//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Tray) { nexacro.Tray = function (id, parent) { this.id = id; this.icon = "default"; this.tooltip = ""; this.items = new nexacro.Collection(); this.name = id; this._handle = null; this._init_flag = false; this._event_list = { "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1 }; }; var _pTray = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Tray); nexacro.Tray.prototype = _pTray; _pTray._type_name = "Tray"; _pTray.on_created = function () { this._handle = nexacro._createTrayHandle(this.icon, this.tooltip); var cnt = this.items.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { this.items[i].on_created(); } }; _pTray._destroy = function () { var cnt = this.items.length; for (var i = cnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.items.delete_item(i); } nexacro._removeTrayHandle(this._handle); application.trays.delete_item(this.id); application.all.delete_item(this.id); }; _pTray.set_id = function (v) { if (v != this.id) { this.id = this.name = v; } }; _pTray.set_name = function (v) { if (v != this.name) { this.id = this.name = v; } }; _pTray.set_icon = function (v) { if (v != this.icon) { this.icon = v; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._setTrayIconHandle(this._handle, this.icon); } }; _pTray.set_tooltip = function (v) { if (v != this.tooltip) { this.tooltip = v; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._setTrayTooltipHandle(this._handle, this.tooltip); } }; _pTray.show = function () { if (this._init_flag) { this.on_created(); } }; _pTray.destroy = function () { this._destroy(); }; _pTray.init = function (id, icon, tooltip) { var obj = application.trays[id]; if (obj && obj._handle == null) { this.set_id(id); this.set_icon(icon); this.set_tooltip(tooltip); this._init_flag = true; } }; _pTray.showBalloonTip = function (titleicon, title, text, nosound) { var bRet = false; var timeout = -1; if (!nosound) { nosound = false; } nexacro._showTrayBalloonTipHandle(this._handle, titleicon, title, text, timeout, nosound); }; _pTray.addItem = function (id, obj) { if (obj._type_name == "TrayPopupMenu") { if (this.items.indexOf(id) >= 0) { return -1; } else { return this.items.add_item(id, obj); } } }; _pTray.insertItem = function (index, id, obj) { if (obj._type_name == "TrayPopupMenu") { if (this.items.indexOf(id) >= 0) { return -1; } else { return this.items.insert_item(index, id, obj); } } }; _pTray.deleteItem = function (id) { return this.items.delete_item(id); }; _pTray.findItem = function (id) { var find_pos = this.items.indexOf(id); if (find_pos == undefined) { find_pos = -1; } return find_pos; }; _pTray.getItemCount = function () { var count = this.items.size(); return count; }; _pTray.destroy = function () { this._destroy(); }; _pTray.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY) { if (this.ondblclick && this.ondblclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ClickEventInfo(this, "ondblclick", "lbutton", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, -1, -1, -1, -1, this, this); return this.ondblclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTray.on_fire_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY) { if (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttonup", "lbutton", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, -1, -1, -1, -1, this, this); return this.onlbuttonup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTray.on_fire_onrbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY) { if (this.onrbuttonup && this.onrbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(this, "onrbuttonup", "rbutton", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, -1, -1, -1, -1, this, this); return this.onrbuttonup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; delete _pTray; } ; if (!nexacro.TrayPopupMenu) { nexacro.TrayPopupMenu = function (id, parent) { this.id = id; this.parent = parent; this._popupmenu = null; this._handle = null; this.innerdataset = ""; this._innerdataset = ""; this._level = 0; this._rowindex = 0; this.captioncolumn = ""; this.checkboxcolumn = ""; this.enablecolumn = ""; this.hotkeycolumn = ""; this.iconcolumn = ""; this.idcolumn = ""; this.levelcolumn = ""; this.userdatacolumn = ""; this._event_list = { "onmenuclick" : 1 }; }; var _pTrayPopupMenu = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.TrayPopupMenu); nexacro.TrayPopupMenu.prototype = _pTrayPopupMenu; _pTrayPopupMenu._type_name = "TrayPopupMenu"; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_created = function () { if (this._innerdataset == null && this.innerdataset != null) { var str = this.innerdataset; this._innerdataset = application._getDatasetObject(str); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } this._handle = nexacro._createTrayPopupMenuHandle(this.parent._handle); this._createPopupMenu(this._handle); }; _pTrayPopupMenu._createPopupMenu = function (handle) { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds && this.levelcolumn && this.captioncolumn && this.idcolumn) { var len = ds.getRowCount(); for (var rowindex = this._rowindex; rowindex < len; rowindex++) { var level = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.levelcolumn); if (level == this._level) { var flags = "string"; var caption = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.captioncolumn); if (caption == "-") { flags = "separator"; } var icon = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.iconcolumn); if (icon) { flags = "bitmap"; } var enable = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.enablecolumn); if (enable) { if (!nexacro._toBoolean(enable)) { flags = "disabled"; } } var id = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.idcolumn); if (id) { id = rowindex; } var checkbox = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.checkboxcolumn); if (checkbox) { if (nexacro._toBoolean(checkbox)) { flags = "checked"; } } var userdata = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.userdatacolumn); var icon = ds.getColumn(rowindex, this.iconcolumn); var nextlevel = ds.getColumn(rowindex + 1, this.levelcolumn); if (nextlevel - level == 1) { flags = "popup"; var sub_handle = nexacro._createTrayPopupMenuHandle(this.parent._handle); this._level++; this._rowindex = rowindex + 1; this._createPopupMenu(sub_handle); nexacro._setTrayPopupMenuItemHandle(this.parent._handle, handle, flags, sub_handle, caption, icon); this._level--; nextlevel = ds.getColumn(this._rowindex + 1, this.levelcolumn); if (nextlevel - level < 0) { break; } } else if (nextlevel - level < 0) { nexacro._setTrayPopupMenuItemHandle(this.parent._handle, handle, flags, id, caption, icon); this._rowindex = rowindex; break; } else { nexacro._setTrayPopupMenuItemHandle(this.parent._handle, handle, flags, id, caption, icon); } } } } }; _pTrayPopupMenu._updatePopupMenu = function (handle) { this._level = 0; this._rowindex = 0; nexacro._destroyTrayPopupMenuHandle(this.parent._handle, handle); this._handle = nexacro._createTrayPopupMenuHandle(this.parent._handle); this._createPopupMenu(this._handle); }; _pTrayPopupMenu.trackPopup = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro._displayTrayPopupMenuHandle(this.parent._handle, this._handle); application._current_tray_popup = this; } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_innerdataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setInnerDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.innerdataset) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = application._getDatasetObject(str); this.innerdataset = str; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (this.innerdataset && !this._innerdataset) { this._setInnerDatasetStr(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_innerdataset = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { var callback = this._callbackFromDataset; ds._setEventHandler("onrowposchanged", callback, this); ds._setEventHandler("oncolumnchanged", callback, this); ds._setEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", callback, this); if (this._handle) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } } }; _pTrayPopupMenu._setInnerDatasetStr = function (str) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = application._getDatasetObject(str); this.innerdataset = str; } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.getInnerDataset = function () { return this._innerdataset; }; _pTrayPopupMenu.setInnerDataset = function (obj) { if (!obj) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { this._innerdataset = obj; this.innerdataset = obj.id; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_captioncolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.captioncolumn) { this.captioncolumn = v; this.on_apply_captioncolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_captioncolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_checkboxcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.checkboxcolumn) { this.checkboxcolumn = v; this.on_apply_checkboxcolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_checkboxcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_enablecolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.enablecolumn) { this.enablecolumn = v; this.on_apply_enablecolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_enablecolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_hotkeycolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.hotkeycolumn) { this.hotkeycolumn = v; this.on_apply_hotkeycolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_hotkeycolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_iconcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.iconcolumn) { this.iconcolumn = v; this.on_apply_iconcolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_iconcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_idcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.idcolumn) { this.idcolumn = v; this.on_apply_idcolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_idcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_levelcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.levelcolumn) { this.levelcolumn = v; this.on_apply_levelcolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_levelcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.set_userdatacolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.userdatacolumn) { this.userdatacolumn = v; this.on_apply_userdatacolumn(); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_apply_userdatacolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._updatePopupMenu(this._handle); } }; _pTrayPopupMenu.on_fire_onmenuclick = function (id) { var ds = this._innerdataset; var index = id; var itemid = ds.getColumn(index, this.idcolumn); var itemuserdata = ds.getColumn(index, this.userdatacolumn); var level = ds.getColumn(index, this.levelcolumn); if (this.onmenuclick && this.onmenuclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MenuClickEventInfo(this, "onmenuclick", itemid, itemuserdata, index, level); this.onmenuclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; delete _pTrayPopupMenu; } ;