; _pAudioRecorder._fire_onstop = function (objAudioPlayer, eAudioEventInfo) { if (this.onstop && this.onstop._has_handlers) { return this.onstop._fireEvent(this, eAudioEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.AudioErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.url, objData.curtime, objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pAudioRecorder._fire_onerror = function (objAudioRecoder, AudioErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, AudioErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pAudioRecorder = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactSet) { nexacro.ContactSet = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.isRunning = false; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ContactSet", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pContactSet = nexacro.ContactSet.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ContactSet); _pContactSet._type_name = "ContactSet"; _pContactSet.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ContactSet", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pContactSet.on_created = function () { }; _pContactSet.query = function (strQueryInfo, nResultCnt) { if (typeof (strQueryInfo) == "undefined" || strQueryInfo == "") { return false; } if (!(nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(strQueryInfo))) { return false; } if (nResultCnt == null || typeof (nResultCnt) == "undefined") { nResultCnt = -1; } else { try { var numberss = Number(nResultCnt.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+numberss) != (+numberss)) { return false; } if (nResultCnt == 0 || nResultCnt < -1) { return false; } } var arr = strQueryInfo.split(";"); if (arr.length < 1) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var arr2 = arr[i].split(":"); if (arr2.length < 2) { return false; } else { var strKeyword = arr2[0].toLowerCase(); if (arr.length == 1) { if (!(strKeyword == "all" || strKeyword == "uniqueid" || strKeyword == "categories" || strKeyword == "birthday" || strKeyword == "contactname" || strKeyword == "nickname" || strKeyword == "note" || strKeyword == "phonenumbers" || strKeyword == "emails" || strKeyword == "ims" || strKeyword == "urls" || strKeyword == "addresses" || strKeyword == "organizations")) { return false; } } else { if (!(strKeyword == "uniqueid" || strKeyword == "categories" || strKeyword == "birthday" || strKeyword == "contactname" || strKeyword == "nickname" || strKeyword == "note" || strKeyword == "phonenumbers" || strKeyword == "emails" || strKeyword == "ims" || strKeyword == "urls" || strKeyword == "addresses" || strKeyword == "organizations")) { return false; } } } if (arr2[1].split(" ").join("").length == 0) { return false; } } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { strQueryInfo = strQueryInfo.replace(/\?/g, "_QUESTION_"); } var params = '{ "strQueryInfo":"' + strQueryInfo; params += '", "nResultCnt":"' + nResultCnt; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ContactSet", "method":"query", "params":' + params + '}'; if (this.isRunning) { return false; } this.isRunning = true; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pContactSet.append = function (objContact) { if (!(objContact instanceof nexacro.Contact)) { return false; } if (this.typeCheck(objContact) == false) { return false; } var params = objContact.toJson(); var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ContactSet", "method":"append", "params":' + params + '}'; if (this.isRunning) { return false; } this.isRunning = true; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pContactSet.update = function (objContact) { if (!(objContact instanceof nexacro.Contact)) { return false; } if (this.typeCheck(objContact) == false) { return false; } var params = objContact.toJson(); var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ContactSet", "method":"update", "params":' + params + '}'; if (this.isRunning) { return false; } this.isRunning = true; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pContactSet.remove = function (strUniqueID) { if (typeof (strUniqueID) == "undefined") { return false; } if (strUniqueID != null) { if (((+strUniqueID) != (+strUniqueID)) || strUniqueID < 0) { return false; } } var params = '{ "strUniqueID":"' + strUniqueID; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ContactSet", "method":"remove", "params":' + params + '}'; if (this.isRunning) { return false; } this.isRunning = true; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pContactSet._onsuccess = function (objData) { this.isRunning = false; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var reason = ""; var uniqueid = ""; var displayname = ""; var familyname = ""; var givenname = ""; var middlename = ""; var prefix = ""; var suffix = ""; var nickname = ""; var birthday = ""; var note = ""; var phones = ""; var emails = ""; var ims = ""; var categories = ""; var urls = ""; var address = ""; var organ = ""; var photo = ""; var arr = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < objData.length; i++) { if (typeof (objData[i].contacts) != "undefined") { if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.uniqueid) != "undefined") { uniqueid = objData[i].contacts.uniqueid; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname) != "undefined") { if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname.displayname) != "undefined") { displayname = objData[i].contacts.contactname.displayname; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname.familyname) != "undefined") { familyname = objData[i].contacts.contactname.familyname; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname.givenname) != "undefined") { givenname = objData[i].contacts.contactname.givenname; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname.middlename) != "undefined") { middlename = objData[i].contacts.contactname.middlename; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname.prefix) != "undefined") { prefix = objData[i].contacts.contactname.prefix; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.contactname.suffix) != "undefined") { suffix = objData[i].contacts.contactname.suffix; } } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.nickname) != "undefined") { nickname = objData[i].contacts.nickname; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.birthday) != "undefined") { birthday = new Date(objData[i].contacts.birthday); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.note) != "undefined") { note = objData[i].contacts.note; } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.phonenumbers) != "undefined") { phones = new Array(objData[i].contacts.phonenumbers.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.phonenumbers.length; j++) { var tmpPhone = new nexacro.ContactField("", objData[i].contacts.phonenumbers[j].type, objData[i].contacts.phonenumbers[j].value, objData[i].contacts.phonenumbers[j].label, ""); phones[j] = tmpPhone; } } else { phones = new nexacro.ContactField("", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.emails) != "undefined") { emails = new Array(objData[i].contacts.emails.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.emails.length; j++) { var tmpEmails = new nexacro.ContactField("", objData[i].contacts.emails[j].type, objData[i].contacts.emails[j].value, objData[i].contacts.emails[j].label, ""); emails[j] = tmpEmails; } } else { emails = new nexacro.ContactField("", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.ims) != "undefined") { ims = new Array(objData[i].contacts.ims.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.ims.length; j++) { var tempIms = new nexacro.ContactIM("", objData[i].contacts.ims[j].type, objData[i].contacts.ims[j].value, objData[i].contacts.ims[j].label, objData[i].contacts.ims[j].protocoltype, objData[i].contacts.ims[j].protocollabel, ""); ims[j] = tempIms; } } else { ims = new nexacro.ContactIM("", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.categories) != "undefined") { categories = new Array(objData[i].contacts.categories.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.categories.length; j++) { var tmpCategories = new nexacro.ContactField("", objData[i].contacts.categories[j].type, objData[i].contacts.categories[j].value, objData[i].contacts.categories[j].label, ""); categories[j] = tmpCategories; } } else { categories = new nexacro.ContactField("", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.urls) != "undefined") { urls = new Array(objData[i].contacts.urls.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.urls.length; j++) { var tmpUrls = new nexacro.ContactField("", objData[i].contacts.urls[j].type, objData[i].contacts.urls[j].value, objData[i].contacts.urls[j].label, ""); urls[j] = tmpUrls; } } else { urls = new nexacro.ContactField("", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.addresses) != "undefined") { address = new Array(objData[i].contacts.addresses.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.addresses.length; j++) { var tmpAddress = new nexacro.ContactAddress("", objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].type, objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].country, objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].postcode, objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].city, objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].region, objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].street, objData[i].contacts.addresses[j].label, ""); address[j] = tmpAddress; } } else { address = new nexacro.ContactAddress("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.organizations) != "undefined") { organ = new Array(objData[i].contacts.organizations.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.organizations.length; j++) { var tmpOrgan = new nexacro.ContactOrganization("", objData[i].contacts.organizations[j].type, objData[i].contacts.organizations[j].company, objData[i].contacts.organizations[j].department, objData[i].contacts.organizations[j].title, objData[i].contacts.organizations[j].label, ""); organ[j] = tmpOrgan; } } else { organ = new nexacro.ContactOrganization("", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } if (typeof (objData[i].contacts.photos) != "undefined") { photo = new Array(objData[i].contacts.photos.length); for (var j = 0; j < objData[i].contacts.photos.length; j++) { var tmpPhoto = new nexacro.ContactPhoto("", objData[i].contacts.photos[j].imagedata, objData[i].contacts.photos[j].label, ""); photo[j] = tmpPhoto; } } else { photo = new nexacro.ContactPhoto("", "", "", ""); } var temp = new nexacro.Contact("", uniqueid, displayname, familyname, givenname, middlename, prefix, suffix, nickname, birthday, note, phones, emails, ims, categories, urls, address, organ, photo, ""); arr[i] = temp; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { reason = objData[i].reason; } else { reason = objData.reason; } } var e = new nexacro.ContactSetEventInfo("onsuccess", reason, arr); } else { objData.contacts = this.makeContacts(objData.contacts); var e = new nexacro.ContactSetEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, objData.contacts); } this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pContactSet._fire_onsuccess = function (objContactSet, eContactSetEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eContactSetEventInfo); } return true; }; _pContactSet._onerror = function (objData) { this.isRunning = false; var e = new nexacro.ContactSetErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pContactSet._fire_onerror = function (objContactSet, eContactSetErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eContactSetErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pContactSet.makeContacts = function (objData) { var str = objData; var str2 = eval("(" + str + ")"); var persons = new Array(); persons = str2.contact; var contactObjList = new Array(); for (var k = 0; k < persons.length; k++) { var person = persons[k]; var phoneObjList = new Array(); var phonenumList = person.phonenumbers; for (var i = 0; i < phonenumList.length; i++) { var phonenum = new nexacro.ContactField("", phonenumList[i].type, phonenumList[i].value.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), phonenumList[i].label, ""); phoneObjList[i] = phonenum; } var categoriObjList = new Array(); var categoriList = person.categories; for (var i = 0; i < categoriList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactField("", categoriList[i].type, categoriList[i].value.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), categoriList[i].label, ""); categoriObjList[i] = tempVal; } var photoObjList = new Array(); var photoList = person.photos; for (var i = 0; i < photoList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactPhoto("", photoList[i].imagedata, photoList[i].label, ""); photoObjList[i] = tempVal; } var organizationObjList = new Array(); var organizationList = person.organizations; for (var i = 0; i < organizationList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactOrganization("", organizationList[i].type, organizationList[i].company, organizationList[i].department, organizationList[i].title, organizationList[i].label, ""); organizationObjList[i] = tempVal; } var addressObjList = new Array(); var addressList = person.addresses; for (var i = 0; i < addressList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactAddress("", addressList[i].type, addressList[i].country.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), addressList[i].postcode.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), addressList[i].city.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), addressList[i].region.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), addressList[i].street.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), addressList[i].label, ""); addressObjList[i] = tempVal; } var urlsObjList = new Array(); var urlsList = person.urls; for (var i = 0; i < urlsList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactField("", urlsList[i].type, urlsList[i].value.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), urlsList[i].label, ""); urlsObjList[i] = tempVal; } var imsObjList = new Array(); var imsList = person.ims; for (var i = 0; i < imsList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactIM("", imsList[i].type, imsList[i].value.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), imsList[i].label, imsList[i].ptype, imsList[i].plabel, ""); imsObjList[i] = tempVal; } var emailsObjList = new Array(); var emailsList = person.emails; for (var i = 0; i < emailsList.length; i++) { var tempVal = new nexacro.ContactField("", emailsList[i].type, emailsList[i].value.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"), emailsList[i].label, ""); emailsObjList[i] = tempVal; } if (typeof (person.note) != "undefined") { person.note = person.note.replace(new RegExp(" ", "gi"), " "); person.note = person.note.replace(new RegExp("_NEWLINE_", "gi"), "\n"); } contactObjList[k] = new nexacro.Contact("", person.uniqueid, person.contactname.displayname, person.contactname.familyname, person.contactname.givenname, person.contactname.middlename, person.contactname.prefix, person.contactname.suffix, person.nickname, nexacro.Device.isConvertDateToString(person.birthday), person.note, phoneObjList, emailsObjList, imsObjList, categoriObjList, urlsObjList, addressObjList, organizationObjList, photoObjList, ""); } return contactObjList; }; _pContactSet.typeCheck = function (obj) { if (typeof (obj) == "undefined") { return false; } if (typeof (obj.phonenumbers) != "undefined") { if ((obj.phonenumbers.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.phonenumbers.length; i++) { var num = obj.phonenumbers[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.phonenumbers[i].type + ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (!(str == "0" || str == "1" || str == "2" || str == "3" || str == "4" || str == "6" || str == "7" || str == "9" || str == "10")) { return false; } } else { if (str == "1") { return false; } } } } } if (typeof (obj.emails) != "undefined") { if ((obj.emails.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.emails.length; i++) { var num = obj.emails[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.emails[i].type + ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (!(str == "0" || str == "4" || str == "6" || str == "7" || str == "10")) { return false; } } else { if (str == "1") { return false; } } } } } if (typeof (obj.categories) != "undefined") { if ((obj.categories.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.categories.length; i++) { var num = obj.categories[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.categories[i].type + ""; if (str != "0") { return false; } } } } if (typeof (obj.urls) != "undefined") { if ((obj.urls.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.urls.length; i++) { var num = obj.urls[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.urls[i].type + ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (str != "12") { return false; } } else { if (str == "1") { return false; } } } } } if (typeof (obj.ims) != "undefined") { if ((obj.ims.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.ims.length; i++) { var num = obj.ims[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.ims[i].type + ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (str != "7") { return false; } var str2 = obj.ims[i].protocoltype + ""; if (!(str2 == "0" || str2 == "1" || str2 == "2" || str2 == "3" || str2 == "4" || str2 == "5" || str2 == "6" || str2 == "7" || str2 == "8")) { return false; } } else { if (str == "1") { return false; } } } } } if (typeof (obj.addresses) != "undefined") { if ((obj.addresses.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.addresses.length; i++) { var num = obj.addresses[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.addresses[i].type + ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (!(str == "0" || str == "4" || str == "7" || str == "10")) { return false; } } else { if (str == "1") { return false; } } } } } if (typeof (obj.organizations) != "undefined") { if ((obj.organizations.length) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.organizations.length; i++) { var num = obj.organizations[i].type * 1; if (num < 0 && num > 12) { return false; } var str = obj.organizations[i].type + ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (!(str == "0" || str == "7" || str == "10")) { return false; } } else { if (str != "10") { return false; } } } } } return true; }; _pContactSet = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactSetEventInfo) { nexacro.ContactSetEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, arrContacts) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.contacts = arrContacts; }; var _pContactSetEventInfo = nexacro.ContactSetEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ContactSetEventInfo); _pContactSetEventInfo._type_name = "ContactSetEventInfo"; _pContactSetEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactSetErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.ContactSetErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pContactSetErrorEventInfo = nexacro.ContactSetErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ContactSetErrorEventInfo); _pContactSetErrorEventInfo._type_name = "ContactSetErrorEventInfo"; _pContactSetErrorEventInfo = null; } if (!nexacro.Contact) { nexacro.Contact = function (name, strUniqueid, strDisplayname, strFamilyname, strGivenname, strMiddlename, strPrefix, strSuffix, strNickname, dtBirthday, strNote, arrPhonenumbers, arrEmails, arrIms, arrCategories, arrUrls, arrAddresses, arrOrganizations, arrPhotos, obj) { this.enableevent = true; if (arguments.length == 2) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.uniqueid = ""; this.contactname = { displayname : "" , familyname : "" , givenname : "" , middlename : "" , prefix : "" , suffix : "" , set_displayname : function () { }, set_familyname : function (val) { this["familyname"] = val; }, set_givenname : function (val) { this["givenname"] = val; }, set_middlename : function (val) { this["middlename"] = val; }, set_prefix : function (val) { this["prefix"] = val; }, set_suffix : function (val) { this["suffix"] = val; } }; this.nickname = ""; this.birthday = ""; this.note = ""; this.phonenumbers = ""; this.emails = ""; this.ims = ""; this.categories = ""; this.urls = ""; this.addresses = ""; this.organizations = ""; this.photos = ""; } else { this.uniqueid = strUniqueid || ""; this.contactname = { displayname : (strDisplayname || "") , familyname : (strFamilyname || "") , givenname : (strGivenname || "") , middlename : (strMiddlename || "") , prefix : (strPrefix || "") , suffix : (strSuffix || "") , set_displayname : function () { }, set_familyname : function (val) { this["familyname"] = val; }, set_givenname : function (val) { this["givenname"] = val; }, set_middlename : function (val) { this["middlename"] = val; }, set_prefix : function (val) { this["prefix"] = val; }, set_suffix : function (val) { this["suffix"] = val; } }; this.nickname = (strNickname || ""); this.birthday = (dtBirthday || ""); if (typeof (strNote) != "undefined" && strNote != "") { strNote = strNote.replace(/ /g, "\n"); } this.note = (strNote || ""); this.phonenumbers = (arrPhonenumbers || ""); this.emails = (arrEmails || ""); this.ims = (arrIms || ""); this.categories = (arrCategories || ""); this.urls = (arrUrls || ""); this.addresses = (arrAddresses || ""); this.organizations = (arrOrganizations || ""); this.photos = (arrPhotos || ""); } }; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_CUSTOM = 0; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_CALLBACK = 1; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_FAX_HOME = 2; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_FAX_WORK = 3; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_HOME = 4; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_MAIN = 5; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_MOBILE = 6; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_OTHER = 7; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_OTHER_FAX = 8; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_PAGER = 9; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_WORK = 10; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_IPHONE = 11; nexacro.Contact.TYPE_HOMEPAGE = 12; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_CUSTOM = 0; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_AIM = 1; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_MSN = 2; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_YAHOO = 3; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_SKYPE = 4; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_QQ = 5; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_GOOGLE_TALK = 6; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_ICQ = 7; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_JABBER = 8; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_NETMEETING = 9; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_FACEBOOK = 10; nexacro.Contact.PTYPE_GADUGADU = 11; var _pContact = nexacro.Contact.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Contact); _pContact._type_name = "Contact"; _pContact.on_created = function () { }; _pContact.set_uniqueid = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.uniqueid = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_displayname = function (v) { }; _pContact.set_familyname = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.contactname.familyname = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_givenname = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.contactname.givenname = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_middlename = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.contactname.middlename = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_prefix = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.contactname.prefix = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_suffix = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.contactname.suffix = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_nickname = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.nickname = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_note = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.note = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_birthday = function (v) { if (this.isValidDate(v) == true) { this.birthday = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_phonenumbers = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactFieldArray(v) == true) { this.phonenumbers = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_emails = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactFieldArray(v) == true) { this.emails = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_ims = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactIMArray(v) == true) { this.ims = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_categories = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactFieldArray(v) == true) { this.categories = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_urls = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactFieldArray(v) == true) { this.urls = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_addresses = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactAddressArray(v) == true) { this.addresses = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_organizations = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactOrganizationArray(v) == true) { this.organizations = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.set_photos = function (v) { if (this.pramk_ContactPhotoArray(v) == true) { this.photos = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContact.pramk_ContactFieldArray = function (argContactFieldArr) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(argContactFieldArr) === "[object Array]" || argContactFieldArr == "") { for (var i = 0; i < argContactFieldArr.length; i++) { if (!(nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactFieldArr[i].type) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactFieldArr[i].value) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactFieldArr[i].label))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; _pContact.pramk_ContactIMArray = function (argContactIMArr) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(argContactIMArr) === "[object Array]" || argContactIMArr == "") { for (var i = 0; i < argContactIMArr.length; i++) { if (!(nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactIMArr[i].type) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactIMArr[i].label) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactIMArr[i].value) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactIMArr[i].protocoltype) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactIMArr[i].protocollabel))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; _pContact.pramk_ContactAddressArray = function (argContactAddressArr) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(argContactAddressArr) === "[object Array]" || argContactAddressArr == "") { for (var i = 0; i < argContactAddressArr.length; i++) { if (!(nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].type) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].country) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].postcode) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].city) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].region) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].street) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactAddressArr[i].label))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; _pContact.pramk_ContactOrganizationArray = function (argContactOrganizationArr) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(argContactOrganizationArr) === "[object Array]" || argContactOrganizationArr == "") { for (var i = 0; i < argContactOrganizationArr.length; i++) { if (!(nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactOrganizationArr[i].type) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactOrganizationArr[i].company) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactOrganizationArr[i].department) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactOrganizationArr[i].title) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactOrganizationArr[i].label))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; _pContact.pramk_ContactPhotoArray = function (argContactPhotoArr) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(argContactPhotoArr) === "[object Array]" || argContactPhotoArr == "") { for (var i = 0; i < argContactPhotoArr.length; i++) { if (!(nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactPhotoArr[i].imagedata) && nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(argContactPhotoArr[i].label))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; _pContact.toJson = function () { if (this.contactname.familyname == null) { this.contactname.familyname = ""; } if (this.contactname.displayname == null) { this.contactname.displayname = ""; } if (this.contactname.givenname == null) { this.contactname.givenname = ""; } if (this.contactname.middlename == null) { this.contactname.middlename = ""; } if (this.contactname.prefix == null) { this.contactname.prefix = ""; } if (this.contactname.suffix == null) { this.contactname.suffix = ""; } if (typeof (this.uniqueid) == "undefined") { this.uniqueid = ""; } var strJson = '{ "uniqueid":"' + this.uniqueid; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { strJson += '", "contactname":{'; strJson += ' "familyname":"' + this.contactname.familyname; strJson += '", "displayname":"' + this.contactname.displayname; strJson += '", "givenname":"' + this.contactname.givenname; strJson += '", "middlename":"' + this.contactname.middlename; strJson += '", "prefix":"' + this.contactname.prefix; strJson += '", "suffix":"' + this.contactname.suffix; strJson += '"}'; } else { strJson += '", "contactname":[{'; strJson += ' "familyname":"' + this.contactname.familyname; strJson += '", "displayname":"' + this.contactname.displayname; strJson += '", "givenname":"' + this.contactname.givenname; strJson += '", "middlename":"' + this.contactname.middlename; strJson += '", "prefix":"' + this.contactname.prefix; strJson += '", "suffix":"' + this.contactname.suffix; strJson += '"}]'; } if (typeof (this.nickname) == "undefined") { this.nickname = ""; } strJson += ', "nickname":"' + this.nickname; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (this.birthday != "") { var year; var month; var date; year = this.birthday.getFullYear(); month = this.birthday.getMonth() + 1; date = this.birthday.getDate(); strJson += '", "birthday":"' + year + '-' + month + '-' + date; } else { strJson += '", "birthday":"' + this.birthday; } } else { if (this.birthday != "") { strJson += '", "birthday":"' + this.birthday.getFullYear() + '/' + (this.birthday.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + this.birthday.getDate(); } else { strJson += '", "birthday":"'; } } if (typeof (this.note) == "undefined") { this.note = ""; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { this.note = this.note.replace(/\r/g, ""); this.note = this.note.replace(/\n/g, "_NEWLINE_"); this.note = this.note.replace(/ /g, "_NEWLINE_"); } strJson += '", "note":"' + this.note; strJson += '", "phonenumbers":'; if (typeof (this.phonenumbers) != "undefined") { if ((this.phonenumbers.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.phonenumbers.length; i++) { strJson += this.phonenumbers[i].toJson(); if (((this.phonenumbers.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "emails":'; if (typeof (this.emails) != "undefined") { if ((this.emails.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.emails.length; i++) { strJson += this.emails[i].toJson(); if (((this.emails.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "ims":'; if (typeof (this.ims) != "undefined") { if ((this.ims.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.ims.length; i++) { strJson += this.ims[i].toJson(); if (((this.ims.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "categories":'; if (typeof (this.categories) != "undefined") { if ((this.categories.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) { strJson += this.categories[i].toJson(); if (((this.categories.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "urls":'; if (typeof (this.urls) != "undefined") { if ((this.urls.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.urls.length; i++) { strJson += this.urls[i].toJson(); if (((this.urls.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "addresses":'; if (typeof (this.addresses) != "undefined") { if ((this.addresses.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.addresses.length; i++) { strJson += this.addresses[i].toJson(); if (((this.addresses.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "organizations":'; if (typeof (this.organizations) != "undefined") { if ((this.organizations.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.organizations.length; i++) { strJson += this.organizations[i].toJson(); if (((this.organizations.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += ', "photos":'; if (typeof (this.photos) != "undefined") { if ((this.photos.length) > 0) { strJson += '['; for (var i = 0; i < this.photos.length; i++) { strJson += this.photos[i].toJson(); if (((this.photos.length) - 1) == i) { } else { strJson += ','; } } strJson += ']'; } else { strJson += '""'; } } else { strJson += '""'; } strJson += '}'; return strJson; }; _pContact.isValidDate = function (argDate) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(argDate) === "[object Date]" || argDate == "") { return true; } return false; }; _pContact = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactField) { nexacro.ContactField = function (name, strType, strValue, strLabel, obj) { if (arguments.length == 2) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.type = ""; this.value = ""; this.label = ""; } else { this.type = strType || ""; this.value = strValue || ""; this.label = strLabel || ""; } this.enableevent = true; }; var _pContactField = nexacro.ContactField.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ContactField); _pContactField._type_name = "ContactField"; _pContactField.on_created = function () { }; _pContactField.set_type = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.type = v; return true; } this.type = ""; return false; }; _pContactField.set_value = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.value = v; return true; } this.value = ""; return false; }; _pContactField.set_label = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.label = v; return true; } this.label = ""; return false; }; _pContactField.toJson = function () { if (typeof (this.label) == "undefined" || this.label == null) { this.label = ""; } if (typeof (this.value) == "undefined" || this.value == null) { this.value = ""; } if (typeof (this.type) == "undefined" || this.type == null) { this.type = ""; } var strJson = '{ "label":"' + this.label; strJson += '", "value":"' + this.value; strJson += '", "type":"' + this.type; strJson += '"}'; return strJson; }; _pContactField = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactIM) { nexacro.ContactIM = function (name, strType, strValue, strLabel, strPtype, strPlabel, obj) { if (arguments.length == 2) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.type = ""; this.value = ""; this.label = ""; this.protocoltype = ""; this.protocollabel = ""; } else { this.type = strType || ""; this.value = strValue || ""; this.label = strLabel || ""; this.protocoltype = strPtype || ""; this.protocollabel = strPlabel || ""; } this.enableevent = true; }; var _pContactIM = nexacro.ContactIM.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ContactIM); _pContactIM._type_name = "ContactIM"; _pContactIM.on_created = function () { }; _pContactIM.set_type = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.type = v; return true; } this.type = ""; return false; }; _pContactIM.set_value = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.value = v; return true; } this.value = ""; return false; }; _pContactIM.set_label = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.label = v; return true; } this.label = ""; return false; }; _pContactIM.set_protocoltype = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.protocoltype = v; return true; } this.protocoltype = ""; return false; }; _pContactIM.set_protocollabel = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.protocollabel = v; return true; } this.protocollabel = ""; return false; }; _pContactIM.toJson = function () { if (typeof (this.label) == "undefined" || this.label == null) { this.label = ""; } if (typeof (this.value) == "undefined" || this.value == null) { this.value = ""; } if (typeof (this.type) == "undefined" || this.type == null) { this.type = ""; } if (typeof (this.protocoltype) == "undefined" || this.protocoltype == null) { this.protocoltype = ""; } if (typeof (this.protocollabel) == "undefined" || this.protocollabel == null) { this.protocollabel = ""; } var strJson = '{ "label":"' + this.label; strJson += '", "value":"' + this.value; strJson += '", "type":"' + this.type; strJson += '", "ptype":"' + this.protocoltype; strJson += '", "plabel":"' + this.protocollabel; strJson += '"}'; return strJson; }; _pContactIM = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactAddress) { nexacro.ContactAddress = function (name, strType, strCountry, strPostcode, strCity, strRegion, strStreet, strLabel, obj) { if (arguments.length == 2) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.type = ""; this.country = ""; this.postcode = ""; this.city = ""; this.region = ""; this.street = ""; this.label = ""; } else { this.type = strType || ""; this.country = strCountry || ""; this.postcode = strPostcode || ""; this.city = strCity || ""; this.region = strRegion || ""; this.street = strStreet || ""; this.label = strLabel || ""; } this.enableevent = true; }; var _pContactAddress = nexacro.ContactAddress.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ContactAddress); _pContactAddress._type_name = "ContactAddress"; _pContactAddress.on_created = function () { }; _pContactAddress.set_type = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.type = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.set_country = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.country = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.set_postcode = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.postcode = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.set_city = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.city = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.set_region = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.region = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.set_street = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.street = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.set_label = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.label = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactAddress.toJson = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { if (typeof (this.label) == "undefined" || this.label == null) { this.label = ""; } if (typeof (this.country) == "undefined" || this.country == null) { this.country = ""; } if (typeof (this.postcode) == "undefined" || this.postcode == null) { this.postcode = ""; } if (typeof (this.city) == "undefined" || this.city == null) { this.city = ""; } if (typeof (this.region) == "undefined" || this.region == null) { this.region = ""; } if (typeof (this.street) == "undefined" || this.street == null) { this.street = ""; } if (typeof (this.type) == "undefined" || this.type == null) { this.type = ""; } var strJson = '{ "label":"' + this.label; strJson += '", "country":"' + this.country; strJson += '", "postcode":"' + this.postcode; strJson += '", "city":"' + this.city; strJson += '", "region":"' + this.region; strJson += '", "street":"' + this.street; strJson += '", "type":"' + this.type; strJson += '"}'; } else { if (typeof (this.label) == "undefined" || this.label == null) { this.label = ""; } if (typeof (this.type) == "undefined" || this.type == null) { this.type = ""; } if (typeof (this.country) == "undefined" || this.country == null) { this.country = ""; } if (typeof (this.postcode) == "undefined" || this.postcode == null) { this.postcode = ""; } if (typeof (this.city) == "undefined" || this.city == null) { this.city = ""; } if (typeof (this.region) == "undefined" || this.region == null) { this.region = ""; } if (typeof (this.street) == "undefined" || this.street == null) { this.street = ""; } var strJson = '{ "label":"' + this.label; strJson += '", "type":"' + this.type; strJson += '", "value":{'; strJson += '"Country":"' + this.country; strJson += '", "ZIP":"' + this.postcode; strJson += '", "City":"' + this.city; strJson += '", "State":"' + this.region; strJson += '", "Street":"' + this.street; strJson += '"}}'; } return strJson; }; _pContactAddress = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactOrganization) { nexacro.ContactOrganization = function (name, strType, strCompany, strDepartment, strTitle, strLabel, obj) { if (arguments.length == 2) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.type = ""; this.company = ""; this.department = ""; this.title = ""; this.label = ""; } else { this.type = strType || ""; this.company = strCompany || ""; this.department = strDepartment || ""; this.title = strTitle || ""; this.label = strLabel || ""; } this.enableevent = true; }; var _pContactOrganization = nexacro.ContactOrganization.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ContactOrganization); _pContactOrganization._type_name = "ContactOrganization"; _pContactOrganization.on_created = function () { }; _pContactOrganization.set_type = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.type = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactOrganization.set_company = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.company = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactOrganization.set_department = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.department = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactOrganization.set_title = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.title = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactOrganization.set_label = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.label = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactOrganization.toJson = function () { if (typeof (this.label) == "undefined" || this.label == null) { this.label = ""; } if (typeof (this.title) == "undefined" || this.title == null) { this.title = ""; } if (typeof (this.company) == "undefined" || this.company == null) { this.company = ""; } if (typeof (this.department) == "undefined" || this.department == null) { this.department = ""; } if (typeof (this.type) == "undefined" || this.type == null) { this.type = ""; } var strJson = '{ "label":"' + this.label; strJson += '", "title":"' + this.title; strJson += '", "company":"' + this.company; strJson += '", "department":"' + this.department; strJson += '", "type":"' + this.type; strJson += '"}'; return strJson; }; _pContactOrganization = null; } if (!nexacro.ContactPhoto) { nexacro.ContactPhoto = function (name, strImagedata, strLabel, obj) { if (arguments.length == 2) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.imagedata = ""; this.label = ""; } else { this.imagedata = strImagedata || ""; this.label = strLabel || ""; } this.enableevent = true; }; var _pContactPhoto = nexacro.ContactPhoto.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ContactPhoto); _pContactPhoto._type_name = "ContactPhoto"; _pContactPhoto.on_created = function () { }; _pContactPhoto.set_imagedata = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.imagedata = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactPhoto.set_label = function (v) { if (nexacro.Device.pramck_contactString(v) == true) { this.label = v; return true; } return false; }; _pContactPhoto.toJson = function () { var strJson = '{ "imagedata":"' + this.imagedata; strJson += '", "label":"' + this.label; strJson += '"}'; return strJson; }; _pContactPhoto = null; } if (!nexacro.ExternalAPI) { nexacro.ExternalAPI = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.enableevent = true; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onrecvdata" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; this.onrecvdata = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ExternalAPI", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pExternalAPI = nexacro.ExternalAPI.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ExternalAPI); _pExternalAPI._type_name = "ExternalAPI"; _pExternalAPI.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ExternalAPI", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pExternalAPI.on_created = function () { }; _pExternalAPI.isAccessible = function (strApplicationID) { if (typeof (strApplicationID) == "undefined" || strApplicationID.length == 0 || typeof (strApplicationID) != "string") { return false; } else { var params = '{"appID":"' + strApplicationID + '"}'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ExternalAPI", "method":"isAccessible", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } }; _pExternalAPI.execExtAPI = function (strRecvID, strApplicationID, strAPI, strParams) { if (typeof (strApplicationID) == "undefined" || strApplicationID.length == 0 || typeof (strApplicationID) != "string") { return false; } if (typeof (strAPI) == "undefined" || strAPI.length == 0) { return false; } var params = '{"recvID":"' + strRecvID + '"'; params += ', "appID":"' + strApplicationID + '"'; params += ', "apiname":"' + strAPI + '"'; params += ', "params":"' + strParams + '"}'; var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"ExternalAPI", "method":"execExtAPI", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pExternalAPI._onsuccess = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.ExternalAPIEventinfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, objData.recvid, objData.recvdata); this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pExternalAPI._fire_onsuccess = function (objExternalAPI, eExternalAPIEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eExternalAPIEventInfo); } return true; }; _pExternalAPI._onrecvdata = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.ExternalAPIEventinfo("onrecvdata", objData.reason, objData.recvid, objData.recvdata); this._fire_onrecvdata(this, e); }; _pExternalAPI._fire_onrecvdata = function (objExternalAPI, eExternalAPIEventInfo) { if (this.onrecvdata && this.onrecvdata._has_handlers) { return this.onrecvdata._fireEvent(this, eExternalAPIEventInfo); } return true; }; _pExternalAPI._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.ExternalAPIErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pExternalAPI._fire_onerror = function (objExternalAPI, eExternalAPIErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eExternalAPIErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pExternalAPI = null; } if (!nexacro.ExternalAPIEventinfo) { nexacro.ExternalAPIEventinfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strRecvid, strRecvdata) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.recvid = strRecvid; this.recvdata = strRecvdata; }; var _pExternalAPIEventinfo = nexacro.ExternalAPIEventinfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ExternalAPIEventinfo); _pExternalAPIEventinfo._type_name = "ExternalAPIEventinfo"; _pExternalAPIEventinfo = null; } if (!nexacro.ExternalAPIErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.ExternalAPIErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pExternalAPIErrorEventInfo = nexacro.ExternalAPIErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ExternalAPIErrorEventInfo); _pExternalAPIErrorEventInfo._type_name = "ExternalAPIErrorEventinfo"; _pExternalAPIErrorEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo) { nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strReturnValue) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.returnvalue = strReturnValue; }; var _pLiteDBEventInfo = nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo); _pLiteDBEventInfo._type_name = "LiteDBEventInfo"; _pLiteDBEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.LiteDBErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.LiteDBErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg, strldbErrorCode, strldbErrorMsg) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; this.ldberrorcode = strldbErrorCode; this.ldberrormsg = strldbErrorMsg; }; var _pLiteDBErrorEventInfo = nexacro.LiteDBErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.LiteDBErrorEventInfo); _pLiteDBErrorEventInfo._type_name = "LiteDBErrorEventInfo"; _pLiteDBErrorEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.LiteDBConnection) { nexacro.LiteDBConnection = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.bbegin = false; this.enableevent = true; this.sqlstatement = ""; this.busytimeout = 60000; this.openflag = 1; this.datasource = ""; this.preconnect = "false"; this.async = true; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; nexacro.LiteDBConnection.openReadWrite = 0; nexacro.LiteDBConnection.openReadWriteCreate = 1; var _pLiteDBConnection = nexacro.LiteDBConnection.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.LiteDBConnection); _pLiteDBConnection._type_name = "LiteDBConnection"; _pLiteDBConnection.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.on_created = function () { }; _pLiteDBConnection.set_busytimeout = function (v) { if (this.paramck_busytimeout(v)) { this.busytimeout = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBConnection.set_datasource = function (v) { if (this.paramck_datasource(v)) { this.datasource = v; if (this.preconnect == "true" || this.preconnect == true) { this.open(); } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBConnection.set_openflag = function (v) { if (v == LiteDBConnection.openReadWrite || v == LiteDBConnection.openReadWriteCreate) { this.openflag = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBConnection.set_preconnect = function (v) { if (v == "true" || v == "false" || v == true || v == false) { this.preconnect = v; if (this.preconnect == "true" || this.preconnect == true) { if (this.datasource != "") { this.open(); } } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBConnection.set_async = function (v) { }; _pLiteDBConnection.begin = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"begin", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pLiteDBConnection.close = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"closeDB", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pLiteDBConnection.commit = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"commit", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pLiteDBConnection.isConnected = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"isConnected", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pLiteDBConnection.open = function (strDataSource, constOpenFlag) { if (typeof (constOpenFlag) != "undefined" || constOpenFlag != null) { this.openflag = constOpenFlag; } if (typeof (strDataSource) != "undefined" || strDataSource != null) { this.datasource = strDataSource; } if (this.paramck_asyncOpen(this.datasource, this.openflag)) { if (this.datasource.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { var params = '{"datasource":"' + this.datasource.substring(9, this.datasource.length) + '", "openflag":"' + this.openflag + '", "busytimeout":"' + this.busytimeout + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"openDB", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { var params = '{"datasource":"' + this.datasource + '", "openflag":"' + this.openflag + '", "busytimeout":"' + this.busytimeout + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"openDB", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } } else { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.rollback = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLConnection", "method":"rollback", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pLiteDBConnection._onsuccess = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, objData.returnvalue); this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pLiteDBConnection._fire_onsuccess = function (objLiteDBConnection, eLiteDBEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eLiteDBEventInfo); } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.LiteDBErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg, objData.ldberrorcode, objData.ldberrormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pLiteDBConnection._fire_onerror = function (objLiteDBConnection, eLiteDBErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eLiteDBErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.paramck_busytimeout = function (timout) { if (timout == null || typeof (timout) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(timout)) { return false; } if (timout < 200 || timout > 86400000) { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.paramck_datasource = function (datasrc) { if (datasrc == null || typeof (datasrc) == "undefined") { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.paramck_asyncOpen = function (strDataSource, constOpenFlag) { if (strDataSource == null || typeof (strDataSource) == "undefined" || typeof (strDataSource) != "string") { return false; } if (!nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(constOpenFlag)) { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.paramck_query = function (db_query) { if (db_query == null || typeof (db_query) == "undefined" || typeof (db_query) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.paramck_paramck_ldbconnection = function (objconnection) { if (objconnection == null || typeof (objconnection) == "undefined" || !(objconnection instanceof nexacro.LiteDBConnection)) { if (typeof (objconnection) != "string") { } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection.paramck_asyncExecuteQuery = function (db_query) { if (db_query == null || typeof (db_query) == "undefined" || typeof (db_query) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBConnection = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.LiteDBParameter) { nexacro.LiteDBParameter = function (name, type, value) { this.name = name || ""; this.type = type || "string"; this.value = value; }; var _pLiteDBParameter = nexacro.LiteDBParameter.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.LiteDBParameter); _pLiteDBParameter._type_name = "LiteDBParameter"; _pLiteDBParameter.set_name = function (v) { if (this.paramck_datasource(v)) { this.name = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBParameter.set_value = function (v) { if (this.paramck_datasource(v)) { this.value = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBParameter.set_type = function (v) { if (this.paramck_datasource(v)) { this.type = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBParameter.toJSON = function () { var valueString; if (this.value == null) { valueString = 'null'; } else if (this.value == undefined) { valueString = 'undefined'; } else { switch (nexacro.DataUtils.toTypeCode(this.type)) { case 2: case 3: valueString = nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDecimal(this.value); break; case 4: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDecimal(this.value) + '"'; break; case 5: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDate(this.value) + '"'; break; case 6: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromTime(this.value) + '"'; break; case 7: if (this.value.dateObj == undefined) { valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDateTime(this.value) + '"'; } else { valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDateTime(this.value.dateObj) + '"'; } break; case 0: case 1: case 8: case 9: default: valueString = '"' + nexacro.Device.encodeString(this.value) + '"'; break; } } return eval('({"name":"' + this.name + '","type":' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTypeCode(this.type) + ',"value":' + valueString + '})'); }; _pLiteDBParameter.paramck_datasource = function (datasrc) { if (datasrc == null || typeof (datasrc) == "undefined") { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBParameter = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.LiteDBStatement) { nexacro.LiteDBStatement = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._obj = obj; this.query = ""; this.ldbconnection = ""; this.parameters = { }; this.paramdataset; this.applyrowpos = -1; this.enableevent = true; this.async = true; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLStatement", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pLiteDBStatement = nexacro.LiteDBStatement.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.LiteDBStatement); _pLiteDBStatement._type_name = "LiteDBStatement"; _pLiteDBStatement.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLStatement", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pLiteDBStatement.on_created = function () { }; _pLiteDBStatement.set_query = function (v) { if (this.paramck_query(v)) { this.query = v; return true; } else { return false; } }; _pLiteDBStatement.set_ldbconnection = function (v) { var ret = false; if (v instanceof nexacro.LiteDBConnection) { this.ldbconnection = v; ret = true; } else if (typeof (v) == "string") { var at = "@"; if (v.indexOf(at) == 0) { v = v.substring(at.length); } else if (v.match(/@/) == null) { v = at + v; } if (null != this._obj[v] && this._obj[v] instanceof nexacro.LiteDBConnection) { this.ldbconnection = this._obj[v]; ret = true; } } if (ret) { var params = '{"connectionID":"' + this.ldbconnection._id + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLStatement", "method":"set_SQLConnection", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return ret; }; _pLiteDBStatement.set_parameters = function (v) { if (v instanceof Object) { this.parameters = v; return true; } return false; }; _pLiteDBStatement.set_async = function (v) { }; _pLiteDBStatement.close = function () { var params; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { params = '{"id":"' + this._id + '"}'; } else { params = '""'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ',"div":"SQLStatement", "method":"close", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pLiteDBStatement.executeQuery = function (strQuery) { if (strQuery == null) { if (this.query.length == 0) { return false; } } else { if (typeof (strQuery) == "string" && strQuery.length > 0) { this.query = strQuery; } else { return false; } } var retQuery = this.retQueryString(this.query); var param_dataset = new nexacro.Dataset(); var param_parameters = { }; var param_applyrowpos = -1; if (this.parameters instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { param_dataset = this.parameters; } else { param_parameters = this.parameters; } { var params = '{"query":"' + retQuery + '","parameters":' + JSON.stringify(param_parameters) + ',"paramdataset":' + nexacro.Device.DatasetToJSONString2(param_dataset) + ',"applyrowpos":' + param_applyrowpos + '}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ',"div":"SQLStatement", "method":"executeQuery", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pLiteDBStatement.executeUpdate = function (strQuery) { if (strQuery == null) { if (this.query.length == 0) { return false; } } else { if (typeof (strQuery) == "string" && strQuery.length > 0) { this.query = strQuery; } else { return false; } } var retQuery = this.retQueryString(this.query); var param_dataset = new nexacro.Dataset(); var param_parameters = { }; var param_applyrowpos = -1; if (this.parameters instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { param_dataset = this.parameters; } else { param_parameters = this.parameters; } { var params = '{"query":"' + retQuery + '","parameters":' + JSON.stringify(param_parameters) + ',"paramdataset":' + nexacro.Device.DatasetToJSONString2(param_dataset) + ',"applyrowpos":' + param_applyrowpos + '}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"SQLStatement", "method":"executeUpdate", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pLiteDBStatement._onsuccess = function (objData) { var e; if (objData.reason != "7") { e = new nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, objData.returnvalue); } else { var tempDS = new nexacro.Dataset("__tempDS", this._obj); tempDS = nexacro.Device.JSONObjectToDataset2(objData.returnvalue, tempDS); e = new nexacro.LiteDBEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, tempDS); } this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pLiteDBStatement._fire_onsuccess = function (objLiteDBStatement, eLiteDBEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eLiteDBEventInfo); } return true; }; _pLiteDBStatement._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.LiteDBErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg, objData.ldberrorcode, objData.ldberrormsg); this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pLiteDBStatement._fire_onerror = function (objLiteDBStatement, eLiteDBErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eLiteDBErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pLiteDBStatement.retQueryString = function (str) { str = str.replace(/"/g, "_DQOUT_"); str = str.replace(/'/g, "_QUOT_"); return str; }; _pLiteDBStatement.caheckTypeKeyword = function (strQuery) { if (typeof (strQuery) == "undefined" || strQuery.length == 0) { return; } var qry = strQuery.toLowerCase(); var arr = qry.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (strQuery.match(/select/) != null) { return 1; } else if (strQuery.match(/insert/) != null) { return 2; } else if (strQuery.match(/update/) != null) { return 3; } else if (strQuery.match(/delete/) != null) { return 4; } } return 0; }; _pLiteDBStatement.paramck_query = function (db_query) { if (db_query == null || typeof (db_query) == "undefined" || typeof (db_query) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pLiteDBStatement = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.XPushEventInfo) { nexacro.XPushEventInfo = function (eventid, reason, serverip, serverport, command, action, pushmessageobject) { this.eventid = eventid; this.reason = reason; this.serverip = serverip; this.serverport = serverport; this.command = command; this.action = action; this.message = pushmessageobject; this.returnvalue = pushmessageobject.returnvalue; if (this.command == undefined) { this.command = null; } }; var _pXPushEventInfo = nexacro.XPushEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.XPushEventInfo); _pXPushEventInfo._type_name = "XPushEventInfo"; _pXPushEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.XPushErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.XPushErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg, strServerip, strServerport, strCommand, action, pushmessageobject) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; this.serverip = strServerip; this.serverport = strServerport; this.command = strCommand; this.action = action; this.pushmessageobject = pushmessageobject; if (this.command == undefined) { this.command = null; } }; var _pXPushErrorEventInfo = nexacro.XPushErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.XPushErrorEventInfo); _pXPushErrorEventInfo._type_name = "XPushErrorEventInfo"; _pXPushErrorEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.XPushKeepAliveEventInfo) { nexacro.XPushKeepAliveEventInfo = function (eventid, type) { this.eventid = eventid; this.type = type; }; var _pXPushKeepAliveEventInfo = nexacro.XPushKeepAliveEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.XPushKeepAliveEventInfo); _pXPushKeepAliveEventInfo._type_name = "XPushKeepAliveEventInfo"; _pXPushKeepAliveEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.XPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo) { nexacro.XPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo = function (eventid, userid, sendtype, sendid, receivetype, receiveid) { this.eventid = eventid; this.userid = userid; this.sendtype = sendtype; this.sendid = sendid; this.receivetype = receivetype; this.receiveid = receiveid; }; var _pXPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo = nexacro.XPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.XPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo); _pXPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo._type_name = "XPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo"; _pXPushErrorEventInfo = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.CommandControl) { nexacro.CommandControl = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.actiontype; this.callback; this.check = "0"; this.messagekey; this.messagetype; this.objdataset; this.objform; this.row = -1; this.type = "update"; this.useactiveformcallback = false; }; var _pCommandControl = nexacro.CommandControl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.CommandControl); _pCommandControl._type_name = "CommandControl"; _pCommandControl.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; return true; }; _pCommandControl.on_created = function () { }; _pCommandControl.equal = function (other) { if (this.callback != other.callback) { return false; } if (this.check != other.check) { return false; } if (this.messagekey != other.messagekey) { return false; } if (this.messagetype != other.messagetype) { return false; } if (this.objdataset !== other.objdataset) { return false; } if (this.objform !== other.objform) { return false; } if (this.row != other.row) { return false; } if (this.type != other.type) { return false; } if (this.useactiveformcallback != other.useactiveformcallback) { return false; } return true; }; _pCommandControl.toJSON = function () { return eval('({"_id":"' + this._id + '","messagetype":"' + this.messagetype + '","messagekey":"' + this.messagekey + '"})'); }; _pCommandControl.remove = function (idx) { return (idx < 0 || idx > this.length) ? this : this.slice(0, idx).concat(this.slice(idx + 1, this.length)); }; _pCommandControl = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro.XPush) { nexacro.XPush = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this.enableevent = true; this.commandlist = new Array; this.controlretry = "5"; this.debug = false; this.iplist = new Array; this.keepalivetime = "30"; this.keeptimeout = "60"; this.layouturl = ""; this.retry = 1; this.sessionid = ""; this.timeout = "30"; this.userid = ""; this._parent_elem = obj; this.errorcode; this.errormsg; this.async = true; this.connectip = ""; this.connectport = "-1"; this.connectSuccess = false; this.action; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onkeepalive" : 1 }; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pXPush = nexacro.XPush.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.XPush); _pXPush._type_name = "XPush"; _pXPush._handle = null; _pXPush._currentipinfo = null; _pXPush.on_created = function () { }; _pXPush.destroy = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pXPush.set_channeltype = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.channeltype = "single"; } else { this.channeltype = v; } return true; }; _pXPush.set_commandlist = function () { }; _pXPush.set_connectip = function (v) { }; _pXPush.set_connectport = function (v) { }; _pXPush.set_controlretry = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.controlretry = 5; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 0) { this.controlretry = v; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_debug = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.debug = false; } else { this.debug = v; } return true; }; _pXPush.set_iplist = function (v) { var len = this.iplist.length; if (len > 0) { this.iplist.splice(0, len); } if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { } else { if (v.indexOf(",") >= 0) { var ipinfolist = v.split(","); if (ipinfolist.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < ipinfolist.length; i++) { var temp = ipinfolist[i].split(":"); var ipinfo = new Object; ipinfo.ip = temp[0]; ipinfo.port = temp[1].valueOf(); ipinfo.retry = false; this.iplist.push(ipinfo); } } } else { var temp = v.split(":"); var ipinfo = new Object; ipinfo.ip = temp[0]; ipinfo.port = temp[1].valueOf(); ipinfo.retry = false; this.iplist.push(ipinfo); } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_keepalivetime = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.keepalivetime = 30; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 0) { this.keepalivetime = v; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_keeptimeout = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.keeptimeout = 60; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 0) { this.keeptimeout = v; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_layouturl = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.layouturl = ""; } else { var layoutCheck = v.substring(0, 9); if (layoutCheck.toLowerCase() != "%userapp%") { this.action = "ERROR"; this._onerror({ errorcode : "-702" }); } else { this.layouturl = v; } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_retry = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.retry = 1; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 0) { this.retry = Number(v); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_sessionid = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.sessionid = ""; } else { this.sessionid = v; } return true; }; _pXPush.set_timeout = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null) { this.timeout = 30; } else { if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(v)) { if (v >= 0) { this.timeout = v; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; _pXPush.set_userid = function (v) { if (typeof (v) == "undefined" || v == null || v == "") { this.userid = ""; } else { this.userid = v; } return true; }; _pXPush.set_async = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); this.async = v; return true; }; _pXPush.subscribe = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "ADDF"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.unsubscribe = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "DELF"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.registerDevice = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "RGST"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.unregisterDevice = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "UNRG"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.registerTopic = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "ADUI"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.unregisterTopic = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "UNUI"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.requestMessageCount = function (strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { strCommand = "MSGC"; this.command(strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack); }; _pXPush.command = function (strCommand, strMessageType, strMessageKey, objForm, objDataset, strType, strCallBack, nRow, strCheck, bUseActiveFormCallBack) { var cc = new nexacro.CommandControl(); var jsonstr; this.action = strCommand; cc.actiontype = strCommand; cc.type = strType; cc.callback = strCallBack; cc.messagekey = strMessageKey; cc.messagetype = strMessageType; cc.objdataset = objDataset; cc.objform = objForm; if (nRow != undefined) { if ((+nRow) != (+nRow)) { return false; } else { cc.row = nRow; } } else { cc.row = -1; } if (strCheck != undefined) { cc.check = strCheck; } else { cc.check = "0"; } if (bUseActiveFormCallBack != undefined) { if (typeof (bUseActiveFormCallBack) != "boolean") { if ((bUseActiveFormCallBack.toLowerCase() != "false") && (bUseActiveFormCallBack.toLowerCase() != "true")) { cc.useactiveformcallback = false; } else { cc.useactiveformcallback = bUseActiveFormCallBack; } } else { cc.useactiveformcallback = bUseActiveFormCallBack; } } else { cc.useactiveformcallback = false; } this.strCommand = strCommand; this.strMessageType = strMessageType; this.strMessageKey = strMessageKey; this.objDataset = objDataset; this.strCallBack = strCallBack; if (this.strCommand === undefined || this.strCommand === null || this.strCommand == "") { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-701" }); } else { this.strCommand = this.strCommand.toString(); if (strCommand == "ADDF" || strCommand == "DELF") { if (objForm === undefined || objForm === null || this.strMessageType === undefined || this.strMessageType === null || this.strMessageType == "" || this.strMessageKey === undefined || this.strMessageKey === null || this.strMessageKey == "" || this.objDataset === undefined || this.objDataset === null || strType === undefined || strType === null || strType == "" || this.strCallBack === undefined || this.strCallBack === null || this.strCallBack == "") { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-701" }); } else { this.strMessageType = this.strMessageType.toString(); this.strMessageKey = this.strMessageKey.toString(); if ((strType.toLowerCase() != "append") && (strType.toLowerCase() != "update") && (strType.toLowerCase() != "insert") && (strType.toLowerCase() != "replace") && (strType != "allUpdate")) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-701" }); } else { this.strCallBack = this.strCallBack.toString(); if (objForm[this.strCallBack] === undefined) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-701" }); } else { if (strCommand == "ADDF") { var params = '{"type":"' + strType.toLowerCase() + '","parameters":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"ADDF", "params":' + params + '}'; var i, duplicated = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.commandlist.length; i++) { var item = this.commandlist[i]; if (item.equal(cc)) { duplicated = true; break; } } if (!duplicated) { this.commandlist.push(cc); } } else if (strCommand == "DELF") { jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"DELF", "params":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; var i; for (var i = 0; i < this.commandlist.length; i++) { var item = this.commandlist[i]; if (item.equal(cc)) { break; } } } } } } } else if (strCommand == "ADUI") { if (this.connectSuccess == false) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-1002" }); return; } jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"ADUI", "params":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; this.commandlist.push(cc); } else if (strCommand == "UNUI") { if (this.connectSuccess == false) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-1003" }); return; } jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"UNUI", "params":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; this.commandlist.push(cc); } else if (strCommand == "MSGC") { if (this.connectSuccess == false) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-1004" }); return; } jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"MSGC", "params":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; this.commandlist.push(cc); } else if (strCommand == "RGST") { if (this.connectSuccess == false) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-1001" }); return; } jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"RGST", "params":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; this.commandlist.push(cc); } else if (strCommand == "UNRG") { if (this.connectSuccess == false) { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-1001" }); return; } jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"UNRG", "params":' + JSON.stringify(cc) + '}'; this.commandlist.push(cc); } else { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-701" }); } } if (!(jsonstr === undefined || jsonstr === null || jsonstr == "")) { nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } }; _pXPush.connect = function (userid, sessionid) { var retry_Cnt; var bSuccessed; if (userid == null) { userid = this.userid; } this.userid = userid; if (sessionid == null) { sessionid = this.sessionid; } this.sessionid = sessionid; if (nexacro.Device.publicNumCheck(this.retry)) { if (this.retry >= 0) { retry_Cnt = Number(this.retry); } } var params; params = '{ "strUserID":"' + userid; params += '", "strSessionID":"' + sessionid; params += '", "iplist":' + JSON.stringify(this.iplist); params += ', "retry":"' + retry_Cnt; params += '", "controlretry":"' + this.controlretry; params += '", "layouturl":"' + this.layouturl; params += '", "keepalivetime":"' + this.keepalivetime; params += '", "keeptimeout":"' + this.keeptimeout; params += '", "timeout":"' + this.timeout; params += '", "commandlist":' + JSON.stringify(this.commandlist); params += '}'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"connect", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pXPush.disconnect = function () { if (this.connectSuccess) { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"disconnect", "params":' + params + '}'; this.connectSuccess = false; this.commandlist.length = 0; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this.action = "BYEC"; this._onerror({ errorcode : "-401" }); } }; _pXPush.resume = function () { if (this.connectSuccess) { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"resume", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-601" }); } }; _pXPush.suspend = function () { if (this.connectSuccess) { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"suspend", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this._onerror({ errorcode : "-501" }); } }; _pXPush.getCurrentIP = function () { if (this.connectip) { return this.connectip; } return null; }; _pXPush.getCurrentPort = function () { if (this.connectport) { return this.connectport; } return null; }; _pXPush.sendResponse = function (msgid) { if (this.connectSuccess) { var params; var jsonstr; params = '{"msgid":"' + msgid + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"sendResponse", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { this.action = "RECT"; this._onerror({ errorcode : "-901" }); } }; _pXPush.requestMessage = function () { if (this.connectSuccess) { if (arguments.length < 2) { return; } var messagetype = arguments[0]; var messagekeys = ""; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (i > 1) { messagekeys += ",\"" + (arguments[i]) + "\""; } else { messagekeys += "\"" + (arguments[i]) + "\""; } } if (messagekeys.length > 0) { var params; var jsonstr; params = '{"messagetype":"' + messagetype + '", "messagekeys":[' + messagekeys + ']}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"XPush", "method":"requestMessage", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } } else { this.action = "REQD"; this._onerror({ errorcode : "-902" }); } }; _pXPush._resetIPList = function () { var length = this.iplist.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this.iplist[i].retry) { this.iplist[i].retry = false; } } }; _pXPush._getrandomipinfo = function () { var length = this.iplist.length; if (length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this.iplist[i].retry == false) { break; } } if (i == length) { return null; } var randidx; do { randidx = Math.floor((Math.random() * ((length - 1) - 0 + 1))) + 0; } while (this.iplist[randidx].retry); this.iplist[randidx].retry = true; this._currentipinfo = this.iplist[randidx]; return this._currentipinfo; } return null; }; _pXPush._onxpush = function (ret) { var retData; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { retData = ret; } else { retData = eval("(" + ret + ")"); } this.RecvData = retData.recvdata; var paramRow; var paramChangeColumns = new Array(); var paramAllColumns = new Array(); var paramChangeRows = new Array(); var paramobjChangeList = new Array(); var rows = this.RecvData.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows[i]; var messageType = this.RecvData.type; var messageKey = row[this.RecvData.key]; var layoutKey = this.RecvData.key; var checkFieldname = this.RecvData.check; for (var j = 0; j < this.commandlist.length; j++) { var cc = this.commandlist[j]; if (cc.messagetype == messageType && cc.messagekey == messageKey) { if (cc.type == "append") { var cr = cc.objdataset.addRow(); for (colId in row) { if (!row.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { continue; } paramAllColumns.push(colId); cc.objdataset.setColumn(cr, colId, nexacro.Device.decodeString(row[colId])); paramChangeColumns.push(colId); } paramRow = cr; } else if (cc.type == "insert") { var cr = cc.objdataset.insertRow(cc.row); for (colId in row) { if (!row.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { continue; } cc.objdataset.setColumn(cr, colId, nexacro.Device.decodeString(row[colId])); paramAllColumns.push(colId); paramChangeColumns.push(colId); } paramRow = cr; } else if (cc.type == "replace") { for (colId in row) { if (!row.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { continue; } var value = cc.objdataset.getColumn(cc.row, colId); if (value != nexacro.Device.decodeString(row[colId])) { cc.objdataset.setColumn(cc.row, colId, nexacro.Device.decodeString(row[colId])); paramChangeColumns.push(colId); paramRow = cc.row; } } paramAllColumns.push(colId); } else if (cc.type == "update") { var cr = cc.objdataset.findRow(layoutKey, messageKey); for (colId in row) { if (!row.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { continue; } paramAllColumns.push(colId); var value = cc.objdataset.getColumn(cr, colId); if (value != row[colId]) { if ((cc.check == "0") || ((checkFieldname == colId) && (row[colId] == cc.check))) { cc.objdataset.setColumn(cr, colId, nexacro.Device.decodeString(row[colId])); paramChangeColumns.push(colId); } } } paramRow = cr; } else if (cc.type == "allUpdate") { for (var cr = 0; cr < cc.objdataset.getRowCount(); cr++) { if (messageKey == cc.objdataset.getColumn(cr, layoutKey)) { paramChangeRows.push(cr); var temp = new Array(); temp.push(cr); for (colId in row) { if (!row.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { continue; } var value = cc.objdataset.getColumn(cr, colId); if (value != row[colId]) { if ((cc.check == "0") || (row[colId] == cc.check)) { cc.objdataset.setColumn(cr, colId, nexacro.Device.decodeString(row[colId])); temp.push(colId); } } } paramobjChangeList.push(temp.join()); } } } if ((!cc.useactiveformcallback) || (cc.useactiveformcallback && (cc.objform === application.getActiveForm()))) { if (cc.type != "allUpdate") { var callbackFn = cc.objform[cc.callback]; if (callbackFn instanceof Function) { callbackFn.call(cc.objform, paramRow, paramChangeColumns.join(), paramAllColumns.join(), "DATA", retData.action, retData.messageid); paramChangeRows.splice(0, paramChangeRows.length); paramAllColumns.splice(0, paramAllColumns.length); } } else if (cc.type == "allUpdate") { var callbackFn = cc.objform[cc.callback]; if (callbackFn instanceof Function) { callbackFn.call(cc.objform, paramChangeRows.join(), null, paramobjChangeList, "DATA", retData.action, retData.messageid); paramChangeRows.splice(0, paramChangeRows.length); paramobjChangeList.splice(0, paramobjChangeList.length); } } } } } } }; _pXPush._onsuccess = function (objData) { var pushmessageobject = new Object(); pushmessageobject.messagetype = ""; pushmessageobject.messagekey = ""; pushmessageobject.messageid = ""; pushmessageobject.returnvalue = ""; if (objData.classtype == "AUTH") { this.connectSuccess = true; } if (objData.classtype == "RECT") { pushmessageobject.messagetype = ""; pushmessageobject.messagekey = ""; pushmessageobject.messageid = objData.messagetype; } else if (objData.classtype == "RGST" || objData.classtype == "UNRG") { if (nexacro.OS == "Android") { pushmessageobject.messagetype = ""; pushmessageobject.messagekey = ""; pushmessageobject.messageid = ""; } } else if (objData.classtype == "MSGC") { pushmessageobject.messageid = ""; pushmessageobject.messagetype = objData.messagetype; pushmessageobject.messagekey = objData.messagekey; pushmessageobject.returnvalue = objData.returnvalue.messagecount; } else { pushmessageobject.messageid = ""; pushmessageobject.messagetype = objData.messagetype; pushmessageobject.messagekey = objData.messagekey; } var command; var listlength = this.commandlist.length; var index; for (index = 0; index < listlength; index++) { command = this.commandlist[index]; if (command.messagetype == objData.messagetype) { if (command.messagekey == objData.messagekey) { break; } } } if (index == listlength) { command = null; } if (command && (objData.classtype == "DELF" || objData.classtype == "ADUI" || objData.classtype == "UNUI" || objData.classtype == "MSGC" || objData.classtype == "RGST " || objData.classtype == "UNRG")) { command.actiontype = objData.classtype; var e = new nexacro.XPushEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, objData.serverip, objData.serverport, command, objData.action, pushmessageobject); this.connectip = objData.serverip; this.connectport = objData.serverport; this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); this.commandlist.splice(index, 1); } else { if (command) { command.actiontype = objData.classtype; } var e = new nexacro.XPushEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, objData.serverip, objData.serverport, command, objData.action, pushmessageobject); this.connectip = objData.serverip; this.connectport = objData.serverport; this._fire_onsuccess(this, e); } }; _pXPush._fire_onsuccess = function (objXPush, eXPushEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eXPushEventInfo); } return true; }; _pXPush._onerror = function (objData) { var pushmessageobject = new Object(); pushmessageobject.messagetype = ""; pushmessageobject.messagekey = ""; pushmessageobject.messageid = ""; pushmessageobject.returnvalue = ""; if (objData.classtype == "RECT") { pushmessageobject.messageid = objData.messagetype; pushmessageobject.messagekey = ""; pushmessageobject.messagetype = ""; } else { pushmessageobject.messagetype = objData.messagetype; pushmessageobject.messagekey = objData.messagekey; pushmessageobject.messageid = ""; } var command; var listlength = this.commandlist.length; for (var i = 0; i < listlength; i++) { command = this.commandlist[i]; command.actiontype = objData.classtype; if (command.messagetype == objData.messagetype) { if (command.messagekey == objData.messagekey) { break; } } command = null; } var errormsg = this._geterrormsg(objData.errorcode); if (objData.action === undefined) { objData.action = this._getaction(this.action); } this.errorcode = objData.errorcode; this.errormsg = errormsg; var e = new nexacro.XPushErrorEventInfo("onerror", this.errorcode, errormsg, objData.serverip, objData.serverport, command, objData.action, pushmessageobject); this.connectip = objData.serverip; this.connectport = objData.serverport; this._fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pXPush._fire_onerror = function (objXPush, eXPushErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eXPushErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pXPush._onkeepalive = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.XPushKeepAliveEventInfo("onkeepalive", objData.type); this._fire_onkeepalive(this, e); }; _pXPush._fire_onkeepalive = function (objXPush, eXPushKeepAliveEventInfo) { if (this.onkeepalive && this.onkeepalive._has_handlers) { return this.onkeepalive._fireEvent(this, eXPushKeepAliveEventInfo); } }; _pXPush._seterror = function (errorcode, errormsg) { this.errorcode = errorcode; this.errormsg = errormsg; }; _pXPush._onrequestmessagecount = function (userid, sendtype, sendid, receivetype, receiveid) { var e = new nexacro.XPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo(userid, sendtype, sendid, receivetype, receiveid); this._fire_onrequestmessagecount(this, e); }; _pXPush._fire_onrequestmessagecount = function (objXPush, eXPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo) { if (this.onrequestmessagecount && this.requestmessagecount._has_handlers) { return this.onrequestmessagecount._fireEvent(this, eXPushRequestMessageCountEventInfo); } }; _pXPush._getaction = function (action) { var pushaction; switch (action) { case "ERROR": pushaction = -1; break; case "AUTH": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.AUTH; break; case "BYEC": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.BYEC; break; case "ADDF": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.ADDF; break; case "DELF": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.DELF; break; case "REQD": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.REQD; break; case "RECT": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.RECT; break; case "RGST": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.RGST; break; case "UNRG": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.UNRG; break; case "ADUI": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.ADUI; break; case "UNUI": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.UNUI; break; case "MSGC": pushaction = nexacro.XPushAction.MSGC; break; } return pushaction; }; _pXPush._geterrormsg = function (errorcode) { var codename; if (errorcode == -100) { codename = "object_push_send_byec"; } else if (errorcode == -101) { codename = "object_push_socket_timeout"; } else if (errorcode == -200) { codename = "object_push_fail_command_auth"; } else if (errorcode == -201) { codename = "object_push_fail_all_command_auth"; } else if (errorcode == -202) { codename = "object_push_fail_data_auth"; } else if (errorcode == -300) { codename = "object_push_fail_connect"; } else if (errorcode == -301) { codename = "object_push_fail_send_receive"; } else if (errorcode == -302) { codename = "object_push_connected_already"; } else if (errorcode == -401) { codename = "object_push_fail_disconnect"; } else if (errorcode == -501) { codename = "object_push_fail_suspend"; } else if (errorcode == -601) { codename = "object_push_fail_resume"; } else if (errorcode == -701) { codename = "object_push_fail_command"; } else if (errorcode == -702) { codename = "object_push_notfound_layouturl"; } else if (errorcode == -703) { codename = "object_push_invalid_layouturl"; } else if (errorcode == -801) { codename = "object_push_fail_protocol_version"; } else if (errorcode == -901) { codename = "object_push_fail_rect"; } else if (errorcode == -902) { codename = "object_push_fail_reqd"; } else if (errorcode == -1001) { codename = "object_push_fail_rgst_unrg"; } else if (errorcode == -1002) { codename = "object_push_fail_adui"; } else if (errorcode == -1003) { codename = "object_push_fail_unui"; } else if (errorcode == -1004) { codename = "object_push_fail_msgc"; } return application._getErrorMessge(codename); }; _pXPush.getObject = function (sid) { if (sid == undefined) { willrunfunc = null; } else { sid = sid * 1; var willrunfunc = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[sid]; if (typeof willrunfunc == "undefined" || willrunfunc == null) { willrunfunc = null; } } return willrunfunc; }; _pXPush = null; } ; if (!nexacro.FakeXMLHttpRequest) { nexacro.FakeXMLHttpRequest = function (name, obj, ndatatype, compress) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this._obj = obj; this.name = name || ""; this.strURL = ""; this.strDataType = ndatatype || ""; this.strCompress = compress; this.responseHeaders = { }; this.responseAllHeaders = { }; this.requestHeaders = { }; this.UNSENT = 0; this.OPENED = 1; this.HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2; this.LOADING = 3; this.DONE = 4; this.readyState = 0; this.timeout = 0; this.withCredentials = false; this.upload = { }; this.status = 0; this.statusText = ""; this.response = ""; this.responseType = ""; this.responseText = ""; this.responseXML = ""; this.onreadystatechange = function () { }; var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"FakeXMLHttpRequest", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; var _pFakeXMLHttpRequest = nexacro.FakeXMLHttpRequest.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.FakeXMLHttpRequest); _pFakeXMLHttpRequest._type_name = "FakeXMLHttpRequest"; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.destory = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"FakeXMLHttpRequest", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.on_created = function () { }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.open = function (method, path, async, user, password) { this.strURL = path; }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader = function (header, value) { this.requestHeaders[header] = value; }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.send = function (data) { this.SendData = data; var params = '{"sendData":"' + nexacro.Device.encodeString(data) + '","strURL":"' + this.strURL + '","protocolparameters":' + JSON.stringify(nexacro.Device._protocolparameters) + ',"strDataType":"' + this.strDataType + '","bCompress":"' + this.strCompress + '","requestHeaders":' + JSON.stringify(this.requestHeaders) + '}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"FakeXMLHttpRequest", "method":"sendData", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.getSendData = function () { return nexacro.Device.encodeString(this.SendData); }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.abort = function () { return false; }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader = function (header) { return this.responseHeaders[header]; }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders = function () { return this.responseAllHeaders; }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType = function (mime) { }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest._fire_onreadystatechange = function (ret) { var retData = eval("(" + ret + ")"); this.readyState = retData.readyState; this.status = retData.status; if (retData.responseText) { this.responseText = nexacro.Device.decodeString(retData.responseText); } if (retData.responseAllHeaders) { this.responseHeaders = JSON.parse(nexacro.Device.decodeString(retData.responseAllHeaders)); } if (this.responseHeaders) { this.responseAllHeaders = JSON.stringify(this.responseHeaders); } this.onreadystatechange.call(); }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest._fire_ontargetevent = function (ret) { var retData = eval("(" + ret + ")"); var eventname = retData.eventname; this.readyState = retData.readyState; this.status = retData.status; if (this.upload[eventname] != undefined) { this.upload[eventname].call(); } }; _pFakeXMLHttpRequest = null; }